Sergei Butusov

Sergei Butusov (Бутусов Сергей Александрович) is major of the city Balashikha (Балашиха) near Moscow.
Butusov is known by the 2015.04.26.Terroristic act at school number 7 in Balashikha.
That terroristic act seems to be organised by Butusov in cooperation with Galina Chentsova (Ченцова Галина Борисовна).
2015.04.26.Terroristic act
2015.04.26.Terroristic act takes place at the election place 576. The terrorists tried to kill the eye-whithnesses of the election fraud.
The bandits robbed the equipment of the observers and heavily injured the victims. In contrast with the terrorist attack on Boris Nemtsov 2014.02.27 (see Putin killed Nemtsov), this time the killers tried to avoid use of the guns, and the victims survived. The attackers were successful in stealing of the equipment and the memory cards, but before the attack, some files were transferred to other observers, and were loaded into the internet; they confirm the fact of the election fraud at the election place 576 and at the nearby election place 580.
The police officers who watched the attack did not try to stop the terrorists, nor tried to arrest them. This observation agree with the hypothesis of involvement of Butusov in the terroristic activity.
Election fraud
Pubilcations indicate, that Butusov uses the election fraud in order to get his position as the major.
Several frauders used to drop the bunches of ballots in favour of candidates Galina Chentsova (Ченцова Галина Борисовна) and Sergei Butusov (Бутусов Сергей Александрович).
At that election, the two candidates were supposed to be marked (as the two persons had to be elected). However, it was not supposed, that the heads of the election committees give to the frauders the bunches of already filled ballots and allow them to drop these ballots into the ballot box.
Two of goals of the 2015.04.26.terroristic attack seems to be murdering of eye–whithness and robbery of the video records and photos of the election fraud. Not all records were captured by the terrorists; some of them were copied and loaded in the internet.
Evidences of the terroristic activity of Sergei Butusov collected in the References should not be qualified as justification of the reciprocal terrorisic act against him nor against his family.
- ↑ http://желдор-депутат.рф/deputy/11 Совет депутатов городского округа Железнодорожный. Бутусов Сергей Александрович. Приемные часы 1-й вторник каждого месяца 17.00-18.00. Адрес приемной. Адрес:Центральная библиотека (ул. Пролетарская,8). Телефон:522-47-43.
- ↑ АНАСТАСИЯ ЗОТОВА. Выборы в Железнодорожном: кровавый ад. 2015.04.26.
- ↑ Пресс-релиз альянса независимых наблюдателей по выборам в Балашихе на 12.00 2014.04.26.
2015.04.26.Terroristic act, Corruption, Balashikha, Election fraud, Fascism, Galina Chentsova, Lidia Medinskaya, Lustration, Sanctions, Terror