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Religion (Религия) is kind of the human activity and knowledge based on some (specific for each religion) set of irrefutable concepts, believes, texts, symbols and performances [1].

Properties of religions

Usually, any religion is characterized in the most of following:

R1. The existence of at least one God is presumed.
R2. There exist canonical sacred text, that allow the humans to guess the will of God(s) and follow it.
R3. God likes some actions of human, these actions are called Good.
R4. God dislikes some actions of human, these actions are called Evil.
R5. The suggested set of concepts pretends to play an organizing role in the society: The following to namely this religion provides abilities for the kindness, prudence and wisdom significantly wider, than any other religions.


It TORI, the term God denotes any intelligent subject that in some way (that is not available for humans) has abilities that greatly exceed those of a human. Actions related to these abilities are called marvels. God may look like a human (Jesus Christ, Buddha, Lenin), but also can be "non-material" (God - Holy Spirit, World Revolution, communism). God may be omnipotent (almighty), invincible, immortal and predicts future:
The Marxist doctrine is omnipotent because it is true. [2]
Long live invincible marxism-leninism-mao tsetung tonight. [3]
Lenin lived, Lenin lives, and Lenin will live. [4]
The generation of those who are now fifteen will see a communist society, and will itself build this society. [5]
The immortal beacon of Comrade Stalin will forever illuminate the path on which the Chinese people march forward.[6]
And he said unto Abram, Know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall serve them; and they shall afflict them four hundred years. [7]

Uniqueness of "true" in each relifion

Everything is relative... [8]
Charlie Hebdo about religion [9]

World religions, each in their own way, offer a unique set of moral values and rules to guide human beings in their relationship with the environment, sometimes replacing the previously established morals, for the sake of a new God, or a new fetish; for example, for the sake of the obedience to the moral dictates of patriotism. [10][11].

This set may justify the performances, that result the death of some of participants (see the figure at right). Often, such rules are presumed to be truth without limits and alternatives:

The law of the LORD is perfect, restoring the soul; The testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple.[12]:

.. he who chooses a religion other than islam, it will not be accepted from him, and in the everlasting life he will be among the losers.[13].

Some religions do not identify themselves as religions, pretending to be sciences [14][15].

The adepts consider their own belief as the only true concept, deny the dogmatic character of their believes [16]

and treat any deviant behavior as crime, heresy and mental illness; the wrong-believers are punished or undergo the forced medical treatment [17][18][19][20][21].

Some religions justify lies, sacrifices, betrays, massacre, murdering and wars, if they serve God: You cannot make revolution in white gloves.

Refutable and irrefutable concepts

Most of religions avoid any refutable concepts. The concept is called refutable, if (and only if) in terms if this concept, some specific observation can be described that negates the concept. For example, the statement The Party officially declares: The current generation of the soviet people will live in communism! [22]

is refutable: based of such a declaration, the next generation may shame the soviet veterans as liars and impostors. Within few generations after creation of a new religion, it abandons and forgets all its refutable concepts and becomes more stable. Here are the examples of irrefutable concepts: Communism is happy future of all the humanity, or God blesses America, or Imperialism is evil, or God gives the immortal soul to everyone, or The righteous will be at Heaven.


The canonic texts describe the marvels, miracles that are specific for each religion. The marl may refer to the magic conversion of water into vine, to the drastic increase of the efficiency of the production by the inspiration of the Fuhrer, catching of the spies by children, destruction of an army of the enemy tanks by few heroic soldiers launching grenades, etc.

The definition in the beginning of the section does not specify features R1-R5 as necessary; so, many kinds of knowledge falls into the definition of religion. In particular, it includes the shintoism and the civil religions [23][24][25][26][27], although these religions do not pretend to be the "only true" knowledge and Gods in these religions are not omnipotent.

Importance of religions

Religions form significant part of the human knowledge and play important role in the human history. Non–religious societies ended with massacres and elaboration of new religions, pretty aggressive to any other kind of knowledge. While a religion is tolerant with respect to other kinds of knowledge (and in particular, to other religions), it may assist the prosper development of the society. No one religion can substitute other kinds of knowledge, end even other religions, as one specific science cannot substitute all other sciences. The society, where any religion dominates in an aggressive way, becomes barbarian compared to other countries within few generations; the people of such a society loss the ability to analyze the information.

Other interpretations

The definition and interptetation of term Religion in TORI is formulated to simplify scientific concepts. It slightly differs from the definitions [28][29][30][31], used in other wikis; some of them do not qualify religion as kind of knowledge. In particular, the the definition of religion through believe looks tautologic; better to define the believe through "religion".

The Jehovah's whiteness suggest the following definition of religion: "A form of worship. It includes a system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices; these may be personal, or they may be advocated by an organization." [32].


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  1. D.Kouznetsov. Religion. Samizdat, 2010.
  2. V.I.Lenin. The Three Sources and Three Component Parts of Marxism. Lenins Collected Works, Progress Publishers, 1977, Moscow, Vol.19, p.21-28.
  3. Hua Guofeng. Memorial speech. September 18, 1976. Hua Guofeng Internet Archive, January 2004.
  4. Sergei Boukhonine. Gods 'R' Us. LewRockwell, 2006
  5. V.I.Lenin. Tasks of the Youth League. Speech delivered at the third all-Russia congress of the Russian young communist league, Oct. 2, 1920
  6. Mao Tse-tung. Telegram to the USSR on Stalin's Death. People's Daily, March 7, 1953
  7. Old Testament, Genesis, chapter 15, song 13
  8. Виктор Шмаков. всё относительно... 2013-02-09 15:54:00.
  9. Hemant Mehta . Paris Is About Life, Says Charlie Hebdo Cartoonist in Response to #PrayForParis Hashtag November 15, 2015.
  10. B.Mussolini. THE DOCTRINE OF FASCISM (1932): ..The State has not got a theology but it has a moral code.. ..We uphold moral and traditional values which Socialism neglects or despises.. ..Let no one think of denying the moral character of Fascism.. ..we control moral forces..
  11. O.P.Dwivedi. Satyagraha for Conservation: Awakening the Spirit of Hinduism. In book: Ethics of Environment and Development, ed. J.R. Engel and J.G. Engel (London: Bellhaven Press, 1990)
  12. David. Psalm of God. New American Standard Bible, Psalm 19.
  13. Quran, AL-E-IMRAN Chapter 3, song 90
  14. Mary-Barbara Zeldin. The religious nature of Russian marxism. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 8, No.1 pp.100-111 (1969)
  15. Klaus-Georg Riegel. Marxism-Leninism as a Political Religion. Totalitarian Movements and Political Religions, 6, No.1, P.97126, June 2005.
  16. V.I.Lenin. Certain Features of the Historical Development of Marxism. - Lenin Collected Works, Progress Publishers, [1974], Moscow, Volume 17, pages 39-44.
  17. Alan A. Stone, MD. Psychiatrists on the side of the angels. J. Am Acad Psychiatry Law 30, p.107-11 (2002)
  18. Richard J. Bonnie, LLB. Political abuse of psychiatry in the Soviet Union and in China. J. Am Acad Psychiatry Law 30, p.136-44, (2002)
  19. Stephen F. Psychiatry and political repression in the Soviet Union. American Psychologist. 37(10), 1982, 1105-1112.
  20. H.Merskey and B.Shafran. Political hazards in the diagnosis of 'sluggish schizophrenia'. The British Journal of Psychiatry 148 247-256 (1986)
  21. Thomas Stephen Szasz. The Manufacture of Madness: A Comparative Study of the Inquisition and the Mental Health Movement Oxford, 1970.
  22. Program of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, 1961
  23. Ingazo Nitobe. Bushido. Tokyo, 1989.
  24. Fujihara Masahiko. The dignity of the nation. Tokyo. 2007
  25. J.A.Mathisen. Twenty Years After Bellah: Whatever Happened to American Civil Religion? Journal article by James A. Mathisen; SA. Sociological Analysis, 50, 1989, pp. 129-146
  26. Carolyn Marvin and David W. Ingle Blood Sacrifice and the Nation: Revisiting Civil Religion Journal of the American Academy of Religion, 64, No.4, Thematic Issue on "Religion and American Popular Culture" (1996), pp. 767-780.
  27. Robert N. Bellah, Phillip E. Hammond. Varieties of Civil Religion. New York: Harper & Row. 1980
  32. Religion. Definition: A form of worship. It includes a system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices; these may be personal, or they may be advocated by an organization. Usually religion involves belief in God or in a number of gods; or it treats humans, objects, desires, or forces as objects of worship. Much religion is based on human study of nature; there is also revealed religion. There is true religion and false.

2013.03.01. Masyanya Kuvaeva. Магазинчик Бо. Эпизод 23. Сень Бо-Гэ. Mar 1, 2013

2013.04.07. Viken Kiledjian. Galileo Galilei by Brecht. This video is the reenactment of the play by Brecht on the life of Galileo Galilei. It is an excellent film detailing the life and work of a genius and visionary scientist played by the great actor Topol who also played in Fiddler on the Roof.

2014.07.21. Стокгольмский синдром русских националистов. 2014-07-21 07:53:00.

2015.03.04. Сергей Лященко. КАК появился самый ГЛАВНЫЙ Бог.

2015.07.11. Leron Cesor. Life of Galileo Brecht. Jul 11, 2015.


Fascism, Forgiveness (Kouznetsov), Happiness, Genpesis, Jehovahs Witnesses Science

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Russian version of this article: Религия