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Protest at Berlin, photo by [1]

2012.06.01.Meeting fevers to the visit of Vladimir Putin to Berlin and Paris in 2012.06.01. At Berlin, Butin met Angela Merkel, prime minister of Germany. Then he moved to France to meet the French president Francois Holland. In both places, the protesters had shown the anti–Putin slogans in Russian, German, French and English [2], indicating, that the European leaders should not deal with Vladimir Putin.

Historical context

Putin in Europe is known with the failure of investigation of the crash of Nevskii express in 2009 and katyn-2 in 2010, election fraud in 2011 and 2012, the Bloody sunday, political prisoners, collaboration with Bachar Asad, Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi, political murders and political prisoners. One knew about the preparations for the visit. The anti–Putin organizations in Berlin and Paris organized the protest agains the Putin's politics, in order to warn Angela Merkel and Francois Holland that they should not believe any Putin's promises.[3]. The motives of the protesters were widely explained and discussed. In particular, a day before the meetings, Vladimir Bukovakii, Natalia Gorbanevskaya, Vladimir Albrecht, Alexandr Bolonkin, and members of organizations Russie-Libertés (France), Speak Up! (United Kingdom, American Russian-Speaking Association for Civil & Human Rights (USA) and movement Fair Vote for Russia – Berlin wrote the letter to European leaders Francois holland and Angela Merkel. [4]. They indicated that Putin is not a fair person and suggested to keep the hard position dealing with his administration.

The protest actions were sanctioned by the administrations in Berlin and Paris. The motives and goals of the protesters were announced and discussed.

Vladimir Putin is considered as the main supporter of the Syrian dictator Bashar Assad [5].

Meeting at Germany

The protesters addressed to Angela Merkel indicating that she should not consider Vladimir Putin as legal President [6].

Allso, the protesters indicated the existence of the political prisoners in Russia, indicating the Pussy Riot, Khodorkovsky and Lebed, (demanding their release) and supply of the Russian season to Syria (demanding to stop this supply), indicating the violation of the right of assembly, total corruption (claiming that Angela Merkel should not allow it to spread into Germany) and robbery, mentioning the murder of Sergei Magnitskii and others believed to be victims of edro.

Among the slogans, there were the following:
Friends of Putin: Belrusconi, Lukashenko, Merkel?
You mis take Putin as president of Russia
Putin ist nicht legitim!
'Хватит воровать!,
Russland ohne Putin,
Free Pussy Riot, Богородица ПУТИНА ПРОГОНИ,
Freicht für CHODORKOVSKI, LEBEDEV & alle politischen Befangegen

The Russian news agency RIAN indicates that Dmitrii Peskov, advicer of Putin, had watched the protesters and their banners, but still claims that it was difficult to understand why the protestors had assembled and what do they want [7].

Meeting at France

"Poutine–Bachar" banner, photo by [8]
Paris 2012.06.01 by [2]

After to see that he is not welcomed at Germany, Putin moved to France, to meet the French president Francois Holland. In the similar way, as in Germany, many protesters had shown the anti–Putin banners on the way; Putin had to change his trajectory to avoid them [2]. At least part of the protest has been organized by the French branch of the Reporters without borders. The protesters mentioned the aggressive politics by Putin in Russia, Syria and Iran. Putin is quallified as International predator [8].

Putin is not welcomed in Europe

Although Putin is not arrested and interrogated (This option had been discussed in the article Putin versus Clinton) during his trip 2012.06.01, but the protesters had shown that he is not welcomed in Europe [9].


Vladimir Putin, Putin versus Clinton, Dmitrii Peskov, Corruption, Edro, Election fraud, Protest, Russia, Europe


  1. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=374558355935070&set=a.374557652601807.85513.100001427261253&type=3&permPage=1 Rita Kabakova at Berlin, am Kanzleramt. 2012.06.01
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 http://echo.msk.ru/blog/svkos/894896-echo/ СВЕТЛАНА КОСОВА. "ПУТИН, НА УЖИН ТЫ НАМ НЕ НУЖЕН", ИЛИ КАК ВСТРЕЧАЛИ ПРЕЗИДЕНТА РФ В БЕРЛИНЕ И ПАРИЖЕ. 02 июня 2012, 03:50 Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name "echoparis" defined multiple times with different content Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name "echoparis" defined multiple times with different content
  3. http://www.russian.rfi.fr/rossiya/20120531-parizh-i-berlin-ne-vstrechayut-vladimira-putina Елена Серветтаз (Elena Servettaz). Париж и Берлин не встречают Владимира Путина. Четверг 31 Май 2012. (In Russian)
  4. http://www.russian.rfi.fr/rossiya/20120601-vladimir-bukovskii-natalya-gorbanevskaya-i-mezhdunarodnye-assotsiatsii-napisali-obr Владимир Буковский, Наталья Горбаневская и международные ассоциации обратились к Олланду и Меркель. Пятница 01 Июнь 2012. (Russian version)
  5. http://ej.ru/?a=note&id=11856 ЮЛИЯ ЛАТЫНИНА. СИРИЙСКИЙ ВОПРОС. 9 ИЮНЯ 2012 г.
  6. http://publicpost.ru/blog/id/11391/ Мария Плион (Плиева). О том, как Путин был освистан в Берлине. 02.06.2012, 15:19.
  7. http://www.ria.ru/world/20120602/662937851.html 00:56 02/06/2012 ПАРИЖ, 2 июн - РИА Новости. Пикет в Берлине во время церемонии приветствия президента РФ Владимира Путина перед зданием канцелярии не остался незамеченным российским лидером, сообщил журналистам пресс-секретарь президента Дмитрий Песков.// "Путин обратил на это внимание. Это был 5 или 7-ой этаж канцелярии. Когда Путин и Меркель вышли на балкон, красочно справа простирался лес, а с лева было поле, на котором стояли люди, которые размахивали флагами разных государств. Они что-то кричали. Трудно было понять, что они хотели", - сказал Песков, отвечая на вопросы журналистов. (In Russian)
  8. 8.0 8.1 http://fr.rsf.org/russie-vladimir-poutine-predateur-01-06-2012,42714.html VLADIMIR POUTINE, PRÉDATEUR INTERNATIONAL, EN VISITE À PARIS. PUBLIÉ LE VENDREDI 1ER JUIN 2012. A l’occasion de la venue à Paris du président Vladimir Poutine le 1er juin 2012, des militants de Reporters sans frontières se sont rassemblés sur le Pont Alexandre III avec des activistes russes, syriens et iraniens pour protester contre la répression à l’œuvre en Russie, en Syrie et en Iran... Aux cris de “Poutine, Bachar : halte à la répression !” et “Pas de veto sur les droits de l’homme”, les militants ont appelé le président russe à écouter les demandes de démocratisation de la société russe et à cesser de cautionner les régimes les plus répressifs de la planète, à commencer par la Syrie et l’Iran. Deux pays où les professionnels de l’information paient très cher leurs tentatives de couvrir la répression orchestrée par les autorités. “Vladimir Poutine n’est pas seulement responsable du déclin dramatique des libertés publiques en Russie depuis une douzaine d’années. Censure et répression font partie intégrante du ‘modèle’ politique qu’il promeut sur la scène internationale. Au nom de la ‘lutte contre le terrorisme’ ou la promotion des ‘valeurs traditionnelles’, la Russie est en pointe de tous les combats livrés contre la liberté d’expression et la liberté d’information. C’est avec la complicité de Moscou que les massacres se poursuivent en Syrie depuis plus de quatorze mois. Et c’est avec le soutien de la Russie que la répression continue en Iran.” Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name "protestation" defined multiple times with different content
  9. http://publicpost.ru/theme/id/1535/putina_vstretili_v_berline_i_parizhe_pomidorami_i_svistom/ Алиса Иваницкая. Путина встретили в Берлине и Париже помидорами и свистом. 02.06.2012,12:01.