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2022.04.22.Telegraph.Embargo is short extract of publication [1] by The Telegraph about the European countries that had supported supplied weapon for the Putin world war against the Human Civilization. Neither the suspects are named, nor the sources of information are revealed.
The article is important as an illustration of a doubtful information: the readers are unlike to be able to repeat the same deduction and come to the similar estimates for the quantities mentioned.

The extract is copy pasted here for the case if the original becomes unavailable.
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France and Germany evaded arms embargo to sell weapons to Russia


Joe Barnes, Justin Huggler, Dominic Penna.

France and Germany evaded arms embargo to sell weapons to Russia.

2022-04-22 21:30.

France and Germany armed Russia with €273 million (£230 million) of military hardware now likely being used in Ukraine, an EU analysis shared with The Telegraph has revealed.

They sent equipment, which included bombs, rockets, missiles and guns, to Moscow despite an EU-wide embargo on arms shipments to Russia, introduced in the wake of its 2014 annexation of Crimea.

The European Commission was this month forced to close a loophole in its blockade after it was found that at least 10 member states exported almost €350 million (£294 million) in hardware to Vladimir Putin’s regime. Some 78 per cent of that total was supplied by German and French firms.

Olaf Scholz, the German chancellor, has faced fierce criticism this week for his reluctance to provide heavy weapons to Ukraine. Emmanuel Macron’s efforts to negotiate with Putin have seen the French president accused of appeasement.

Both Paris and Berlin have resisted an EU ban on buying gas from Russia, with the bloc currently paying Moscow €1 billion (£840 million) per day for energy supplies.

The EU report emerged as a top Russian commander said Moscow had expanded its goals to take “full control” of southern Ukraine, as well as the eastern Donbas region.

Russian forces would create a land bridge to Crimea and could push as far as the border of Moldova, said Major General Rustam Minnekayev, the deputy commander of the Russian central military district.

In New Delhi, Boris Johnson on Friday warned that Russia could still win the war, announcing plans to send British tanks to Poland so that Ukraine could receive Warsaw’s Soviet-era T-72 models.

Asked if Russia could win the war in Ukraine, the Prime Minister conceded it was a “realistic possibility” and that Moscow was very close to seizing Mariupol. On Friday, Putin told Charles Michel, the president of the European Council, that the marines holed up in the city’s Azovstal steel plant would be allowed to live if they surrendered.

Meanwhile, Mr Scholz pointed to the threat of nuclear war as he sought to answer critics over Berlin’s reluctance to provide Ukraine with high-powered arms.

Criticism increased when it emerged that German firms had used a loophole in an EU embargo on arms exports to Russia, making sales worth €121 million (£107 million) of “dual-use” equipment, including rifles and special protection vehicles, to Moscow.

Berlin defended its use of an ambiguity within the EU’s 2014 arms blockade, insisting that the goods were sold only after the Kremlin guaranteed they were for civilian use, rather than military application.

“If there were indications of any kind of military use, the export licenses were not granted,” a spokesman for the country’s economy ministry added.

France was also found to have been responsible for sending shipments worth €152 million (£128 million) to Russia, as part of 76 export licences. Paris allowed exporters to fulfil contracts agreed before 2014, using a backdoor technicality in the EU embargo.

Alongside bombs, rockets and torpedoes, French firms sent thermal imaging cameras for more than 1,000 Russian tanks as well as navigation systems for fighter jets and attack helicopters.

Since the start of the invasion on Feb 24, the EU has introduced further restrictions on the export of dual-use items to Moscow, closing the loophole.

However, it took the bloc until its fifth package of sanctions, described as the most draconian ever introduced by Brussels, until the exemption on previously agreed arms sales to Russia was scrapped.

Olaf Scholz, the German chancellor, was criticised this week for his reluctance to provide heavy weapons to Ukraine

The French government did not comment on its use of the exemption, but has previously defended the “grandfather” clause.

The loophole, eventually closed on April 8, was only shut after mounting protests from Baltic and eastern member states.

Envoys from Poland and Lithuania ensured the text of the original 2014 arms embargo was amended when it emerged weapons were still pouring into Russia.

According to European Commission data, EU countries last year sold Russia weapons and ammunition worth €39 million (£33 million) as the Kremlin prepared for its invasion of Ukraine.

Tobias Ellwood, the chairman of the Commons defence committee, said that all Nato member states should have to declare they are not sending arms to Russia at the Madrid summit in June.

“If we agree Russia now presents an existential threat to European security, then there is no excuse for any European country to continue supplying Russia arms,” he said.

Admiral Lord West of Spithead, a former First Sea Lord, said: “Using loopholes to avoid the EU arms embargo of Russia post the Crimean invasion is effectively a crime and breathtakingly stupid.”

A senior EU source added: “It’s time for France and Germany to wake up and get real.”

Cristian Terhes, the Romanian MEP who shared the EU analysis, said: “While Ukraine is desperately crying out for weapons to defend itself from Putin’s invasion, Germany and France are silent, but were happy enough to quietly and disgracefully sell their wares to Moscow.”

The EU report followed probes last month into Europe’s worst offenders for weapons exports to Russia by Disclose and Investigate Europe, two investigative news websites.

As well as Germany and France, Italy was responsible for sending arms worth €22.5 million (£19 million) to Moscow after the EU embargo was imposed, while Britain made sales of €2.4 million (£2 million).

Austria, Bulgaria and the Czech Republic exported €49.3 million (£41 million) between them in arms to Russia between 2015 and 2022.

Historic context

The text refers to the coppuption in the West Europe during the Putin world war.

Several alias of the state sponsor of terrorism are reported to supply the aggressor with weapon. They seem to be co-responsible in the murdering of thousands Ukrainians, including hundreds children, at the destroying of perinatal centers, schools, museums and theaters and building with salective weapon. In particular, the bombs seem to be used to destroy city Mariupol (see )

The numerical estimates for the cost of weapon supplied to murderers are suggested in the original article.

No way to check the estimates is found.

No persons responsible for the collaboration with aggressor are named.

No evidence of any attempt to withdraw a part of damage caused by the putin's Спецоперация from the suspected persons at Europe is detected.

On the other hand, certain evidences of the international support of Ukraine are observed; the Anti-Putin coalition is detected; the American lend-lease to support Ukraine (and to save Europe from the Russian aggression) is established.

Evidence of the war crimes of the Putin's troops in Ukraine are published [2][3][4]. The comparison with crimes of the German nazis during the World War II show, that the Putin's fascists are mode cruel and destructive, than their Hitler's colleagues [5].
In this condition, for the European leaders, it becomes difficult to pretend, that they do not know, that the Russian usurper is terrorist, agent of KGB and war crime. This cause some hopes, that the Putin's crime partners in Europe will be reveled and brought to the criminal court (see «Hague» and «Nuremberg-2»).
No similar hope about Russia exist. In Russia, due to the usurpation, there exist no state institutes, that could force the Russian official to follow the international law and fulfill the agreements, signed and ratified by the Russian representatives. In this sense, Russia may be qualified as illegal, as state sponsor of terrorism.

The professional investigation of the problem of supply of the fascist regime with weapon is important for the development of science. If putin, menacing the world with nuclear weapon, continues to seize new and new territories, then, the development of any science becomes more and more difficult. This is not a question of any politics; this is question of prudence, justice and existence of the Human civilization.



The copy pasted text and the comment above are loaded to TORI with scientific goals.

Neither politics, nor the political correctness is an element of set of these goals.

In particular the articles in TORI should not be interpreted as an indication of way, how the Putin world war against the human civilization should be stopped.

Questions about methods that can be used against the country-aggressor fall out of the range of applicability of the TORI axioms and cannot get any definite answer at site Mizugsdro.

Some opinions on the topic are collected in articles «I bombed Dresden», «Payback» (In Russian), «А нас то за что» (In Russian) and «Геноцид коррупционеров»(In Russian).

Articles at TORI should not be considered as and attempt to boost the Collapse of RF, nor as an attempt to prolong the agony of the Putins's Russia.

However, the Editor keeps his right (and even duty) to call things with their proper names.


  1. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2022/04/22/exclusive-france-germany-evaded-arms-embargo-sell-weapons-russia/ Joe Barnes, Justin Huggler, Dominic Penna. France and Germany evaded arms embargo to sell weapons to Russia. 2022-04-22 21:30.
  2. https://www.spiegel.de/international/europe/a-closer-look-at-the-russian-atrocities-in-bucha-do-you-want-to-die-quickly-or-slowly-a-513b1e84-0e3a-42e9-bf17-d90e0ef9b119 Survivors Describe the Russian Atrocities in Bucha Russian soldiers shot and killed hundreds of civilians in the town of Bucha, just north of Kyiv. DER SPIEGEL went there to talk with survivors about their shocking experiences under the occupiers. By Christian Esch und Thore Schröder in Bucha, Ukraine 08.04.2022, 18.49 Uhr
  3. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-61085810 Russia-Ukraine war. 13 April (2022) Police in Bucha examine a body unearthed in a field. At least 500 dead have been found since the Russians left. .. When the Russians retreated from Bucha, a massive operation began to find and document the dead. BBC News joined the local police officers and bereaved families as they carried out their grim task.
  4. https://ca.movies.yahoo.com/captured-russian-pilot-admits-bombing-165855480.html Business InsiderBusiness Insider// Captured Russian pilot admits to bombing civilians, urges Russia to stop assault: 'We have already lost this war'// Katie Balevic Sun, March 13, 2022, 1:58 AM. A captured Russian pilot admitted to targeting Ukrainian civilians and urged Russia to call off the assault on Ukraine. // Lt. Colonel Krishtop Maxim Sergeevich was shot down on March 6 and taken into custody, Interfax Ukraine reported. // "I think we have already lost this war," Krishtop said at a press conference with other prisoners of war.
  5. https://24tv.ua/ru/pochemu-russkie-50-raz-huzhe-nemeckih-nacistov_n1937914 Почему русские в 50 раз хуже немецких нацистов 20:07, 5 апреля (2022) // И почему же россияне хуже немецких нацистов? Я приведу очень простой пример Ирпеня. На момент оккупации из него многие уехали, но там было примерно 20 тысяч населения. В нем русские фашисты убили не менее 500 человек. Потому что сейчас множество людей ищут своих близких, раскапывают разные подвалы, в которых мучили людей, в которых сжигали людей, и находят там своих близких или соседей, или родственников. // За менее чем месяц оккупации россиянами в городке, из которого происходили выходы населения и в котором на момент оккупации было примерно 20 тысяч человек, убито по меньшей мере 500. Пропорцию вы можете посчитать сами. Это через месяц. Что касается Ирпеня во время германо-фашистской оккупации. Тогда в Ирпене проживало около 10 тысяч человек. Из этих 10 тысяч человек за всю войну есть данные о том, что немецкие оккупанты убили 10 человек.


Bucha, Corruption, Designate Russia as state sponsor of terrorism, Fascism, France, Genocide, Germany, History, I bombed Dresden, Putin world war, Russia, Russian invasion into Ukraine, Russia-Ukraine war, The Telegraph, Ukraine, War crime

Банда наркоманов, Бармалей, Геноцид коррупционеров, Спецоперация