Anti-Hitler coalition

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1940.12.08, Churchill to Roosevelt [1]

Anti-Hitler coalition (Антигитлеровская коалиция) is alliance of countries (the USA and the UK) that resist the aggression of the Hitler coalition (USSR, Germany, Italy, Japan) dirt the World War II.

In 1942, Stalin (and the USSR) leave from the Hitler coalition and join the Anti-Hitler coalition.

Historic dates

Attempt to collect the most important events, related to the Anti-Hitler coalition, is presented in this section.

1924.01.21, Stalin kills Lenin and becomes top monarch at the USSR.

1933.01.30, Adolf Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany

1937.oo.oo, Japan invades Manchuria

1938.oo.oo, Germany Anschlusses Austria

1938.09.30, Munich treaty

1938,03.oo, Germany invades Czechoslovakia

1939.08.23, Molotov-Ribbentrop pact: creation of the Hitler coalition

1939.08.31, Adolf Hitler orders hostilities against Poland to start at 4:45 the next morning.

1939.09.03, Great Britain and France declare war on Germany.

1939.09.17, Soviet invasion into Poland begins.

1939.09.22, the Hitler coalition defeat Poland and perform parade at Brest. The guerrilla in the USSR begins.

1939.09.24, USSR's ultimatum to Estonia.

1939.09.29, Estonia capitulates. Soviet nazi occupy Estonia.

1939.10.05. USSR's ultimatum to Lithuania and Latvia.

1939.10.10, Lithuania and Latvia capitulate. Soviet nazi occupy Lithuania and Latvia.

1939.11.26, Soviet fascists perform the false flag attack at Soviet village Manila, to make pretext for the full-scale invasion against Finland.

1939.11.30, Soviet invasion into Finland beings. Of order of a million of Soviet aggressors are killed at the Mannerheim Line in 1939, December.

1940.03.12, Moscow Peace Treaty. Finland recognize the loss of territories seized by the Russian nazis.

1940.04.09, German invasion into Norway and Denmark.

1940.05.10. Winston Churchill becomes prime minister of the UK.

1940.05.10, Germany attacks France.

1940.06.25, France capitulate. The partizan war Resistance continues.

1940.07.31, Germany attacks the UK. Battle of Britain (Air Battle for England)

1940.09.27, Italy and Japan join the Hitler coalition with the Tripartite Pact at Berlin.

1940.12.08, Winston Churchill sends letter to Franklin Roosevelt, Anti-Hitler coalition is created.

1941.93.11, Lend-Lease begins to help the UK [2].

1941.06.22, quarrel in the Hitler coalition: German troops attack the Red army in occupied Poland.

1941.12.07. Japan attacks Pearl Harbor. The USA declare war against Japan.

1945.05.08, Adolf Hitler capitulates. The Central and Eastern Europe happen under the Soviet occupation.

1945.08.06. Hiroshima bombing.

1945.08.09. Nagasaki bombing.

1945.08.15. Japan issued the order to Japan troops to stop resistance against the USA.

1945.08.24, Japan's part of Karafuto is occupied by Soviet troops. Thousands Soviet soldiers are killed there; similar losses at the Japan

1945.09.02. Japan surrender to the USA.

1945.09.04. Soviet troops occupy the Kuril islands.

1945-1990. Struggle of the Central and Eastern Europe against the Soviet fascism.

1999-1993. Collapse of the USSR.

2000-2024. Putin creates an analogy of the Hitler coalition (see Putin coalition) and tries to reproduce achievements of the Hitler coaliton.

Historic analogies

2022.02.24, the Putin coalition (Belarus and Russia) try to repeat the achievements of the Hitler coalition (see «Можем поврорить», in Russian).

In analogy with the Anti-Hitler coalition, the Anti-Putin coalition is created. Tens countries send their help to Ukraine. The Russian aggression is recognized to be dangerous not only for Ukraine, bur for all the Human civilization, see «Россия угрожает уничтожить весь мир» [3], (in Russian).

In analogy the the American help to the UK in 1940, the lend-Lease for Ukraine is signed by the USA President 2022.05.09. [4]


Mechanisms of history

Creation of coalition against the aggressors is one of mechanisms of history.

The idea of aggressor is to create some coalition, and to attack other countries one by one. But the aggressor cannot defeat countries that resist the aggression together.

The Anti-Hitler coalition seems to be first example in the history, when the danger of aggression had been formulated, and the goal of the coalition was not to "redraw" borders, but to stop aggression and to help the people of the fascistic countries not to repeat the same in future.

Anti-Hitler coalition succeeded with Germany, Italy and Japan. To the end of century 20, these countries become prosper and civilized.

Anti-Hitler coalition failed with the USSR. Stalin got new colonies in the Central Europe: Estonia, Lativa, Lithuania, Poland, half of Germany, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, Moldova.
In 1990s, a the collapse of the USSR, these countries achieved the liberation from the fascism.

Many other republics, that had been parts of the USSR, are not so successful. Since the collapse of the USSR, they continue to fight each other. The Russia, as the biggest among the rests of the USSR, remains the most aggressive, see «Designate Russia as state sponsor of terrorism». Here are most known examples:
The Chechen wars and annexation of Ichkeria as «Chechnia» (1996-2000),
Russian aggression against Moldova and occupation of «Pridnestrovie» (Transnistria)(1996-2000) Russian invasion into Georgia(2008.08.08 - )
Russian invasion into Ukraine and Annexation of Crimea (2014.02.20 - ) and, as the continuation,
the fill-scale Russia-Ukraine warСпецоперация», 2022.02.24 -).

These wars appear as parts of the new war, Putin world war. The Russian usurper, agent of KGB, Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich (or any impostor, that pretends to be that putin) tries to repeat the achievements of the Hitler coalition, see «Можем повторить». The Putin coalition is created (Russia + Belarus), with apparent goal to attack the neighbor countries. The analogy of the Anti-Hitler coalition is denoted with term «Anti-Putin coalition».

The scientific interest is to check, weather the lessons of history of century 20 help to prevent the unfolding of the Putin world war to the scale of the World War II; weather the Anti-Putin coalition may act in more efficient way, than the Anti–Hitler coalition, precent cooptation into the Putin coalition new autocrats, analogy of joining of Italy and Japan to the Hitler coalition, or Putin has calculated better, than Hitler had, and the Putin coalition can be so efficient and dangerous, as the Hitler coalition was.


  1. Just how special was the ‘special relationship’ in the Second World War? (Part 1, 1939–41) Get full access to the Churchill Archive Source 2 Letter from Winston Churchill to President Roosevelt, 8 December 1940 Reference CHAR 23/4/11 (images 1 and 4)
  2. 77TH CONG., 1ST SESS.-CHS . 10, 11-MAR. 7, 11, 1941. An Act to Promote the Defense of the United States. ..
  3. Варвара Кошечкина. Россия угрожает уничтожить весь мир. 16:30, 8 мая 2022.
  4. The Ukraine Democracy Defense Lend-Lease Act of 2022 is an act of the United States Congress that facilitates the supply of materiel to the Ukrainian government in a manner similar to the World War II Lend-Lease Act in response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.[1] .. (Redirected from Anti-Hitler coalition)