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Gague 2020. Meeting with lawyer.[1]
Image by Yury Nesterenko, 2014[2]

Term Nuremberg-2 (Нюрнберг-2) is suggested as identifier to denote the especial court, international tribunal, that is expected to consider crimes of the Soviet veterans during the USSR and post–Soviet Russia (KGB, KPSS, Edro, etc.).


Termin is suggested in analogy with the international tribunal at Nuremberg, 1945, that had considered (and condemned) military crimes of leaders of the Germany, Italy and Japan, who happen to be involved in the organisation of the World War II.


Evidences of the Putin world war indicate that only the international court can handle the case [3].


In century 21, term Hague is used not only to denote the City, but also as synonym of term Nuremberg-2, or, at least, as indication of some part of Nuremberg-2, that is expected to take place at city Hague in Europe.

Putin world war

Nuremberg-2 is expected to consider events of the series of Russian invasions to neighbour countries, in particular, Russian invasion into Georgia, Russian invasion into Ukraine, Russian invasion into Syria and various terroristic attacks on the passenger airplanes by the Russian terrorists; in particular, Katyn-2 and MH17.

2016.10.20, Amnesty International indicate that the United Nations must act to end onslaught aimed at purging civilians from eastern Aleppo by the Russian bombing. [4].

2016.12.21, Bellingcat presents evidences of the Russian Artillery Strikes against Ukraine in summer of 2014. [3].


Some candidates for the accusation at Nuremberg-2 are mentioned in articles 2016.03.09.Список Савченко, Katyn-2, MH17, Putin killed Litvinenko, Putin killed Nemtsov,

The Ukrainian authors name occupants, ihtamnets believed to perform the Russian invasion into Ukraine (2014-2016) [5].

Main Upravlinnyam intelligence mo Ukraine identified Sampson 18 single motostriletsʹkoyi brigade ( v / M, 27777 (вч 27777), items in dyslokatsiyi н.п.ханкала and kalynivsʹka, Chechenʹska Republic of Russia) 58 Army (Vladikavkaz) South County Military forces of the Russian Federation, which performs Zlochynni orders voyenno-programmes styles Russia and on based rotatsiyniy contends in zbroyniy Russian aggression against Ukraine.

Set Personal data of some Russian officers, praporshchykiv and sergeants that are based on rotatsiyniy taktychnykh in groups of 18 Motostriletsʹkoyi Brigade (18 omsbr) participating in the combat act temporarily okupovanykh areas east of Ukraine (served Russian language):

Captain of the armed forces of the Russian Federation (Russian) Gorevoy Sergey Anatolyevich, 04.04.1981 g. R., Russian passport no. 50, 04, 723519, issued by the ats kupiskogo area of novosibirsk oblast 24.03.2005 g.;

Captain of the armed forces of the Russian Federation Chernihiv Ivan Alekseyevich, 04.05.85 G. R., Russian passport no. 03, 05, 918095, issued by the ats timashevskogo krasnodar region 08.08.2005 g., Sustained Moderate-18.08.14 grams. On the territory of Ukraine, was treated at the g. Novocherkassk Rostov region.;

Senior Lieutenant Sun RF Ramazanov Oscar Gazimagomedov, 28.01.1973 g. R., Russian passport no. 96, 03, 455092, issued by the internal affairs of the republic of chechnya shalin district 24.05.2003 g.; Senior Lieutenant Sun of the Russian Federation Dmitry Simayev Hodin, 17.12.1989 g. R., Russian passport no. 50, 09, 625195, issued by the tp federal migration service of Russia on the novosibirsk region in the northern region of 13.01.2010 g.;

Lieutenant Sun RF BATALOV ABUBAKAR LOM-Gurbani, 25.04.1978 g. R., Russian passport no. 90, 13, 113935, issued by the division of the federal migration service of Russia on the rdf-Alanya in zaterechnom mo 03.04.2014 g., Light injury severity 26.12.14 G. On the territory of Ukraine, Senior Warrant Officer sun rf abdurazakov sabir abdulkarimovich, 13.08.1982 g. R., Russian passport no. 82, 03, 355464, issued by the bezhtinskim pom tsuntinskogo district of the republic of dagestan 01.12.2003 g.;

Senior Warrant Officer Armed forces of the Russian Federation Sergey Sergeyevich Volozhanin, 14.03.1975 g. R., Russian passport no. 73 00 103 073 issued by the internal affairs of the rail area g. Ulʹyanovska 16.03.2001 g., Sustained Moderate-12.08.14 grams. On the territory of Ukraine, was treated at the city hospital g. Taganrog Rostov region.;

Senior Warrant Officer sun rf nazarchuk ghilețchi, 23.07.1970 g. R., Russian passport no. 81, 03, 667171, issued by the ats kyakhtinskogo district of the republic of buryatia 08.08.2003 g.; Senior Warrant Officer sun rf titarovskiy ascharin, 04.11.1972 g. R., Russian passport no. 24, 99, 04723519, issued by the internal affairs of the Soviet area g. Ivanovo 21.03.2000 g.; Ensign sun rf bespalov obaturov, 11.04.1970 g. R., Russian passport no. 47, 00, 153608, issued by the monchegorskim govd murmansk region 12.04.2001 g.;

Junior Sergeant Sun RF Abusalamov Timur Izmulayevich, 08.07.1982 g. R., Russian passport no. 07 04 226691 issued by the ats kursk area stavropol 12.11.2003 g., Light injury severity 19.08.15 G. On the territory of Ukraine, Junior Sergeant sun rf visarkhanov visarkhan rakhmatulayevich, 02.05.1968 g. R., Russian passport no. 82 03 472899 issued by the kazbekovskim district department of internal affairs of the republic of dagestan 14.05.2002 g., Sustained Moderate-13.08.15 grams. On the territory of Ukraine, was treated at the city hospital g. Novocherkassk Rostov region;

Junior Sergeant Sun RF wink sudeikin, 25.11.1975 g. R., Russian passport no. 96, 00, 231700, issued by the ats nauruan area of the Chechen Republic 11.07.2002 g., Light injury severity 18.08.15 G. On the territory of Ukraine, was treated at the city hospital g. Kuibysheve Rostov region.

Dovidkovo job that Sampson 18 Omsbr Insignia Russia hand in aneksiyi crimea from the beginning the expansion of armed aggression against our country. 24 Feb 2014 On the grounds of arc across the strait bridge paromnoyu perepravoyu perekydannya made battalion "Vostok" from warehouse 18 omsbr, mostly ukomplektovanoho etnichnymy chechentsyamy.

In the middle of April 2014, for the purpose of warning the opposition on etnichnomu pidgrunti between chechentsyamy hectares and crimean, under Russia Insignia Decision Print Battalion "Vostok" 18 omsbr territory of Crimea, which was the inverted through strait crossing to and from Russia June 2014 year zaluchavsya to dyversiyno-terrorist activities on the territory of the donetsk and luhansk regions. His part in the events in the east of Ukraine Pidtverdzhuyetʹsya Hobby 13 June 2014 With the ato force car rszv "castle", Found in the documents that pointing at her ownership to 18 omsbr. At the end of October of 2014 on the territory of Ukraine to the areas and н.п.амвросіївка komsomolske (Donetsk Oblast.) Entered batalʹyonnu taktychnu group (Bthr) 18 Omsbr Insignia Russia. In January of 2015 Bthr 18 omsbr was entered for combat operations on donetsʹkomu direction (District Н.П.Піски), Established in zaznachena bthr vidmichena in June that year in the area. Yenakiieve. At the same time, from as reserve command okupatsiynykh Russian troops in the area н.п. kamensk-Shakhtinsky (Rostov Oblast., Russia) had friend bthr 18 omsbr insignia on Russia and polihoni "Kuzʹmynskyy" - Reaktyvno-Artillery Division this brigade. In July of 2015 from bthr with folk m. Yenakiieve to folk luhan perekynuto rotnu taktychnu group (Rthr) 18 Omsbr Insignia Russia. With Lystopadu Year 2015, at the risk of subsequent enlargements relative situation in eastern Ukraine and "Zamorozhuvannya conflict", Russian forces command okupatsiynykh zdiysnyuvalo partial output shtatnykh subsections of the insignia of Russia occupied the territory of Ukraine. With this goal, bthr 18 omsbr was vidvedena in district н.п.красний luch where subsections zaluchalysʹ to combat operations on donetsʹkomu direction, including the aeroporta donetsk. Status of July 2016, at the temporarily okupovaniy locations east of Ukraine has two rotni taktychni group 18 omsbr insignia in Russia. Donetsk and н.п.красний luch respectively, which are based on rotatsiyniy perform "Sluzhbovo-Martial" task. One Rthr 18 Omsbr Insignia Russia is constantly in reserve on the ground "Kadamovskyy" (Rostov Oblast., Russia).




  1. Герман Обухов. Гаага 2020. Встреча с адвокатом. 2016.07.12.
  2. Так будет! August 2 2014, 21:28
  3. 3.0 3.1 2016.12.21. Sean Case . Putin’s Undeclared War: Summer 2014 – Russian Artillery Strikes against Ukraine. December 21, 2016
  4. UN must act to end onslaught aimed at purging civilians from eastern Aleppo. Thursday 20th Oct 2016. .. “The woefully inadequate eight-hour pause in bombing announced by Russia is no substitute for unimpeded access for impartial humanitarian relief and an end to unlawful attacks. Member states must use today’s meeting to demand a lifting of the siege, an end to unlawful attacks, and to push for concrete measures to bring those responsible for war crimes to justice.”
  5. Головне управління розвідки Міністерства оборони України. 2016.07.21.


Bolshevism, Communism, Corruption, Designate Russia as state sponsor of terrorism, Edro, KGB, Nuremberg-2 Putin world war, Putin killed Litvinenko, Putin killed Nemtsov, Stop Putin, Terror, USSR