Kan Naoto

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Kan Naoto, 2011, pic by [1]

Kan Naoto ( (菅 直人 , born 10 October 1946, the family name is Kan [2]) is prime minister of Japan (2010–2011), famous for handling of the Fukushima disaster, that gradually developed since rank 4 to rank 7 [3][4]. Since the beginning of the disaster, Kan Naoto used to provide the top supervision on the work on the minimization of the disaster. However, the scale continued to grow instead of to reduce.

The most favorable for the authorities version of Fukushima disaster implies the sabotage of the informational service that used to hide the true about the disaster. This version was presented by Akio Komori (The managing director of TEPCO) after a week since the disaster [3]. Kan Naoto recognizes that the present administration cannot provide conditions for the safe use of the nuclear energy and participates in the company against nuclear energy [5].

The less favorable interpretations include the hypothesis about the bad management, that lead to enfolding of the disaster from tank 4 to rank 7. In addition, it seems that the TEPCO reactors are not safe enough and the failure of the cooling system leads to the disaster even at the appropriate managenent. In particular, the reactors are not equipped with the remote sensing systems, so, even the operators do not know, what is happening inside.

The gradual development of the Fukushima disaster seems to be the main reason for the resign of the government of Kan Naoto planned for 2011 August 30 [6]. The decision of Kan Naoto about the resign of his government looks noble in compare to the actions of the soviet veterans during the Chernobyl disaster (USSR, 1986): they also used to hide the essential information about the catastrophe, but when the sabotage was revealed, the bolsheviks government did not resign. (Contrary, many of soviet veterans got awards for the conversion of the exploded reactor to a nuclear chimney, that had vaporized and erupted into the atmosphere the most of its nuclear fuel, together with a kiloton of sand delivered by helicopters.)

In 2012 February, Kan admits not only the poor handling of the Fukushima disaster, but also failures of the safety regulations [7].


  1. http://infox.ru/authority/mans/2011/08/23/Pryemyer_ministr_YAp.phtml Правительство Японии уйдет в отставку 30 августа. 23 авг 2011m 06:06. На время его полномочий пришлась катастрофа марта 2011 года, которая стала крупнейшей в истории Японии. Премьера обвинили в неумении действовать в критической ситуации. В ходе опросов большинство японцев заявили, что Кану необходимо уйти в отставку.
  2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naoto_Kan
  3. 3.0 3.1 http://www.pressherald.com/news/leaders-we-could-have-moved-quicker_2011-03-19.html ERIC TALMADGE, MARI YAMAGUCHI. Japanese official: 'We could have moved quicker'. ..The government raised the accident classification for the nuclear crisis from Level 4 to Level 5 on a seven-level international scale.
  4. http://www.rferl.org/content/japan_fukushima_chernobyl_disaster_level_raised/3554681.html Japan Raises Severity Rating At Fukushima Disaster To Chornobyl Level. April 12, 2011. Japanese nuclear regulators cited cumulative radiation leaks that have contaminated the air, tap water, vegetables, and seawater as the reason for raising the warning level from 5 to 7.
  5. Kyung Hoon. HIROSHIMA, Japan, Aug. 6, 2011 (Reuters). Prime Minister Naoto Kan on Saturday took his campaign against nuclear energy in Japan to Hiroshima.
  6. http://www.cam111.com/photonews/2011/08/23/119115.html Kan expects to see successor on Aug. 30. xinhuanet.com 23-Aug-2011
  7. http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/n/a/2012/02/17/international/i030408S57.DTL MARI YAMAGUCHI and MALCOLM FOSTER. Ex-PM: Japan was unprepared for nuke crisis. Friday, February 17, 2012. ... "It was a big mistake and I must admit that (the accident) was due to human error." .

http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2013/08/14/national/kan-says-he-shouldnt-be-held-criminally-liable-for-fukushima-disaster Kan says he shouldn’t be held criminally liable for Fukushima disaster. 2013 August 14. Resident groups across Japan, mainly in Fukushima Prefecture, have filed complaints pressing for criminal charges to be levied against 40 people, including Kan and members of his Cabinet at the time, for alleged professional negligence resulting in injuries. But the former prime minister said in a document submitted to prosecutors through his lawyers that “there was no problem” with his immediate response to the then-unfolding meltdown crisis, the sources said.