Zaporizhzhia Disaster

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Запорізька АЕС by Google
Запорізька АЕС 2022.08.24,10:39 Local Time by CNN [1]

Zaporizhzhia Disaster is the expected nuclear disaster at the Zaes (Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant, ЗАЭС, Запорізька АЕС, Запорожская АЭС) since the occupation by the Russian nazi in 2022 at the Russia-Ukraine war.

The brutal plundering of the biggest in Europe nuclear plant by the corrupted barbarians is expected to cause its explosion and the nuclear disaster, «Second Chernobyl»

No way is suggested to avoid the explosion of the nuclear plant:
Negotiation with the terrorist are senseless: the war criminal definitely will not follow his promises.
Ukraine has not sufficient weapon to surround and to arrest the terrorists, seized the plant.
NATO countries are not supposed to enter the conflict before the explosion happen.


Zaporizhzhia Disaster refers to expectation of explosion of Zaes (ЗАЭС).

Full name: Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant [2] (Запорізька атомна електростанція [3])

Promyslova St. 133, Enerhodar, Zaporizhia Oblast, Ukraine, 71500
Промислова вул. 133, Енергодар, Запорізька область, Україна

Coordinates: 47.5083, 34.5846

Putin world war

Zaporizhzhia Nuclear plant becomes widely known due to the Zaporizhzhia Disaster, that is very likely to happen. This disaster is expected to happen due to the Putin world war, at the use by the Russian terrorists as a kind of a nuclear weapon against Ukraine and against all the central Europe, including the NATO countries; the huge puff of unstable isotopes is expected to be released at the explosion.

Collapse of the USSR

Soon since the collapse of the USSR, several its rest fight each other. Russia happens to be the biggest product of the decay, and the most aggressive one. The series of the Russian aggressions is combined with term Putin world war.

It begins with Russian occupation of part of Moldova (Russian military presence in Transnistria, 1995) and become very bloody and barbarian with two Chechen wars (1996-2000); at the Second Chechen war, the independent Ichkeria had been defeated and annexed to Russia as «Chechnia»; the putin's gauleiger at Chechina, Kardyrov Ramzan AhmatovichКадыров Рамзан Ахматович») is reported to play the key role in organization of the Zaporizhzhia Disaster [4].

Since 2008.08.08, the Putin world war extended to Georgia, see «Russian invasion into Georgia». Abkhazia and South Osetia had been occupied and converted to Russian colonies.

In year 2014, Ukraine becomes next victim.

Hybrid war

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Since 2014.02.20, Ukraine becomes victim of the Russian aggression, see Russian invasion into Ukraine. Since 1994, Ukraine transferred the nuclear weapon to Russia, according to Budapest memorandum, in exchange to the guarantees to «respect the Independence and Sovereignty and the existing borders of Ukraine» from RF, UK and USA. Instead of the respect, the direct aggression happen from side of RF, and passive "concerns" and "worries" from side of the USA and the UK. Several people upset with absence of visible efforts from the guarantees of the Budapest memorandum to provide fulfillment of its statements.

That time, Ukraine suffered heavy political crisis and failed to organize the serious resistance to the Russian nazis. The Crimea peninsula had been occupied and annexed without significant battles, see Annexation of Crimea. Also, the Russian aggressors occupied pars of Donetsk and Lugansk regions, that part of Ukrainian territory is denoted with term «Ordlo» ("Occupied Regions of Donetsk and Luhansk oblast"). The ZSU failed to push the aggressors out from the occupied territories.

Since 2014 to 2022, the Russian invasion into Ukraine unfolds as a hybrid war, the Russian offees deny evidences, that the aggressors are soldiers of Russian army. Such terrorists are dented with term «ihtamnet» (transliteration from Russian «ихтамнет»). Pretending to be self-defence army, the ihtamnets used limited amount of the Russian military equipment, but they used this equipment for attacks on the civilian objects and robbery. The most known event of such a terror is the pyrat attack on the passenger jet performed flight MH17 from Amsterdam to Kuala-Lumpur; all passengers and crew were killed; their belongings were plundered by the terrorists.

During 2014 - 2022, the Russian nazi (Russki mir) try to extend their terror to new regions. They force the male population of the occupied regions to fight against Ukraine. But the ZSU did not allow them to advance West.

Since the end year 2021, the Russian army concentrate near Ukriane, and at previously occupied territories of Ukraine (Ordlo and Crimea).

Russia-Ukraine war

The full-scale invasion begins 2022.02.24. The Russian bombers and missiles hit the cities and villages of Ukraine. Significant part of the Russian nazis invaded Ukraine from Belarus; de-facto, the Putin coalition is formed, and Belarus also become country-terrorist (in more polite expression, state sponsor of terrorism). The Russian nazis used to kill and to robe the civil population. Thousands of Ukrainian soldiers had been murdered by the Russian aggressors, and thousands of Ukrainian civilians, there are hundred children among them. The Russian nazis attack hospitals, schools, theaters, museum, railroad stations, passenger trains. The attitude of the Russian soldiers to the civil population and senses of the civil people are described by Leo Tolstoy in novel Haji-MuratХаджи-Мурат#17»); since century 19, the customs in the Russian army did not improve.

The Russian army is much more numerous that the Ukrainian one, but hundred thousands of the Russian occupants had been destroyed. the Russian propagandists expected the Russian army to seize Kyiv in few days and to defeat the Ukrainian army in few weeks. This din not happen; the full-scale part of the Russian invasion into Ukraine had been planned as a «small victorious war». However, the war happens to be neither small, nor victorious. Significant part of the Russian army is destroyed in first months of the Russia-Ukraine war. The aggressive, barbarian behavior of the Russian army becomes so evident, that many countries help Ukraine to resist the aggressor; the Anti-Putin coalition is created. In summer of 2022, the advances of Russian troops stopped. However, before to loss the most powerful part of the army, the Russian aggressors succeeded to seize the Zaes.


The Russian usurper had some hopes related with the nuclear weapon, expecting the leaders of European countries to capitulate with this menace. Since the Budapest memorandum, Ukraine has no nuclear weapon; this provides serious advantages to the Russian fuhrer. But the two very important defects of the Soviet nuclear missiles had been revealed.
1. They are very old, and had not been tested during long time. No serious test can be performed at the total corruption.
2. The staff that are supposed to handle the nuclear weapon, understand, that, at the use of such weapon, the payback from NATO is horrible. The staff has no personal bunker with eden conditions, as the usurper has. So, all he workers involved do all they can to disable the Russian nuclear weapon - from the engineers, chemists and programmers to technicians and operators. The high technology weapon requires many socialist to deal with and allows a lot of opportunities for a sabotage.
In such a way, Putin is unlikely to have any nuclear missile [5]

The seizure of the nuclear plants, in particular, the Zaes, hives the tyrants the brilliant (unfortunately, literall) opportunity to use the nuclear reactors as a nuclear weapon. First, such a weapon is used as menaces, with hope to force Ukraine and civilized country to recognize the ccupied territories as part of Russia. Then, after the failure, the reactors can be exploded, killing millions people in Central Europe.

The publications observed can be interpreted in the following way. Putin tries to explode the reactors at the Zaes. He expects the release of unstable isotopes to be interpreted as an attack on the NATO countries with Nuclear weapon. Putin expects the attack to cause the immediate reciprocal hit, that kills the most of population of Russia. At such a hit, Putin hopes to get some security for his life: there will be nobody to extract him from his Eden at his personal bunker (that is expected to resist any attack).
This interpretation is described in Russian article «Мы попадём в рай а они сдохнут». It show good agreement with the general concept, that corruption in Russia of century 21 not only for the large scale, but becomes the common, usual phenomenon, that characterize the entire life of the Russian officials.
This interpretation shows also good agreement with the publications about behavior of Russian barbarians at the Zaes. Actually, the nuclear plant is out of any control [6]; it can explode any day. Such a state of zaes justifies the title of this article.


The Russian usurper Putin tries to use the menace of the explosion of Zaes in negotiations with goal to suspend the military actions and get recognitions of territories, occupied by the Russian nazis, as part of Russia.

However, the suggestion by the terrorist cannot be considered seriously.

First, at Russia, there is no mechanism, that could force the Russian offees to fulfill their promises; the negotiation with terrorists have no sense: any agreements are used by the Russian usurper to seise more territories, more hostages, more nuclear plants and use them for new menaces - in the same way, as Russia "respects" the Budapest memorandum.

Second, the barbarians, occupied the nuclear plant, cannot handle it in a safe way, even if they try to do it.

In such a way, there is no hope to prevent the explosion acceptant the terrorist's suggestion.
Yet, Ukraine has not yet weapon in sufficient amount to defeat the aggressors.
As for the NATO countries, they are not supposed to enter this war until the Zaporizhzhia Disaster indeed happen.


Up to date of the loading, the terrorists seised the Zaes are not identified.

The terrorists seem to follow commands by

Bortnikov Alexsandr Vasilievich (Бортников Александр Васильевич)

Dvornikov Aleksandr Vladimirovih (Дворников Александр Владимирович)

Gerasimov Valeri Vasilievich (Герасимов Валерий Васильевич)

Kadyrov Ramzan Ahmatovich (Кадыров Рамзан Ахматович) [7]

Lapin Aleksandr Pavlovich (Лапин Александр Павлович, see «Солдаты группы Центр»)

Prigozhin Evgeni Viktorovich (Пригожин Евгений Викторович)

(Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich (Путин Владимир Владимирович)


Emulation of messages from Putin to Karyrov and from Kadyrov to Putin is described in poem ToBigBrother (In Russian). Two songs from that poem are copy pasted below:

Путин Кадырову

Рамзан, тут получается фигня.
Ядреный чемоданчик, вроде, у меня;
Я нажимаю кнопку каждый день, уже надоедает,[5]
Но стратегичная ракета почему-то не взлетает.

Я пробовал Герасимова заменить на мыло [8]
Его мочалка бы меня за то простила.
Но мне уже не помогает мой кураж.
По армии лишь воровство и саботаж!

Песков сказал, ядреная АЭС,
У украинцев в Запорожье, вроде, есть.
И если б ты туда гвардейцев бы послал,
То даже без ракеты я б Европу отодрал.

Я знаю, что тебе не ведом, страх, испуг,
И ты нормальным пацанам конкретный друг,
Твоих братков туда не мог бы ты послать,
Чтоб в сумме получилось, как Кузькинамать?

Кадыров Путину

Мы только что освободили, дон, ядрёную АЭС.[9]
Теперь нам, дон, не страшен даже бес!
И если кто-то заподозрит, дон, обман,
То будет обезглавлен, дон, как враг и как смутьян!

Здесь зал для операторов шикарный, дон!
Теперь поклёп на нас, дон, будет отомщен!
Теперь Европу ожидает, дон, гостинец,
Его, дон, обеспечит, дон, твой верный пехотинец!


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Publications about the Zaporizhzhia Disaster are collected and analyzed in TORI with scientific goals.

Venganza is not element of set of these goals.

Neither evidences collected in the literature nor their interpretations are an appeal for murdering of the terrorists involved in preparation of the Zaporizhzhia Disaster.

More civilized ways to deal with the war crimes are considered in articles «Hague» and «Nuremberg-2».


  1. Satellite images show fires and smoke around Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant From CNN's Paul P. Murphy
  3.Запорізька_АЕС електростанція в Україні, у степовій зоні на березі Каховського водосховища в Запорізькій області, поруч із містом Енергодар. Це найбільша в Європі й третя у світі за сукупною потужністю атомна електростанція. Вона складається з шести атомних енергоблоків по 1 млн кВт кожен.
  4. Павел Красномовец, Михаил Сапитон, Катерина Рещук. Как шла и чем грозит атака России на Запорожскую АЭС. Рассказывает сотрудник станции 04 марта 20:19. В ночь с 3 на 4 марта войска России атаковали Запорожскую АЭС в городе Энергодар. Это крупнейшая атомная электростанция Европы и девятая по мощности в мире. Во время штурма объекта на территории велись бои, а российский снаряд попал в учебно-тренировочный центр и вызвал пожар.// Зеленский назвал это ядерным террором. «Она [ЗАЭС] одна могла быть как шесть Чернобылей», – заявил президент. Что случилось и насколько это реалистичный прогноз, рассказал Forbes сотрудник станции. Из соображений безопасности мы оставляем его имя в секрете. // Россияне применили для атаки на ЗАЭС так называемых «кадыровцев» – формирование из Чеченской республики. Раньше они пытались штурмовать аэропорт Гостомеля, убить Зеленского, прорывались в Бучу. На территорию АЭС они заехали небольшим формированием на двух автомобилях «Тигр». Первым под удар попало здание административного корпуса – там они подожгли дизель-генераторную установку. После окончания боев ее потушили. .. «Сейчас на гражданских атомных объектах руководят кадыровцы. Они убили несколько работников, которые учатся десятками лет и контролируют ядерную безопасность. Мы с 3 ночи доводили до всего мира, что мы, и даже Россия, не может гарантировать, что сейчас в голове у чеченских боевиков», – говорит о ситуации на ЗАЭС глава фракции «Слуга Народа» Давид Арахамия.
  5. 5.0 5.1 2019.20.22. Блеф ядерного Армагеддона. У Путина нет грозного оружия. 22.10.2019. .. президент РФ открывает свой «ядерный чемоданчик», вводит секретный код, жмет красную кнопку. А в результате – ничего не происходит. ..
  6. EDITH M. LEDERER. UN nuclear chief: Ukraine nuclear plant is `out of control’ August 3, 2022.
  7. Источник: УНИАН: отряды Кадырова прорвались на Запорожскую АЭС с целью заминировать ее// 04.03.2022 05:43 Продолжается бой на Запорожской АЭС. Ее атакуют отряды, присланные из Чечни по личному указанию Рамзана Кадырова. Об этом агентству УНИАН сообщили в ночь на пятницу, 4 марта, работники АЭС. «Это точно кадыровцы. Они сейчас будут пытаться заминировать АЭС и шантажировать этим всю Европу», — передали работники. По их словам, бойцы национальной гвардии Украины пытаются не допустить кадыровцев на станцию.// Подтверждения информации о чеченцах из других источников пока не поступило. Но, как сообщил сайт «Эхо Москвы», глава Чечни Рамзан Кадыров попросил у Путина разрешение захватить Харьков и Киев. «Не могу смотреть, как погибают наши бойцы. Я вас очень прошу, чтобы вы закрыли на все глаза и дали закончить за день-два то, что творится там. Только это спасет наше государство и народ», — сообщил он в аудиосообщении у себя в Телеграм-канале. Также Кадыров предложил себя в качестве переговорщика с Зеленским, и сказал, что «за полчаса с ним всё решит».
  8. 2022.02.26. Президент страны-агрессора Владимир Путин снял начальника Генерального штаба РФ Валерия Герасимова за провал операции по Украине. (2022) Путин снял начальника генштаба за провал операции по Украине! Скоро и тебя снимут, подонок! 2022 Feb 26 at 20:31,
  9. 09:57, 4 марта 2022 Российские военные заняли Запорожскую АЭС

2022.03.04. На пороге катастрофы Радио Свобода Кто теперь отвечает за ядерную и радиационную безопасность в Украине и мире. Mar 4, 2022