Dmitrii Fursaev

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Dmitrii Fursaev ( Фурсаев Дмитрий Владимирович, born 1963.12.26, Tallinn), rector of university of Dubna [1].

Fursaev has publications about the quantum gravity [2][3][4][5][6].

Fursaev become widely known since 2012 Mach. It is indicated that 2012 December 5, Fursaev withdrew students from classes and sent them to the pro–Putin meeting booking for them 10 buses [7][8][9][10]. It is said that edro's – pro–rector Yurii Kriukov (Крюков Юрий Алексеевич) also contributes in such events. One suggests to qualify this activity by the article 149 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation [11]. In TORI, the two pages of corresponding report to the Russian "procuratura" [12] are available [13][14].


Quantum gravity, Yurii Kriukov, Vladimir Putin, Election fraud, edro, corruption, Russia


  1. Фурсаев Дмитрий Владимирович, official site, in Russian
  2. D.V.Fursaev. Can One Understand Black Hole Entropy without Knowing Much about Quantum Gravity? October 18, 2007
  3. D.V.Fursaev, Can one understand black hole entropy without knowing much about quantum gravity? Phys.Part.Nucl. 36: 81-99 (2005)
  4. V.Frolov and D.Fursaev. Statistical Mechanics on Axially Symmetric Space-Times with the Killing Horizon and Entropy of Rotating Black Holes in Induced Gravity. Phys.Rev.D 61 (2000) 024007.
  5. V.Frolov and D.Fursaev, Statistical Mechanics of Charged Black Holes in Induced Einstein-Maxwell Gravity, Phys.Rev.D61 (2000) 064010.
  6. D.V.Fursaev, V.P.Frolov, Thermal fields, entropy, and black holes. Class.Quantum.Grav. 15: 2041-2074 (1998), e-Print Archive: hep-th/9802010
  7. Студенты жалуются на ректора, отправившего их на митинг. 19 марта 2012 г., 10:07 GMT 14:07 MCK. Как утверждают в своем заявлении учащиеся, инициатива организовать отправку в Москву десяти автобусов со студентами исходила от руководства университета, в частности, от ректора Дмитрия Фурсаева и проректора Юрия Крюкова, который является депутатом Дубнинского горсовета от "Единой России". (in Russian)
  8. Вместо учёбы - на Манежную. TheAlsamson on Mar 5, 2012. Отправка студентов университета "Дубна" на митинг в поддержку Путина. 5 марта 2012 года. (In Russian)
  9. Ярослав Никулин. Остается ли наш университет местом для учебы? 14.03.2012. (In Russian)
  10. Вместо учёбы - на Манежку. 2012 March 7th, 0:49. (In Russian)
  11. THE CRIMINAL CODE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION NO. 63-FZ OF JUNE 13, 1996. .. Article 149. Obstruction of the Holding of a Meeting, Assembly, Demonstration, Procession, or Picketing, or of Participation in the Aforesaid. // Illegal obstruction of the holding of a meeting, assembly, demonstration, procession, or picketing, or of participation in them, or compulsion to take part in them, if these acts have been committed by an official through his official position, or through the use of violence, or through the threat of its use, // shall be punishable by a fine in the amount up to 300 thousand roubles, or in the amount of the wage or salary, or any other income of the convicted person for a period up to two years, or by deprivation of liberty for a term of up to three years, with disqualification to hold specified offices or to engage in specified activities for a term of up to three years, or permanent disqualification.
  12. Вместо учёбы - на Манежку 2. March 18th, 19:56. (In Russian)
