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Deportation of Crymean tatars 1944.05.14 [1]

Deportation (депортация) is specific kind of genocide, characterised in that the repressed group of population is not killed immediately, but forced to leave their homes and to move to another land; usually difficult to survive there.

The concept of collective crime and other ideas of fascism are used as a pretext to justify deportation.

One of motives of the deportation may be plundering of properties of the deported people, redistribute the property, sell it, etc.

Also, the goal of deportation can be population of the concentration camps with fresh slaves, in order to use them at heavy, dangerous and harmful industry, for example, production of the nuclear weapon. It seems, that the most of Russian slaves employed to make the Soviet nuclear bomb, died of acute radiation syndrome; in this sense, the number of victims of the nuclear weapon in the USSR greatly exceeds number of victims of all military use of nuclear weapon un the human history, at least until century 21.

Often, deportation follows the military invasion and occupation of some land by the aggressive state. In particular, since the Russian invasion into Ukraine and Annexation of Crimea, the Crimean tatars expect that the new deportation may begin any moment. The suppression of the meeting of memory of the deportation of 1944 is reported.


Deportation appears to be one of instruments of the Soviet fascists during the USSR.

1944.02.23, deportation of population of Chechnia and Ingushetia used to kill significant part of population of those republics. [2]

1944.05.01–1944.04.30, deportation of Crimean Tatars happens; of order of 40% of population of Crimean Tatars are estimated to be killed at the deportation. [3]


  1. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10153447151090809 Anton Krasovsky. 18 мая 1944 года 183 тысячи крымских татар погрузили в вагоны и вывезли из Крыма. Всех. Детей, старух, беременных. Как правило – в Узбекистан, кого-то в Казахстан, особо спесивых – на русский север. Весь народ. Их дома, их пашни, их колодцы заняли те, кто штыками загонял людей в вагоны. Чьи потомки сейчас рассказывают, что Крым – их.
  2. https://www.gazeta.ru/social/2017/02/21/10538135.shtml Сайхан Цинцаев. «Всех умирающих выбрасывали из вагонов». 23.02.2017, 12:05. Полторы тысячи чеченцев и ингушей погибли при депортации 23 февраля 1944 года
  3. http://www.themoscowtimes.com/news/article/ukraine-marks-1944-deportation-of-crimeas-tatars/500351.html Ukraine Marks 1944 Deportation of Crimea's Tatars. The Associated Press, May. 18 2014 18:26. .. In May 1944, shortly after Soviet troops drove German forces from Crimea, Stalin accused the Tatars of collaborating with the enemy and ordered their deportation. About 250,000 Tatars were shipped in freight trains to Central Asia, where more than 40 percent died of hunger and disease. ..

http://www.miksike.ee/documents/main/referaadid/1941aasta_kyyditamine.htm 1941. AASTA KÜÜDITAMINE.

http://okupatsioon.ee/et/eesti-1940-1991 Okupatsioonide Muuseumi püsiekspositsioon kajastab arenguid Eestis aastatel 1940-1991, mil Eesti oli vaheldumisi okupeeritud Nõukogude Liidu, Saksamaa ja veelkord Nõukogude Liidu poolt. Kistler-Ritso Eesti Sihtasutus. Toompea 8, 10142 Tallinn. Poolesaja aasta jooksul elas Eesti üle kolm okupatsiooni: Nõukogude okupatsioon 1940-1941, Saksa okupatsioon 1941-1944, teine Nõukogude okupatsioon 1944-1991. .. .. arreteerimised ja 10 000 inimese küüditamine 14. juunil 1941.


2009.03.25. http://www.delfi.ee/news/paevauudised/eesti/tana-60-aastat-tagasi-kuuditati-ule-20-000-inimese?id=22447299 Heiki Suurkask. Täna 60 aastat tagasi küüditati üle 20 000 inimese. 25.03.2009, 07:24. 25. märts 1949 oli Baltimaade tšekistide „suurpäev". Nende ametivennad Venemaal olid juba 1920. aastatest alates tegelnud miljonite inimeste küüditamisega, Eestis oli 1941. aastal kuni 10 000 inimese küüditamine vaid sissejuhatuseks. Täna 60 aastat tagasi topiti Eestis loomavagunitesse veel rohkem kui 20 000 inimest.


Aggression, Annexation of Crimea, Bolshevism, Genocide, KGB, Meganedia, deportation, Russian invasion into Ukraine, Terror