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War crime dachas

Валдайский Дворец Путина


ValdaiNW and Валдайский Дворец Путина[3]

ValdaiNW is strange structure observed at the North-West from Valdai town.

ValdaiNW seems to be of order of a km from North to South and a half km from West top East, with center at the point with coordinates approximately


ValdaiNW is in 5 km West from the Valdai Putin Palace (Валдайский Дворец Путина); this palace is marked with red label at the maps at right.

ValdaiNW can be interpreted as the element of the ValdaiCluster, as a place for the air defence missile system, designed to protect the Valdai Putin Palace (Валдайский Дворец Путина). In this case, during the Putin world war, it is legitimate milirary target, subject for Demilitariation and the denazification - as soon as any mobile missile launch system is detected there. However, the independent confirmation is necessary: At the present resolution of the publlic-access satellite pictures below, it is difficult to reveal the mobile missile launch system such as Buk or Pantsyr-S1 at the ValdaiNW; or a hangar where such a technics can be hidden.

Putin world war and ValdaiCluster

Objects similar to ValdaiNW become important in century 21 due to escalation of the putin world war.

The existence of variety of bunkers built up for the Russian usurper give him a hope that he can save his life initiating the large scale military conflict, largest at least since the World War II.

If the hypothesis about the military purpose of ValdaiNW is correct, then, the ValdaiNW seems to play the key role in the ValdaiCluster, protecting (or pretending to protect) the Valdai Putin Residence from the West side. Such a protection could prolong the life of the Russian usurper for few minutes.

The main goal of the Putin world war is declared to be genocide, the plundering of properties at nearby countries, demilitarization, denazification, destruction of civil structure of victims and other elements of the state terror, see «Designate Russia as state sponsor of terrorism». In particular, this applies to Ukraine, see «Russian invasion into Ukraine», especially since year 2022, see «Спецоперация»(in Russian).

Up to year 2024, Ukraine has not sufficient weapon for operative destruction of all Russian warplanes, bombs, missiles, helicopters, tanks and ork as soon as they cross the internationally recognized borders of Ukraine. During at least 10 years since y 2014, the partners of Ukraine do not hurry-up to fulfill the guarantees described in the Budapest memorandum, and Russia, menacing the Hunan Civilization with nuclear weapon, seize territories of Ukraine.
Perhaps, some Western officials haven't read The Jungle book and still try to understand [4]:«What do we care for memorandum signed many years old?». It seems to be vain to explain to people of the USA, that it is in the interests of the USA, to keep some civilization that allows them to increase the American international debt without any limits and without any serious financial problems [5].

I this case, the transfer of hostilities to aggressor territory is necessary and unavoidable.

In particular, the payback may hit the ValdaiCluster and, in particular, the ValdaiNW as soon as any weapon is detected/confirmed there.

It will be interesting to compare this forecast with more recent publications.


Several objects in vicinity of the Valdai Putin Residence are identified as and Air-defence systems. Mainly, they are at the Northm at East and at South from the Valdai Putin Palace (Валдайский дворец Путина).

At the moment of assembling of this article the only two objects are revealed at the West side from the Valdai Putin Palace:

1. The L58.0296z33.2227 (near Ящерово)

2. ValdaiNW

There are many observations that allow to qualify these objects as strategic and legitiate military targets.



News related with ValdaiNW and the ValdaiCluster are collected and analyzed in TORI with scientific goals.

The pictures saved can be compared to the more recent analogies in order to reveal the changes and to check the new publications for the self-consistency. The reveling of contradictions in statements by Russian propagandists and other offees helps in construction of historic models.

The interpretation above is not an attempt to indicate targets for the next bavovnas at the transfer of hostilities to aggressor territiry. The Editor is researcher, but not a military expert. So, the Editor is not supposed to teach the representatives of the Anti-Putin Coalition, how and in which order the Russian targets should be Demilitarized and denazified for the fastest and more complete and prudent fulfillment of guaranties specified in the Budapest memorandum.
The Budapest memorandum does not put any restriction on the methods that may and should be applied to treat a country that had signed that memorandum but brutally violate its conditions. In this sense, any weapon can be used against the aggressor.

No simple model is found that would allow to indicate, with Russian objects should be Demilitarized and denazified with highest priority:

1. The palaces and castles of the Russian usurper and his crime partners.

2. The Russian airbases, used for bombing of Ukrainian cities.

3. The Russian military factories that makes weapon and ammunition for Russian orks.

4. The Russian oil industry and the electric plants, to leave the Russian industry, warplanes, warships, tanks without electric power supply and without fuel.

Since the Russian war crimes had attacked the Ukrainian cities, civil infrastructure and, in particular, the electric plants, any of the options above seems to be appropriate.

For civilians, it may have sense to avoid the ValdaiNW and other Russia military and strategic objects, in order not to happen in a wrong place at the moment of the demilitarization and denazification.


  4. Rudyard Kipling. THE JUNGLE BOOK. Release Date: January 16, 2006 [EBook #236] Last Updated: October 6, 2016. .. Akela lifted his head again and said, “He has eaten our food. He has slept with us. He has driven game for us. He has broken no word of the Law of the Jungle.”// “Also, I paid for him with a bull when he was accepted. The worth of a bull is little, but Bagheera’s honor is something that he will perhaps fight for,” said Bagheera in his gentlest voice.// “A bull paid ten years ago!” the Pack snarled. “What do we care for bones ten years old?”// “Or for a pledge?” said Bagheera, his white teeth bared under his lip.
  5. 2024.07.23. Почему Америка должна спасать СЕБЯ Mark Solonin Jul 23, 2024 00:00 про Байдена – ни слова 01:02 постановка вопроса («почему мы должны всех спасать»?) 03:20 80 лет конференции в Бреттон-Вудс 05:32 … и доллар для всех 06:40 сколько зарабатывал русский рабочий в 1898 и 1998 08:09 Америка обкладывает «данью» весь мир 09:48 во-вторых, согласия не спрашивали 11:20 Pax Romano (200 лет без войны) 15:39 конец «Мира по-американски» ? 16:50 Государственный долг США 19:43 госдолг США в процентах от ВВП США 21:53 этот долг вернуть невозможно 25:21 те же яйца, но под оптимистичным углом зрения 30:41 «мы что, одни такие? другие ничем не лучше!» 32:24 «пока нормально» (ТМ) 33:10 пока Америка выполняет свои обязанности, «пока» не закончится 35:33 атлантический «изоляционизм» закончился навсегда в 1962 году 37:12 В.М. Молотов и Дж.Д. Вэнс
  6. 1. Enter Search Criteria (2024)


«[[]]», «[[]]», «Annexation of Crimea», «Antiputin coalition», «Budapest memorandum», «Buk», «Corruption», «L58.0419z33.3239», «L58.0354z33.3230», «L58.0264z33.3027», «L58.0227z33.4046», «L57.9792z33.3020», «L57.9760z33.3540», «L57.9540z33.2789», «L57.9439z33.2968», «Legitimate military target», «Moscovia», «Pantsyr-S1», «Pahanat», «Putin world war», «Russian invasion into Ukraine», «Russki mir», «Target», «Transfer of hostilities to aggressor territory», «Valdai Putin Palace», «Valdai Putin Residence», «ValdaiCluster», «ValdaiNW», «[[]]»,

«А нас то за что», «Аннексия Крыма», «Бавовна», «Будапештский меморандум», «Валдайская Резиденция Путина», «Валдайский Дворец Путина», «Валдайский Кластер», «Демилитаризация», «Денацификация», «Коррупция», «Легитимная цель», «Московия», «Новый Мировой Порядок», «Паханат», «Перенос боевых действий на территорию страны агрессора», «Путинская мировая война», «Российское вторжение в Украину», «Русский мир»,