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In Russian, the crash of such a believe is denoted with term «[[А нас то за что]]».<br>
In Russian, the crash of such a believe is denoted with term «[[А нас то за что]]».<br>
It seems to have no equivalent any other language. This term demote the extremal form of ignorance, total unability to relate the cause and the sequences, that is believed to be s specific feature of the [[Moscovia]]n culture; the mosovites often behave in such a way, as if they would have an [[extra chromosome]] in their genotype <ref>
It seems to have no equivalent in any other language. This term demote the extreme form of ignorance, total inability to relate the cause and the sequences, that is believed to be s specific feature of the [[Moscovia]]n culture; the moscovites often behave in such a way, as if they would have an [[extra chromosome]] in their genotype <ref>
Maria Lipman. May 24, 2014
Maria Lipman. May 24, 2014
Line 186: Line 186:
The Soviet [[propaganda]] attributes the key role in WWII to the USSR. This is a little bit true - at the beginning WWII (years 1939-1940), the Stalin's USSR appears as the most important alias and sponsor of Hitlerism and the German Nazi<br>
The Soviet [[propaganda]] attributes the key role in WWII to the USSR. This is a little bit true - at the beginning WWII (years 1939-1940), the Stalin's USSR appears as the most important alias and sponsor of Hitlerism and the German Nazi<br>
As usually, the statements of propaganda are wrong, see the [[Molotov-Ribbentrop pact]]. (In the similar way, the statements by Goering are wrong.)<br>
As usually, the statements of propaganda are wrong, see the [[Molotov-Ribbentrop pact]]. (In the similar way, the statements by Goering are wrong.)<br>
At the first approach, each non-trivial observation of propaganda should be inverted, as it is described in the fairy tale «[[Gelsomino nel paese dei bugiardi]]» and utopia «[[Orwell1984]]».
At the first approach, each non-trivial statement by propaganda should be inverted, as it is described in the fairy tale «[[Gelsomino nel paese dei bugiardi]]» and utopia «[[Orwell1984]]».
The general rule of the [[Newspeak]] indicates, that role of the USSR in the second part of the WWII is small. One German soldier fought as well as a ten of Soviet soldiers; an average Red Army soldier was killed before he could kill a single enemy.<br>
The general rule of the [[Newspeak]] indicates, that role of the USSR in the second part of the WWII is small. One German soldier fought as well as a ten of Soviet soldiers; an average Red Army soldier was killed before he could kill a single enemy.<br>
However, the quarrel between Hitler and Stalin helped the UK and the USA to defeat the Nazi Germany.
However, the quarrel between Hitler and Stalin helped the UK and the USA to defeat the Nazi Germany.
Line 192: Line 192:
In one of his statements, Hermann Göring says that he wants to be called [[Hermann Meyer]], if at least one British bomber reaches the Ruhr area.
In one of his statements, Hermann Göring says that he wants to be called [[Hermann Meier]], if at least one British bomber reaches the Ruhr area.
Many British bombers had reached the Ruhr area. The damage was horrible. The British «[[jimping bombs]]» ruined the water supply of the Ruhr area. Then, the cities of Ruhr were burned-out. Soon the same happened with other cities of Germany.
Many British bombers had reached the Ruhr area. The damage was horrible. The British «[[jimping bombs]]» ruined the water supply of the Ruhr area. Then, the cities of Ruhr were burned-out. Soon the same happened with other cities of Germany.
Line 198: Line 198:
But the wish of [[Hermann Göring]] about calling him «Meier» is not realized.
But the wish of [[Hermann Göring]] about calling him «Meier» is not realized.
Many British bombers had ruined not only Right, but all the Germany, but that Hermann remained be called as Göring and judged as Göring, and sentenced to the capital punishment as Göring, not as a «Meier».
Many British bombers had ruined not only Ruhr, but all the Germany, but that Hermann remained be called «Göring» and judged as Göring, and sentenced to the capital punishment as Göring, not as a «Meier».
The family name Meir became famous, but not because of Göring.
The family name Meir became famous, but not because of Göring.
Line 211: Line 211:
The extra letter «e» in the name suggested for himself by [[Hermann Göring]] could help to avoid confusions of the war crime with really valuable persons.
The extra letter «e» in the name suggested for himself by [[Hermann Göring]] could help to avoid confusions of the war crime with really valuable persons.
However, in the real history, the wish of [[Hermann Göring]] to become [[Hermann Meier]]
In the real history, the wish of [[Hermann Göring]] to become [[Hermann Meier]]
is not fulfilled. There are many articles about [[Hermann Meier]], but they are of-topics, they do not refer to [[Hermann Göring]].
is not fulfilled. There are many articles about [[Hermann Meier]], but they are of-topics, they do not refer to [[Hermann Göring]].
Line 307: Line 307:
The analogy of activity of [[Hermann Göring]] is traced in [[TORI]] with [[Science|scientific]] goal.
The analogy of activity of [[Hermann Göring]] is traced in [[TORI]] with [[Science|scientific]] goal.
This analogy should not be intereptered as an appeal to partizan war agaist the alias od the putin's regime. The Editor does not participate in the [[partizan war]] and for this reason cannot push the colleagues to do this.
This analogy should not be intereptered as an appeal to partizan war agaist the alias of the [[putin]]'s regime. The Editor does not participate in the [[partizan war]] and for this reason cannot push the colleagues to do this.
More civilized ways to deal with the [[Accomplice of the Putin regime|Accomplices of the Putin regime]] (see «[[Пособник путинского режима]]»,{{skabe}}{{simo}})
More civilized ways to deal with the [[Accomplice of the Putin regime|Accomplices of the Putin regime]] (see «[[Пособник путинского режима]]»,{{skabe}}{{simo}})
are described in articles
are described in articles
«[[Прокурорский сон]]»,
«[[Прокурорский сон]]»,
«[[Ст.353 УК РФ]]» (In Russian).
«[[Ст.353 УК РФ]]» (In Russian).

Latest revision as of 18:11, 16 February 2024

Hermann Göring (Hermann Goering, Hermann Meier, Геринг Герман Эрнстович, 1893.01.12, Marienbad - 1946.10.15, Nuremberg) is German offee, war criminal, partner of Adolf Hitler, organizer of World War II.

Hermann Göring is known with his statements that Germany can, may and should bomb London and other cities of the UK, but the British army cannot reply in the similar way.

However, Hermann Göring used to perform many other (horrible) things, but, up to year 2024, for TORI, the most important are his statements about transfer of hostilities to aggressor territory. Namely for these statements by Hermann Göring this article is loaded here.

Until year, roughly, 1942, Hermann Göring seemes to believe that the transfer of hostilities to aggressor territory will never happen. The more accurate (and believed to be correct) quotes are loaded below.


At the crash of the Nazi Germany, not so many documents survived.
Some relevant quotes are observed at Mediwiki. Two of them are copypasted here:

Hermann Göring (1893-1946) deutscher Politiker (NSDAP) Zitate mit Quellenangabe .. "Persönlich habe ich mich an vielen Stellen von den für das Ruhrgebiet getroffenen Maßnahme[n] gegen Luftangriffe überzeugt. Ich werde mich künftig um jede einzelne dort noch vielleicht einzusetzende Batterie kümmern. Denn das Ruhrgebiet werden wir auch nicht einer einzigen Bombe feindlicher Flieger ausliefern." - Presseunterredung am 9. August 1939 books.google, in: Das Archiv, Nachschlagewerk für Politik, Wirtschaft, Kultur, Nr. 65 (August 1939), Berlin 1939, S. 624–625 books.google

Die Luftangriffe auf das Ruhrgebiet, die von der britischen Royal Air Force und den US Army Air Forces im Luftkrieg im Zweiten Weltkrieg geflogen wurden, hatten das Ziel, durch verschiedene Bomberoffensiven mit unterschiedlichen Strategien die Produktion und den Transport kriegswichtiger Güter in und aus dem Ruhrgebiet, der „Waffenschmiede des Reiches“, zu behindern. Darüber hinaus richteten sich die Angriffe gegen die Moral der Zivilbevölkerung in diesem Ballungszentrum. .. Politische Situation Nach dem deutschen Überfall auf Polen am 1. September 1939 erklärten Frankreich und das Vereinigte Königreich am 3. September Deutschland den Krieg. In dieser Nacht konnte die deutsche Flugabwehr nicht verhindern, dass 19 zweimotorige Armstrong-Whitworth-Whitley-Bomber Flugblätter abwarfen und militärische Aufklärung betrieben. Über dem Rheinland und dem Ruhrgebiet wurden Millionen von Flugblättern mit dem Titel Warnung – Großbritannien an das deutsche Volk abgeworfen. Im Vorfeld hatte der Reichsminister der Luftfahrt Hermann Göring noch am 9. August 1939 in Essen versprochen, dass das Ruhrgebiet „nicht einer einzigen Bombe feindlicher Flieger ausgeliefert“ und er sich persönlich um jede zusätzliche Flakbatterie kümmern würde, die im Ruhrgebiet zum Einsatz kommen sollte. .. Eine weitere Bemerkung Görings aus einer Rundfunkrede vom 9. August 1939 lautete, so oder ähnlich: „Wenn auch nur ein englischer Bomber die Ruhr erreicht, will ich nicht mehr Hermann Göring, sondern Hermann Meier heißen“, zitiert unter anderem in: Christian Zentner, Friedemann Bedürftig: Das Große Lexikon des Dritten Reiches. Südwest Verlag, München 1985, ISBN 3-517-00834-6, S. 379 (Stichwort: Meier).


Whatever happens we have got
The Maxim Gun, and they have not.[3]
“Whatever happens we have got
V-1 missiles, and they have not.”[4]
“Whatever happens we have got
Kuzkinamat, and they have not.”

In one of his statements, Hermann Göring indicates that he wanted to be with winners, and even agreed to change his family name, if at least one British bomber reaches the Ruhr..

Actually, there were many such bombers. The destruction of German cities in the World War II mean, in certain sense, the victory of Jews. However, in this case, Hermann Göring wanted to become a Jew, and to indicate this changing his family name to Meier (instead of Goering); «Meier» appears here as an example of a popular Jew name.

The key element of any fascism refers to inability of the adepts to perform the logical analysis of statements of their leaders. The public had interpreted the statement by Goering as a promise that German bombers, and cruise missiles V-1, and ballistic missiles V-2 can ruin cities of the UK, but the British pilots cannot do the same with German cities.

In the British literature, such a mistake had been recognized a half-century earlier and described in poem «The Modern Traveller» [3] by Hilaire Belloc:

“Whatever happens we have got
The Maxim Gun, and they have not.”

Upon the recognition, the British Empire, in order to survive, had to release its colonies.

To paraphrase the poem, the following statement can be attributed to Hermann Goering:

“Whatever happens we have got
V-1 Missiles, and they have not.”

That analogy is important for analysis of events of centuries 20 and 21.
Hermann Göring, Adolf Hitler and their crime partners follow the way of antagonists of poem «The Modern Traveller» [3].
In century 21, putin follows the same way, the way of Adolf Hitler [5][6]; see also «Putin and Hitler».

Continuing paraphrasing the poem, the following statement can be attributed to putin:

“Whatever happens we have got
Kuzkinamat, and they have not.”

In Russian, the crash of such a believe is denoted with term «А нас то за что».
It seems to have no equivalent in any other language. This term demote the extreme form of ignorance, total inability to relate the cause and the sequences, that is believed to be s specific feature of the Moscovian culture; the moscovites often behave in such a way, as if they would have an extra chromosome in their genotype [7]. Sometimes moscovites behave in such a way, as if most of them really would have a Down syndrome, caused by an extra chromosome [8], that slows-down the development of Humanity at Moscovia, converting it to an «Upper Volta with missiles»[9][10] or a «Monkey with a grenade» [11].


The mistake (or the intentional fraud) by Goering had catastrophic resuts both for the UK and for Germany (and even worse for Moscovia, see «Россия проиграла Вторую Мировую войну»).

Solonin Mark Semenovich (Солонин Марк Семёнович) in his movies describes, how this had happened.
The movies are in Russian [12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19].

The key role in defeating of Hitler, Goering and other nazi is attributed to the heroic UK pilots. Since year 1940, they fight against nazi.

The UK pilots were not only heroes who had proven that Hermann Göring is just wrong.
The important role in the saving of the Human Civilization from the German New World Order is performed by brave Yankees. The retell of story by one of them is loaded in article «I bombed Dresden».
Dresden was not the only German city destroyed in the WWII, and even not the biggest in the amount of victims.
However, after the Russian propaganda, namely Dresden is used as a symbol of a horrible recoiprocal response to a horrible action, symbol of Transfer of hostilities to aggressor territory.

The Soviet propaganda attributes the key role in WWII to the USSR. This is a little bit true - at the beginning WWII (years 1939-1940), the Stalin's USSR appears as the most important alias and sponsor of Hitlerism and the German Nazi
As usually, the statements of propaganda are wrong, see the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact. (In the similar way, the statements by Goering are wrong.)
At the first approach, each non-trivial statement by propaganda should be inverted, as it is described in the fairy tale «Gelsomino nel paese dei bugiardi» and utopia «Orwell1984». The general rule of the Newspeak indicates, that role of the USSR in the second part of the WWII is small. One German soldier fought as well as a ten of Soviet soldiers; an average Red Army soldier was killed before he could kill a single enemy.
However, the quarrel between Hitler and Stalin helped the UK and the USA to defeat the Nazi Germany.


In one of his statements, Hermann Göring says that he wants to be called Hermann Meier, if at least one British bomber reaches the Ruhr area.

Many British bombers had reached the Ruhr area. The damage was horrible. The British «jimping bombs» ruined the water supply of the Ruhr area. Then, the cities of Ruhr were burned-out. Soon the same happened with other cities of Germany.

But the wish of Hermann Göring about calling him «Meier» is not realized.

Many British bombers had ruined not only Ruhr, but all the Germany, but that Hermann remained be called «Göring» and judged as Göring, and sentenced to the capital punishment as Göring, not as a «Meier».

The family name Meir became famous, but not because of Göring.

Usually, the family name Meir is associated with famous Israeli leader Golda Meir [20]

Phonetically, it is difficult to distinguish «Meier» from «Meir». The extra letter «e» in the name suggested for himself by Hermann Göring could help to avoid confusions of the war crime with really valuable persons.

In the real history, the wish of Hermann Göring to become Hermann Meier is not fulfilled. There are many articles about Hermann Meier, but they are of-topics, they do not refer to Hermann Göring.

Historic analogy and scientific interest

- «Ukraine had attacked us»
- «En fin, Americans will know this»

The statements by Hermann Göring (and believes of the German nazis) becomes important again after the collapse of the USSR.

Afrer Collapse of the USSR, following ideas by Hermann Göring, many Russian nazis believe that they can, may and should ruin cities of Ichekeria (see «Chechen wars»), cities of Georgia (see «Russian invasion into Georgia») and cities of Ukraine (see «Russian invasion into Ukraine», «Россия полностью уничтожила Мариуполь»), and cities of Syria (see «Russian invasion into Syria»), but the countries, that became victims of the Russian aggression, never cooperate to do the same with cities of Moscovia. Such a believe is typical for adepts of the Russi mir and the New World Order.

The key element of any fascism refers to inability of the adepts to perform the logical analysis of statements of their leaders. The public had interpreted the statement by Goering as a promise that German bombers and cruise missiles V-1 and ballistic missiles V-2 can ruin cities of the UK, but the British pilots cannot do the same with German cities.

The analogy is important for the analysis of events of centuries 20 and 21. Hermann Göring, Adolf Hitler and their crime partners follow the way of antagonists of poem «The Modern Traveller».
In century 21, putin follows the same way, the way of Adolf Hitler, approving both, the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact and the invasion into Poland, id est, the initiation of the World War II [6]: «..поляки вынудили, они заигрались и вынудили Гитлера начать Вторую мировую войну именно с них. Почему началась война 1 сентября 1939 года именно с Польши? Она оказалась несговорчивой. Гитлеру ничего не оставалось при реализации его планов начать именно с Польши.»
Putin uses the same explanation to justify the Russian invasion into Ukraine [5]: «Путин указал, что Россию вынудили на проведение СВО. "Они вынудили нас на эти действия", - подчеркнул президент РФ.»

Неможливо домовлятися про мир з
тими, хто прийшов тебе вбивати[21]

The adoption of the Goering's ideas to justify the Putin world war is expected to have similar results, as these areas had during the World War II, id est, the transfer of hostilities to aggressor territory.
This may happen as soon as the presentative of the Anti-Putin coalition adopt the simple concept, «The appeasement does not stop aggressors» [22].
The representatives of the Anti-Hitler coalition had realized this, approximately, in year 1940.

To year 2024, the similarity of rhetoric of Putin [5] to that by Adolf Hitler and the justification of actions of Hitler [5] is mentioned by many authors [23][24].
Тhe putin's justification of actions of Hitler [6][24] is difficult to ignore.

In such a way, the ideas by Hermann Göring and Adolf Hitler are important for construction of historical models related to events in century 21.
Up to year 2024 many Moscovites still pretend, that they expect, that in the case of the Putin world war, the transfer of hostilities to aggressor territory have no need to happen.
It will be interesting to trace, how long this believe (or the simulation of such a believe) may last: how far the historic analogies may go?


The analogy of activity of Hermann Göring is traced in TORI with scientific goal.

This analogy should not be intereptered as an appeal to partizan war agaist the alias of the putin's regime. The Editor does not participate in the partizan war and for this reason cannot push the colleagues to do this. More civilized ways to deal with the Accomplices of the Putin regime (see «Пособник путинского режима»,[25][26]) are described in articles «Hague», «Nuremberg-2», «Payback», «Апокал», «Прокурорский сон», «Ст.353 УК РФ» (In Russian).

The analysis suggested is not an attempt to prolong the agony of the Putin regime.
The analysis suggested is not an attempt to boost the collapse of RF.
However, the Editor keeps his right to Call things with their proper names, to build-ip the historical models and to compare their predictions to the observed phenomena.


  1. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Göring_Augsburg_1945.jpg 0Original file ‎(2,021 × 2,880 pixels, file size: 3.01 MB, MIME type: image/jpeg); ZoomViewer // English: Hermann Göring in American custody in Augsburg-Bärenkeller on 11 May 1945, giving an interview to the Allied press. Information source: Manvell, Roger; Fraenkel, Heinrich (1968). "Hermann Göring". London: New English Library. p. 239. // Deutsch: Hermann Göring in US-amerikanischer Gefangenschaft in Augsburg-Bärenkeller am 11. Mai 1945 in einem Interview für die alliierte Presse // Date Taken on 11 May 1945 // Source https://www.airandspaceforces.com/PDF/MagazineArchive/Magazine%20Documents/2015/August%202015/0815goering.pdf#page=3 // AuthorUnknown author
  2. ttps://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Goering_on_trial_(color).jpg English: German Reichsmarschall, Commander of the Luftwaffe Hermann Goering (1893 - 1946) during cross examination at his trial for war crimes in Room 600 at the Palace of Justice during the International Military Tribunal (IMT), Nuremberg, Germany, 1946. Date 1946 Source https://collections.ushmm.org/search/catalog/pa7387
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 https://www.gutenberg.org/files/61521/61521-h/61521-h.htm Hilaire Belloc. The Modern Traveller. Illustrator: Basil Temple Blackwood. EDWARD ARNOLD. 37, Bedford Street, London; 1898
  4. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Bundesarchiv_Bild_146-1975-117-26,_Marschflugkörper_V1_vor_Start.jpg English Cruise missile Fieseler Fi 103 (also known as a Vergeltungswaffe [Vengeance Weapon] 1, or V1) is pulled by soldiers on sledges to its launching position
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 https://tass.ru/politika/19534585 14 декабря 2023, 09:40, обновлено 14 декабря 2023, 10:31 Путин заявил, что к конфликту на Украине привело стремление Запада подползти к границам РФ. .. Путин указал, что Россию вынудили на проведение СВО. "Они вынудили нас на эти действия", - подчеркнул президент РФ.
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 http://www.kremlin.ru/events/president/transcripts/73411 Интервью Такеру Карлсону Владимир Путин ответил на вопросы Такера Карлсона – журналиста, основателя видеоплатформы Tucker Carlson Network. 9 февраля 2024 года 07:00 Москва, Кремль Итак, перед Второй мировой войной, когда Польша посотрудничала с Германией, отказалась выполнять требования Гитлера, но тем не менее поучаствовала вместе с Гитлером в разделе Чехословакии, но, поскольку не отдала Данцигский коридор, всё-таки поляки вынудили, они заигрались и вынудили Гитлера начать Вторую мировую войну именно с них. Почему началась война 1 сентября 1939 года именно с Польши? Она оказалась несговорчивой. Гитлеру ничего не оставалось при реализации его планов начать именно с Польши. ..
  7. https://newrepublic.com/article/117896/vladimir-medinsky-russias-culture-minister-putin-toady Maria Lipman. May 24, 2014 Meet the Second-Rate Academic Who is Vladimir Putin's Culture Cop Vladimir Medinsky is nationalist and anti-European, just like Putin // Medinsky is so keen to demonstrate Russia’s superiority to other nations that he has even said that Russia’s perseverance in the face of all twentieth-century catastrophes, indicates that “our people have an extra chromosome.” ..
  8. http://www.intellectualdisability.info/conditions-associated-with-intellectual-disability/articles/the-genetics-of-downs-syndrome The Genetics of Down's Syndrome Anna Kessling (UK) and Mary Sawtell (UK). © 2024 University of Hertfordshire. .. Down's syndrome occurs in babies born with extra chromosome 21 material in their cells. Down's syndrome is also known as trisomy 21. Trisomy 21 means there are 3 (tri) copies of chromosome (somy) 21. There are three main types of Down's syndrome: Regular trisomy 21 - also known as standard or free trisomy 21 - in which all the cells have an extra chromosome 21. Around 94% of people with Down's syndrome have this type. Translocation - in which extra chromosome 21 material is attached to another chromosome. Around 4% of people with Down's syndrome have this type. Mosaic - in which only some of the cells have an extra chromosome 21. Around 2% of people with Down's syndrome have this type.
  9. https://www.quora.com/Can-Russia-really-be-described-as-upper-Volta-with-missiles Can Russia really be described as "upper Volta with missiles"? (2024)
  10. https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/televison-from-burkina-faso-with-rockets-to-upper-volta-without-1185033.html Televison: From Burkina Faso with rockets to Upper Volta without Steve Crashaw Sunday 15 November 1998 01:02 GMT The Cold War BBC2 Correspondent BBC2 // The Soviet Union was famously described as "Upper Volta with rockets", a catchphrase that was updated by the geographically precise to become "Burkina Faso with rockets". It was a powerfully succinct description. The United States was rich and space-age powerful; the Soviet Union was poor and space-age powerful. The contradictions and paradoxes that stemmed from that could never fully be resolved - least of all by the citizens of the Soviet Union themselves.
  11. Artem Romaniukov. Dangerous Line. 2022 March. Firing on civilian nuclear facilities is an unacceptable disregard for the rules of war that endangers the entire world, not just Ukraine. Lieutenant Artem Romaniukov on active duty with the Ukrainian Defence Forces, March 2022. .. In Ukraine, we have a saying, “мавпа з гранатою,” which means, “Like a monkey with a grenade." Russia is playing the monkey to all of Europe. ..
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TWju5RPJOUU Четыре бомбы, изменившие ход войны. Техникум Марка Солонина Mark Solonin Jul 22, 2023 #марксолонин #войнаукраина
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QNji5tl2Ga0 Четыре бомбы, изменившие ход войны. Часть 2. Техникум Марка Солонина Mark Solonin Jul 23, 2023
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IoH6HKv7IJU Состоявшийся Армагеддон. Война в воздухе. Первый Фронт Mark Solonin Nov 20, 2023 #марксолонин #войнаукраина
  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zlJ5nD90Rcc "Все города Германии не стоят жизни одного британского солдата" Война в воздухе.Часть 2 Mark Solonin Nov 22, 2023 #марксолонин #войнаукраина
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4bQKchTK0I Гибель Содома. Война в воздухе. Часть 3 Mark Solonin Nov 27, 2023
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qS8jxpIVhAc "Летающая крепость" над Европой. Война в воздухе. Часть 4 Mark Solonin Dec 3, 2023
  18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VgySRAq1s64 Мустанги над Берлином. Крах люфтваффе. Война в воздухе Mark Solonin Dec 8, 2023
  19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wzfOL9tKh7c Бомбардировку Дрездена заказала Москва. Война в воздухе. Послесловие Mark Solonin Dec 9, 2023
  20. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golda_Meir Golda Meir[nb 1] (née Mabovitch; 3 May 1898 – 8 December 1978) was an Israeli politician who served as the fourth prime minister of Israel from 1969 to 1974. She was Israel's first and only female head of government and the first female head of government in the Middle East.[5] ..
  21. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7sy1ZEERe8s Спасение рядового Путина: Чип и Дейл спешат на помощь// Шейтельман 2024.02.11. - - «Неможливо домовлятися про мир з тими, хто прийшов тебе вбивати» ..
  22. https://eu.boell.org/en/2022/05/17/appeasement-does-not-stop-aggressors Appeasement does not stop aggressors. Russia’s aggression threatens not just those states it sees as its enemies. It also threatens our life in peace, the guarantee of civic and human rights, freedom and democracy. None of these can be taken for granted, as Russia’s war is being waged against the very principles that lie at the heart of our community, writes Czechia's Foreign Minister Jan Lipavský. 17 May 2022 by Jan Lipavský
  23. https://www.newsweek.com/fact-check-putin-defends-hitlers-invasion-poland-carlson-interview-1868582 Fact Check: Putin Defends Hitler's Invasion of Poland in Carlson Interview Published Feb 09, 2024 at 11:10 AM EST Updated Feb 09, 2024 at 12:46 PM EST Tucker Carlson's interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin, posted online on Thursday, began with a 30-minute history lesson from the Moscow leader, who made broad claims about Russia's historical claim to Ukraine. // The controversial interview in Moscow, released on Thursday, sparked a wave of mockery as Putin lectured Carlson, talking through Russian history from the 9th century to the present day. // Some commentators alleged that while talking through the Soviet campaign in World War II, Putin claimed that Adolf Hitler had been "forced" to invade Poland in 1939. ..
  24. 24.0 24.1 https://news.yahoo.com/putin-justifies-hitlers-actions-poles-161157911.html Putin justifies Hitler's actions: The Poles were uncooperative. Poland expresses outrage Ukrainska Pravda Sat, February 10, 2024, 1:11 AM GMT+9·
  25. https://ria-m.tv/news/305254/skabeeva_zapugivaet_rossiyan_gaagoyu_posobnik_putinskogo_rejima_ili_mimo_prohodil_—_vinovatyimi_budem_vse.html Скабеева запугивает россиян Гаагою: "Пособник путинского режима или мимо проходил — виноватыми будем все" 01 декабря 2022, 06:05 | Российская пропагандистка Ольга Скабеева пугает зрителей тем, что в случае поражения России в войне против Украины всем россиянам грозит Гаагский трибунал. Соответствующее заявление Скабеева сделала в эфире пропагандистского теле-шоу. "Если вдруг, не дай Бог, что-то произойдет и наша страна не сможет одержать победу, тогда надо исходить из того, что претензии будут предъявлены каждому без исключения. Безотносительно – на территории РФ он находится или за пределами. И те, кто за пределами, наверное, мгновенно будут арестованы. Пособник он путинского режима или мимо проходил – неважно, виноватыми будем все", – придумала пропагандистка.
  26. https://www.business-gazeta.ru/news/573872 29 ноября 2022, 19:24 Симоньян: «Если мы умудримся проиграть, Гаага условная или конкретная ждет даже дворника» Главный редактор телеканала RT Маргарита Симоньян в эфире у Владимира Соловьева рассказала, почему России нельзя проиграть в противостоянии с Украиной и в целом с Западом. // «Я хочу сказать, что, если мы умудримся проиграть, Гаага условная или конкретная ждет даже дворника, который брусчатку за кремлевской стеной подметает. Что нам от того, что еще один район Киева останется без света или не останется? Масштаб катастрофы для нашей страны, если мы умудримся это сделать, даже представить нельзя. Гааги бояться — в лес не ходить», — заявила Симоньян.

https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Геринг,_Герман Ге́рман Вильге́льм Ге́ринг (немецкое произношение Гёринг[3]; нем. Hermann Wilhelm Göring, немецкий: [ˈɡøːʁɪŋ] (слушать)(инф.); 12 января 1893, близ Розенхайма, Германская империя — 15 октября 1946, Нюрнберг, Американская зона оккупации Германии) — политический, государственный и военный деятель нацистской Германии, рейхсминистр авиации, рейхсмаршал Великогерманского рейха (19 июля 1940), обергруппенфюрер СА, почётный обергруппенфюрер СС, генерал пехоты и генерал земельной полиции, международный военный преступник и один из ближайших соратников и пособников Гитлера. ..

2023.03.03. https://www.gazeta.ru/army/news/2022/03/03/17376199.shtml 03 марта 2022, 20:28 Путин заявил, что спецоперация на Украине идет по плану// Анастасия Лежепекова// Президент России Владимир Путин, выступая на заседании Совбеза, заявил, что спецоперация РФ на Украине «идет по плану». Об этом сообщает ТАСС. Глава государства сообщил об этом после минуты молчания по погибшим в ходе операции военнослужащим. «Хочу сказать, что специальная военная операция идет в строгом соответствии с графиком, по плану. Все поставленные задачи успешно решаются», — сказал президент. ..


«Designate Russia as state sponsor of terrorism», «Fascism», «Golda Meir», «Hermann Göring», «Hermann Meier», «Mechanisms of history», «Monkey with a grenade» «New World Order», «Nuremberg-1», «Total war», «Transfer of hostilities to aggressor territory», «World War II»,

«А нас то за что», «Агрессор и оккупант», «Вторая Мировая война», «[[]]», «Новый Мировой Порядок», «[[]]», «Перенос боевых действий на территорию страны агрессора», «Россия полностью уничтожила Мариуполь», «Россия проиграла Вторую Мировую войну», «Тотальная война», «Фашизм», «Я бомбил Дрезден»,