Nadiya Savchenko

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N.Savchenko [1]
#FreeSavchenko rally, New York 2016.03.06. [2]

Nadiya Savchenko (Надія Вікторівна Савченко, Nadezhda Savchenko, Савченко Надежда Викторовна, born on May 11, 1981) is Ukrainian military officer, captured in Ukraine by the KGB agents in 2014; they transferred Nadiya into Russia and judged by the Russian court.

Since 2016, Savchenko is considered as a symbol of resistance to the Putin world war and national hero, comparable to Joan of Arc [3]

2016.05.25, Savchenko returns to Ukraine. She seems to be exchanged for the Russian terrorists Aleksandr Aleksandrov (Александров Александр Анатольевич) and Evgenii Erofeev )Ерофеев Евгений Владимирович). [4][5][6]

Savchenko in captivity

Savchenko is reported to be captured, kidnapped by the Russian occupational troops in Ukraine at the beginning of the Russian invasion. In order to "justify" that terroristic act, the accusations against Savchenko had been formulated by the Russian legal administration.

The court on Savchenko is reported to be kind of Show-trial, and Savchenko is believed to be used by the Russian corrupitoners as hostage. This interpretation agrees with more general concept, that corruption in Russia in beginning of century 21 not only has a large scale, but is a typical, usual phenomenon, that characterises the life of the Russian officials.

Since 2016 March, Savchenko begins the dry hunger strake; many authors afraid, that she dies during 2016 March. The list of persons believed to be responsible for there death are collected in articles Список Савченко and Persons responsible for the imprisonment of Nadiya Savchenko. Savchenko is qualified as hostage captured by Russian terrorists. [7].

The mass protests against detention of Nadiya Savchenko are observed in many cities of various countries. John Kerry express his "deep concern" about this case. [2][8].

Joe Biden writes: .. we call on Russia to make the right choice—to drop all charges and release her at once [9].

Similar notes form Europe are observed: The European Union continues to call for Nadiya Savchenko's immediate release [10].

Since 2016, Savchenko becomes a symbol of resistance of the Ukrainian people against the Russian invasion into Ukraine, a legend, analogous to the stories about French hero Joan Of Arc, Ukraine resistance symbol [9][11].

Many authors indicate that only quick and whide sanctions, the total blockade of Russia may save Savchenko [12][13][14].

Not only Savchenko

Nadiya Savchenko is not only political prisoner defended in connection with the Russian invasion into Ukraine. 2015.12.26, Alya Shandra mention 8 other victims of the Russian occupants [15]:

Yurii Ilchenko, Akhtem Chiygoz, Aly Asanov, Mustafa Dekheremendzhi, Ruslan Zeytullaev, Nuri Primov, Rustem Vaytov, Ferat Sayfullayev.

Many Russians are arrested for disproving the Russian invasion into Ukraine.

Judge Иванова Елена Михайловна (Elena Ivanova) is reported to sentence Ekaterina Volgozheninova for reposting of images and poem of critical content. In particular, by that sentence, the computer of Volgosheninova had been destroyed.

Stukach Рытвина Валерия Константиновна (Valeria Rytvina) is reported to ask for attacks on fiends of Volgozheninova (who helped her).


Publications about terroristic activity of the Russian administration, and, in particular, the show-trial agaist Nadiya Savchenko, show good agreement with more general concept about total corruption of the Russian officials [16][17][18][19][20].


Evidences collected in the cited literature should not be considered as reason for the terroristic acts against Russian corruptioners believed to kill Savchenko. Each case needs to be considered by the professionals.


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  1. Илья Барабанов. Надежда Савченко рассказала суду, что она делала в батальоне «Айдар» и как попала в российский плен. "Коммерсантъ" от 29.09.2015, 19:15.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Oleg-Lana Asaulenko. #FreeSavchenko rally New York, 03.06.2016. Oleg-Lana Asaulenko.
  3. Ben Macintyre. Putin has created a 21st-century Joan of Arc. 12:01AM, March 25 2016. Vladimir Putin has achieved a feat of historical restoration that is unique in modern times: he has captured a young, crew-cut woman warrior, put her on trial, found her guilty and thus created a martyr, a heroine and a powerful figurehead for his sworn enemies.
  4. Павел Каныгин. Не знаю, что там в Борисполе. А у нас в спецтерминал Внуково на встречу вернувшихся Ерофеева и Александрова пустили только Рашу тудей, Первый Канал и НТВ. И то - вопросов задавать не разрешили, только сделать безмолвный подсьем. Из родственников (да и в целом) на встречу приехали одни жены. Хотя если бы и приехал кто-то ещё, то встретили бы их два вот этих сторожа и сказали бы как мне сейчас: "А вы вообще кто? Нету вас в списках". Ну хоть так. Хорошо, что все закончилось. May 25, 2016.
  5. Обмен Савченко на «бойцов ГРУ»: онлайн-трансляция. May 25, 2016. ..Спецкорреспондент «Новой газеты» Павел Каныгин решил встретить Ерофеева и Александрова во Внуково. И вот что он рассказал. «Не знаю, что там в Борисполе. А у нас в спецтерминал Внуково на встречу вернувшихся Ерофеева и Александрова пустили только Рашу тудей, Первый Канал и НТВ. И то - вопросов задавать не разрешили, только сделать безмолвный подсьем. Из родственников (да и в целом) на встречу приехали одни жены. Хотя если бы и приехал кто-то ещё, то встретили бы их два вот этих сторожа и сказали бы как мне сейчас: "А вы вообще кто? Нету вас в списках".
  7. Екатерина Макаревич. Надя живи! ‪#‎FreeSavchenko. 08.03.2016. .. Весь мир уже знает и понимает, что её взяли в заложники, чтобы потом обменять на нужное им решение. Так же, как Сенцова и Кольченко, так же, как и многих других.
  8. John Kerry. Continued Detention of Nadiya Savchenko. March 7, 2016. I am deeply concerned about the health and welfare of Ukrainian pilot and Rada Deputy Nadiya Savchenko, who since Friday has refused food and water to protest her continued detention by the Russian Federation. In the 20 months since she was captured in eastern Ukraine and taken to Russia, Ms. Savchenko has reportedly endured interrogations, solitary confinement, and forced “psychiatric evaluation.” Her trial and continuing imprisonment demonstrate disregard for international standards, as well as for Russia’s commitments under the Minsk agreements. The United States once again calls on Russia to immediately release Ms. Savchenko and return her to Ukraine.
  9. 9.0 9.1 Statement by Vice President Joe Biden on the Unjust Detention of Nadiya Savchenko. March 08, 2016. .. Nadiya has been unjustly imprisoned in Russia since 2014—detained and facing trial on trumped up charges. Nadiya was proudly serving her country as a member of the Ukrainian armed forces, fighting in the eastern part of the country when she was abducted by separatists and taken across the border against her will. // During the past 20 months, she has become a symbol of Ukrainian national pride and strength. She was even elected to the Rada from her prison cell. Her unlawful continuing detention is a clear violation of Russia’s commitment under the Minsk agreements, and she should be freed at once. Recently, Nadiya has begun a new hunger strike to protest her detention, and her health has begun to deteriorate after five days with no food or liquids. // Today, as we mark International Women’s Day and honor all the brave women who struggle against injustice in this world, we also stand with Nadiya and with the Ukrainian people. And we call on Russia to make the right choice—to drop all charges and release her at once. Nadiya deserves to go home to her family and friends and join her fellow Rada members to begin shaping a new Ukraine.
  10. Brussels, 07/03/2016. 160307_03_en . Statement by the Spokesperson on the situation of Nadiya Savchenko. 07/03/2016. // Reports on Nadiya Savchenko's hunger and thirst strike are extremely worrisome. // The European Union continues to call for Nadiya Savchenko's immediate release. // This would also be in keeping with the "Package of measures for the implementation of the Minsk Agreements" and the commitments therein to release all hostages and illegally detained persons related to the conflict in eastern Ukraine. // The European Union underlines, as it has done on previous occasions, that Russia bears responsibility for the health, well-being and observance of the human rights of all persons it detains.
  11. Sarah Rainsford. Nadiya Savchenko: Ukraine resistance symbol in Russia. 6 March 2015
  12. Константин Боровой. Надежду Савченко спасет полная и немедленная БЛОКАДА товарного потока из и в Россию, а не дипломатические призывы к Путину. 2016.03.10. Призывать надо эстонцев, литовцев, латышей, турок и всех остальных поддержать БЛОКАДУ.
  13. Гарри Каспаров. Единственный способ спасти Савченко. 08 марта 2016, 19:05. .. Единственный способ спасти украинскую героиню, которая погибает в российских застенках, это четко обозначить для Путина цену, которую его режим и он лично заплатит за эту смерть. ..
  14. Sotnik Alexander. 2016.03.09. У цивилизованного мира еще есть шанс спасти Надежду Савченко. Этот шанс - в артикуляции цены, которую заплатит лично Путин - лично он! - за ее осуждение или смерть. .. У цивилизованного мира еще есть шанс спасти Надежду Савченко. Этот шанс - в артикуляции цены, которую заплатит лично Путин - лично он! - за ее осуждение или смерть. Путин понимает только язык цифр и уважает позицию силы. В завуалированной, а, возможно, и - в прямой форме до него нужно донести приблизительно следующее: "Если ты продолжишь удерживать ее в своем гестапо либо доведешь ее до смерти - тебе, гнидёныш, точно - не жить. Мы найдем тебя везде, и даже в сортире замочим. Лично тебя, недогитлер..." Это он точно поймет, если ему позвонят Обама, Меркель, Олланд и Кэмерон.
  15. Alya Shandra. The Crimean political prisoners. Image: #LetMyPeopleGo campaign. 2015/12/26
  16. Robert Orttung. Causes and Consequences of Corruption in Putin’s Russia. Causes and Consequences of Corruption in Putin’s Russia. PONARS Policy Memo No. 430, December 2006.
  17. Manabu Suhara. Corruption in Russia: A Historical Perspective. 2015.08.03.
  18. Доклад по борьбе с коррупцией в высших эшелонах власти. РАБОЧАЯ ГРУППА ПО БОРЬБЕ С КОРРУПЦИЕЙ В ВЫСШИХ ЭШЕЛОНАХ ВЛАСТИ, Россия, 125057, г. Москва, Ленинградский проспект 75-416, тел./факс +7 499 1586251, Е-mail: 20 апреля 2009г. N ВК-15.
  19. Генерал-майор МВД РФ, известный российский криминолог Владимир Семенович Овчинский, возглавлявший в прошлом российское бюро Интерпола, дал интервью, поражающее откровенностью. Генерал признал, что в России произошло полное сращивание государства с криминалом, а бандиты "окопались" на всех этажах власти. 20.06.2012, 10:37
  20. Д.Медведев. Вступительное слово на заседании Совета по противодействию коррупции. 30 сентября 2008 года, 16:25 Москва, Кремль. Д.Медведев: Коррупция в нашей стране приобрела не просто масштабный характер, она стала привычным, обыденным явлением, которое характеризует саму жизнь в нашем обществе… Joan of Arc Biography. Warrior, Military Leader (c. 1412–1431).

2014.02.02. Susan Ormiston. Fate of Nadiya Savchenko, jailed Ukrainian air force pilot, in hands of Kremlin, say lawyers. 34-year-old is accused of directing mortar attack on 2 Russian journalists killed in Ukraine in June 2014. Feb 02, 2016 9:22 AM ET. .. "I am a soldier," she told the court in Donetsk, Russia, Monday. "You are treating me like a murderer." ..

2015.01.22.,the-report-the-case-of-nadiya-savchenko Andriy Osavoliyk. The report: The case of Nadiya Savchenko. 22.01.2015. Nadiya Savchenko, a Ukrainian soldier and a member of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and one of the delegates of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe from Ukraine, remains in custody in Russia facing trumped-up charges of involvement in the death of Russian journalists in Ukraine.

2015.09.22. Alec Luhn. Trial of Ukrainian pilot accused of murdering Russian journalists begins. Nadiya Savchenko stands trial despite international fears that the charges have been fabricated for political reasons. Tuesday 22 September 2015 15.34 BST.

2016.03.03. Petra Procházková. Kremlin will break before Nadiya Savchenko does, says pilot’s sister. 2016/03/03.

2016.03.04. «Пока за меня будут торговаться, жизнь меня будет покидать. И Россия меня все равно вернет в Украину. Живой или мертвой». Послушайте последнее слово Надежды Савченко. 2016 March 4.

2016.03.05. Lawyer calls for global campaign in Savchenko's defence. 1:52 Mar. 5, 2016

2016.03.06. Thousand rally in Kyiv to support Nadiya Savchenko. 16:48 MAR. 6, 2016. Ukrainians are making a fresh push for the release of Nadiya Savchenko. The Ukrainian pilot is in prison in Russia accused of involvement in the murder of two journalists. Her lawyers say the charges are fabricated. The 34-year-old was kidnapped in eastern Ukraine in the summer of 2014 by Russian-backed separatist forces. She was forcibly taken across the border. Savchenko's trial was abruptly adjourned on March 3 and she was denied a last court address. Prosecutors are requesting she be given a 23-year jail term. The fighter pilot is now on a hunger strike and is also refusing liquids. She vows to return to Ukraine dead or alive.

2016.03.08. Statement by Vice President Joe Biden on the Unjust Detention of Nadiya Savchenko. March 08, 2016. .. Nadiya has been unjustly imprisoned in Russia since 2014—detained and facing trial on trumped up charges. Nadiya was proudly serving her country as a member of the Ukrainian armed forces, fighting in the eastern part of the country when she was abducted by separatists and taken across the border against her will. ..

2016.03.08. By RFE/RL. EU Lawmakers Demand Sanctions On Putin, 28 Others Over Savchenko. March 08, 2016. Members of the European Parliament have urged EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini to impose personal sanctions against Russian President Vladimir Putin and 28 other individuals over the "illegal" treatment of Ukrainian pilot Nadia Savchenko. // A March 8 letter signed by 57 European lawmakers names Russian individuals and pro-Russia separatists in eastern Ukraine accused of being "responsible for the political decision to kidnap" Savchenko, to "transport her to the territory of Russia, detain her unlawfully, and fabricate charges against her." // In addition to Putin, the letter calls for the blacklisting of Federal Security Service (FSB) director Aleksandr Bortnikov, Russian State Duma foreign affairs committee chief Aleksei Pushkov, senior investigators in Russia, and eastern Ukraine's separatist leader Igor Plotnitsky.


Corruption, Designate Russia as state sponsor of terrorism, Pavel Karpov, Persons responsible for the imprisonment of Nadiya Savchenko, Putin and Hitler, Putin world war, Russia, Russian invasion into Ukraine, Stop Putin, Terror

Карпов Артур Геннадьевич, Коррупция, Дело Надежды Савченко, Иванова Елена Михайловна, Мохов Андрей Валерьевич, Путинская мировая война, Российское вторжение в Украину, Список Савченко,