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http://rutube.ru/tracks/1549134.html?v=d7df01269a3861d71f7f4d83ff40fdfa The Soviet Story, 1
SinuFilm - Deportation. Nov 12, 2013
Who is a hero? Why must we stand up for the powerless? Can an ordinary person accomplish great evil?
http://mgsupgs.livejournal.com/1295699.html Зато мы делаем ракеты... 23:01 Сентябрь, 26, 2013. Королев Сергей Павлович, арестован арестован 27 июня 1938 года по обвинению во вредительстве, ..// Глушко Валентин Петрович - инженер, крупный советский учёный в области ракетно-космической техники; один из пионеров ракетно-космической техники; основоположник отечественного жидкостного ракетного двигателестроения. Арестован в марте 1938 года.. // Лангемак Георгий Эрихович, советский ученый, один из пионеров ракетной техники и один из основных создателей реактивного миномета «Катюша», военинженер 1-го ранга. Герой Социалистического Труда (1991, посмертно). Арестован 2 ноября 1937 ..//
2015.11.18. http://www.elmundo.es/la-aventura-de-la-historia/2015/11/18/564c9f1c268e3e2f768b45f6.html JUAN JOSÉ RIVAS MORENO. La intervención de la URSS en el mundo árabe propició la aparición del yihadismo. ACTUALIZADO 18/11/201517:23.
http://samlib.ru/k/kuznecow_d_j/heroe.shtml National Hero
Line 138: Line 153:
http://rutube.ru/tracks/1549134.html?v=d7df01269a3861d71f7f4d83ff40fdfa The Soviet Story, 1
SinuFilm - Deportation. Nov 12, 2013
Who is a hero? Why must we stand up for the powerless? Can an ordinary person accomplish great evil?
http://mgsupgs.livejournal.com/1295699.html Зато мы делаем ракеты... 23:01 Сентябрь, 26, 2013. Королев Сергей Павлович, арестован арестован 27 июня 1938 года по обвинению во вредительстве, ..// Глушко Валентин Петрович - инженер, крупный советский учёный в области ракетно-космической техники; один из пионеров ракетно-космической техники; основоположник отечественного жидкостного ракетного двигателестроения. Арестован в марте 1938 года.. // Лангемак Георгий Эрихович, советский ученый, один из пионеров ракетной техники и один из основных создателей реактивного миномета «Катюша», военинженер 1-го ранга. Герой Социалистического Труда (1991, посмертно). Арестован 2 ноября 1937 ..//
2015.11.18. http://www.elmundo.es/la-aventura-de-la-historia/2015/11/18/564c9f1c268e3e2f768b45f6.html JUAN JOSÉ RIVAS MORENO. La intervención de la URSS en el mundo árabe propició la aparición del yihadismo. ACTUALIZADO 18/11/201517:23.
http://samlib.ru/k/kuznecow_d_j/heroe.shtml National Hero
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[[Category:Soviet veteran]]
[[Category:Soviet veteran]]

Revision as of 19:36, 18 January 2019

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics orthographic projection.png
History of the USSR by Alexandr Korolev
Soviet means best!

USSR ( СССР ) is name of the country at the North and East of Eurasia, created as result of occupation of Russia, Ukrania, Belarus and many other countries by the Bolshevicks troops in 1917–1918. After 1990, several countries are released from that occupation, and since 1993, formally, the USSR does not exist. However, the lustration of the soviet veterans was not performed, and many soviet traditions still remain in the post-soviet countries.

During the USSR, the best part of the population of Russia had been exterminated by bolshevicks, although many could emigrate. The question about ability of the Russian nation to recover after the USSR has scientific interest; therefore, the topic of the USSR is presented at TORI.

This article is to collect links about the USSR.


The Soviet concept of history, and in genera, sovietism determines certain point of view on the USSR. This concept is based on the following postulates:

1. During centuries the Russian people, as well as people in neighbour countries suffer of the Russian monarchy and capitalism, The capitalistic criminals and Russian monarchy lead Russia to series problems, including the Russian–Japan war in 2005 and the World War I in 2014–2015.

2. Vladimir Lenin wants to liberate the people of Russia and other countries from the slavery of capitalism.

3. Lenin learns the theory by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels and upgrade it for the proletarian revolution.

4. Lenin creates the communistic party, raising the bolshevism. The first attempt to overtone the Rissian monarchy takes place in 2005, but the revolution of 2005 is suppressed.

5. In 1917, the strongly–motivated proletariat overtone the Russian tsarizm, making the Great October Revolutoin and creating the USSR, Union of the Soviet Socialistic Republics.

6. The expiator classes and farmer do not accept the new order of bolsheviks, raising the civil war of 1918–1922. But bolsheviks suppress the class of class of bourgeoisie, establishing the new socialistic society.

7. In 1925, Lenin dies, but Stalin takes the leadership of the USSR, leading the country to prudence and happiness.

7. The socialism in the USSR allows the fast development of industry, science and agriculture. The fee labor of free Soviet people provides prosperity of Russians and other nations of the USSR.

8. The Soviet Union (USSR) never attack other countries, following the peaceful foreign policy. The soviet army, called Red army, becomes strongest in the world, able to crash any enemy and any aggressor at their territory with minimal losses, with one strong kick.

9. in 1930s. the capitalistic countries, in order to prevent the world–side socialistic revolution, support Adolf Hitler and fascism in Germany. This leads to the Second World War. Stalin tries to keep peace, making the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact with Hitler.

10. 1941.06.22, Hitled suddenly and cruelly breaks the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact, attacking the USSR.

11. in 1945, by the mass heroism of the soviet people and the wise supervision of ingenious leader Stalin, the Soviet people vin the World War II. The Soviet soldiers liberate not only their country, but also many countries in Eastern Europe, helping them to construct the socialistic society.

12. The advantage of socialistic economic system provide the fast development of science, technology and culture in the USSR and other socialistic countries.

13. The Soviet leaders show the best example of wisdom and patriotism, ruling the soviet society to communism.

14. The quality of life in the USSR greatly exceed that of all capitalistic countries. The soviet rubble becomes the most stable currency.

15. The artists and professional specialists from all the world come to the USSR in order to reveal their abilities and participate in construction of communism.

16. The USSR remiains invincible, uncollapsable country of prudence, piece, prosperity and freedom.

17. Following the program of the Communistic Party of the USSR (KPSS), the communism is constructed by 1980.

The sovietism described above, is compulsory religion in the USSR; however, this religion is qualified by itself as sicence. The adepts of this religion, soviet veterans, do not tolerate any deviation from the postulate above; such deviations are qualified as antisovietism and punished.


The Sovietism described in the previous section is inconsistent. It has many internal contradictions, and shows drastic disagreement with direct observations. The most widely known fact is, that in 1980, instead of communism, declared by the program of the Soviet Communistic party, the Soviet invasion into Afghanistan is observed, and in 1993, the USSR disintegrates to many not-so-friendy, but almost independent countries.

Any scientific concept about history, and, especially, about the USSR, is unavoidably anti-sovietic.

In the first approximation, every nontrivial statement of sovietism should be inverted, replaced with the opposite, inverse statement.

The stupid, cruel, fascistic activity of the Soviet genseks and other Soviet veterans lead to numerous victims. The primitive estimates indicate, that during the bolshevicks had killed the most of population of the USSR.

Since the beginning, the Bolshevicks construct the slavery for the Soviet people. By default, the people cannot even leave from the USSR. Those, who do not supper sovietism, are sent to the concentration camp, for the heavy, mortal work and painful death.

The primitive estimate show, that during the USSR, the bolsheviks kill the most of population of the USSR, totally of order of $10^8$ people. Some publications and observations, that lead to this estimate, are collected in Russian article Большевики убили почти всех.

The USSR crashes in 1993. First, since the end of 1980s, the colonial system of the USSR ends: the dominions, occupied and suppressed by the soviet troops since the World War II, get independence. Then, without contribution, the USSR withdraw from the colonies, the economic system collapses. The continuation of the socialistic empery becomes impossible, and the USSR collapses to the set of capitalistic, independent and not so friendly countries.

Since the crash of the USSR, the Soviet concept of history highly changes. The promises of the happiness for everybody at communism are replaced to the legends about prosper life of people during the USSR, with suggestions to return Russia Back in the USSR. The Putin world war (2008–2016) appears as an attempt of the Russian fuhrer to occupy neighbour countries, to annex them, to regain the colonies of the USSR, and continue the territorial expansion in stile of Stalin and Hitler.




World War II

Map of the USSR before World War II


Free Soviet jews to Israel, poster 1976 [1]


Products of decay

Post–soviet Russia


BackInTheUSSRpainting.jpg SerpImolot.jpg


  1. http://nickmix01.livejournal.com/276909.html November 9th, 2014, 09:42 am Свободу советским евреям! 1978. Три снимка 1978 года с митинга Greater New York Conference on Soviet Jewry перед офисом "Аэрофлота". Сбор подписей в поддержку петиции о свободном выезде. .. А какие у них были плакаты! Просто шик! Ручная работа.


http://rutube.ru/tracks/1549134.html?v=d7df01269a3861d71f7f4d83ff40fdfa The Soviet Story, 1

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfXWLVS3ZGQ SinuFilm - Deportation. Nov 12, 2013 Who is a hero? Why must we stand up for the powerless? Can an ordinary person accomplish great evil?

http://mgsupgs.livejournal.com/1295699.html Зато мы делаем ракеты... 23:01 Сентябрь, 26, 2013. Королев Сергей Павлович, арестован арестован 27 июня 1938 года по обвинению во вредительстве, ..// Глушко Валентин Петрович - инженер, крупный советский учёный в области ракетно-космической техники; один из пионеров ракетно-космической техники; основоположник отечественного жидкостного ракетного двигателестроения. Арестован в марте 1938 года.. // Лангемак Георгий Эрихович, советский ученый, один из пионеров ракетной техники и один из основных создателей реактивного миномета «Катюша», военинженер 1-го ранга. Герой Социалистического Труда (1991, посмертно). Арестован 2 ноября 1937 ..//

2015.11.18. http://www.elmundo.es/la-aventura-de-la-historia/2015/11/18/564c9f1c268e3e2f768b45f6.html JUAN JOSÉ RIVAS MORENO. La intervención de la URSS en el mundo árabe propició la aparición del yihadismo. ACTUALIZADO 18/11/201517:23.

http://samlib.ru/k/kuznecow_d_j/heroe.shtml National Hero


Bolsheivsm, Cannibalism, Communism, Concentration camp, Fascism, Genocide, Gensek, Gulag, Inquisition, Katyn-1, KGB, Russia, Socialism, Sovetism, Soviet veteran, Terror