Soviet veteran

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Luxury in the palace of the high-rank Soviet veteran [1]

Soviet veteran (Советский ветеран) - human, who participated in the crimilal activity of KGB, Communist Party of the Soviet Union or other soviet country, or supported their activity with suppression of antisovietism, organisation of election fraud and money laundry for the communistic leaders.

High rank soviet veterans are reported to collect huge treasures in their palaces, castles and villas. From time to time the leaders of the soviet veterans undergo revolutions, and have to escape or to be punished. The recent example of Viktor Yanukovich, Viktor Pshonka and their men from Ukriane is mentioned in articles Euromaidan and Russian invasion into Ukraine; several links on the topic are suggested there.

In addition, term Soviet veteran can be applied to the people, who did not live during the USSR, but support the Soviet veterans in the first meaning of this term.

Claims and religion of Soviet veterans

Often the Soviet veterans claim that they fought agains fascism during the World War 2. During the USSR, the soviet veterans also claimed that they are about to bulit-up communism in the USSR. The last attempt to build-up the communism refers to year 1980 (according to the Program of the Communist Party of the USSR), but the soviet veterans begun the invasion to Afganistan instead.

The most often religion of soviet veterans is bolshevism (In TORI, bolshevism is interpreted as kind of marxism and the most destructive kind of fascism).

EDRO, RAEN and other pseudoscience

After the crash of the USSR, the most criminal Soviet veterans united to Edro, that pretends to be a political party, in order to keep the superior power in Russia.

Many soviet veterans participate in the Raen that become trade-union of Russian pseudo–scientists. The most known products of agents of Raen are the fake filters produced in the program Clean Water by Viktor Petrik and Boris Gryzlov, and Gravitsapa by Valery Menshikov and his colleagues from the Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center.

The scandal claims for the Quantum structure transformer (Квантовый структурный преобразователь) and the Amphora fraud also are examples of the pseudo–scientific frauds by soviet veterans.

The crime and the punishemnt

The soviet veterans claim that they played positive role in the development of the Soviet Union and Russia, and punish authors who express doubts about such a claim. After year 1990, the ability of Soviet veterans to kill opponents significantly reduced, although they are suspected in organization of the terroristic acts (ant in particular, murder of the most popular Russian journalists). In century 21, the crimes of Soviet veterans are investigated by the European Court [2].

The punishment for the Soviet Veterans is discussions in the internet. As a soft measure, the destalinization is proposed, that includes lustration, prohibition for the soviet veterans and edro's to occupy any governmental position where they might have opportunity to get bribes as they do during the USSR and the the Vertikal vlasti. The Soviet veterans express opinions that they win again and avoid the punishment.


  1. a highly-decorated pool table in the games room Picture: JEFFREY J. MITCHELL/GETTY IMAGES (February, 2014)
  2. 16 April 2012. This judgment will become final in the circumstances set out in Article 44 § 2 of the Convention. It may be subject to editorial revision. In the case of Janowiec and Others v. Russia,.. SinuFilm - Deportation. Nov 12, 2013 Who is a hero? Why must we stand up for the powerless? Can an ordinary person accomplish great evil?

2010.03.17.{"dmdocnumber":["867803"],"itemid":["001-98669"]} CASE OF KONONOV v. LATVIA (Application no. 36376/04) JUDGMENT STRASBOURG 17 May 2010. In the case of Kononov v. Latvia, The European Court of Human Rights, sitting as a Grand Chamber composed of: Jean-Paul Costa, President, Christos Rozakis, Nicolas Bratza, Peer Lorenzen, Françoise Tulkens, Josep Casadevall, Ireneu Cabral Barreto, Dean Spielmann, Renate Jaeger, Sverre Erik Jebens, Dragoljub Popović, Päivi Hirvelä, Ledi Bianku, Zdravka Kalaydjieva, Mihai Poalelungi, Nebojša Vučinić, judges, Alan Vaughan Lowe, ad hoc judge, and Michael O’Boyle, Deputy Registrar, Having deliberated in private on 20 May 2009 and on 24 February 2010, Delivers the following judgment, which was adopted on the last-mentioned date: ..The case originated in an application (no. 36376/04) against the Republic of Latvia lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a national of the Russian Federation, Mr Vasiliy Kononov (“the applicant”), on 27 August 2004. .. .. PROCEDURE 1. The case originated in an application (no. 36376/04) against the Republic of Latvia lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a national of the Russian Federation, Mr Vasiliy Kononov (“the applicant”), on 27 August 2004. .. (See also ВОЕННЫЕ ПРЕСТУПЛЕНИЯ СОВЕТСКИХ ПАРТИЗАН В БЕЛОРУССИИ, ПРИБАЛТИКЕ И ФИНЛЯНДИИ 12:39 am May 9th, 2011. Первого апреля 2011 года умер Василий Кононов, бывший советский партизан, приговорённый в Латвии к тюремному заключению за преступления, совершённые им на территории республики во время войны 1941-45гг. Дело Кононова, который отсидел два года и подал на аппеляцию в Европейский Суд по Правам Человека, вызвало огромный резонанс в РФ. Официальная Россия всячески поддерживала Кононова как вербально - в речах первых лиц страны, так и практическими действиями: наняла ему адвоката, организовала манифестации у латвийского посольства в Москве и оплатила похороны военного преступника на средства российских налогоплательщиков. .., IN RUSSIAN)

2012.11.20. Oliver Poole . Smuggled tapes show luxury life of Castro. 12:01AM GMT 20 Nov 2002

2-14/05.21. JENNIFER NEWTON. King Castro: How Fidel lived the life of luxury in Cuba, complete with his own private island – and turtle farm. 17:38 GMT, 21 May 2014. Claims made in new book by former bodyguard Juan Reinaldo Sanchez Says the Cuban leader lived hidden life of luxury on private island and yacht Alleges the island included both a turtle farm and dolphins Adds that Castro never went anywhere without 10 bodyguards But others who have met the leader says he lives a simple, austere life

2014.08.16. US court orders son of Russian MP to be held on computer hacking charges. Saturday 16 August 2014 02.49 BST. Roman Seleznev, arrested in the Maldives, must stay in custody on charges of stealing more than 2m credit card numbers

2014.10.09. Alleged Russian Cyber-Criminal Now Charged in 40-Count Superseding Indictment Thursday, October 9, 2014. .. The now 40-count indictment alleges that Roman Valerevich Seleznev, aka “Track2,” 30, of Vladivostok, Russia, was involved in the theft and sale of more than 2 million credit card numbers. ..


Aggression, Bolshevism, Bombing of Nevskij express, Cannibalism, Corruption, Deportation, Edro, Fascism, Genocide, Herod law, Hostage, Joseph Stalin, Katyn-1, Katyn-2, KGB, Putin and Hitler, Revolution, Russia, Russian invasion into Ukraine, Sovetism, Vladimir Putin, Terror, USSR,