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Politics (Политика) is area of activity of Humans, aimed some rearrangement of the government, elaboration of new laws and repeal of the existing laws, organization and agitation for the governmental election and similar cases.

In addition, term politics has many different meanings [1].

Politics is way of non-scientific argumentation, that appeals to the intuition and emotions rather than to the logics. Any agitation, if it does not imply listening of opponents not answering questions of opponents is qualified as politics. For example, the cars with acoustic emitters at the street, that explain to the people, how should they vote at the regional of federal election of the representatives in the official administration should be qualified as politics.

Important instrument of politics is Motivated reasoning, that imply the selection of concepts that support the wanted statement, and often ignore arguments contra. Polititics is one of the most usual application of the motivated reasoning]].

Politics opposes to scientific approach, that implies that any concept should allow its refutation. Term politics is used also to indicate that neither logics, nor science can be applied to the question. If one says "This is politics", this may mean that he/she cannot answer the question because afraid of punishment from some kind of inquisition, just for supporting or revealing some crimes of inquisitors or huts revealing the inconsistency of concepts used by inquisitors.

Use of term politics may indicate an attempt to justify some dirty methods in science. For example, the 2013.02.27 attack on TORI by Nishio Shigeaki [2] seems to be politically motivated: 2013.03.06, after a week since his aggression, the attack had been approved by the decision of the Staff Meeting of the institute. The destruction of the system of cross-references looks as intentional attempt to hide some links (for example, those in support of concept of manuscript [3]) from the reviewers and other colleagues. The politically-motivated destruction of somebody's site can be qualified as scientific misconduct. The decision, mentioned above, seems to be an error: the investigation reveals, that the staff members, who make the decision against TORI, did not watch its content.

Any person who tries to change somebody's point of view, but has no scientific argumentation in support of his suggestion, can be qualified as politician. Often, politicians try to hide the arguments of their opponents from public. They burn books by opponents, destroy sites of the opponents, or even physically eliminate the opponents. The extremal forms of politics are related to fascism and inquisition.


Various authors interpret term politics in different ways. In particular, especially in Russia, exclude the practice of violent elimination (murdering, beating, jailing) of opponents from the term politics. In this case, the diplomatic war without rules can be qualified as terror; and sentence "The politics of the corrupted government implied the mass terror and the physical elimination of opponents" losses its sense.

In order to simplify interpretation of sentences by the fascist leaders and their supporters, in TORI, all the non–academic style or argumentation appears as politics. In particular, the attack 2013.02.27,17:30 of the original site of TORI (tori.ils.uec.ac.jp/TORI) and the following approve by the administration should be qualified as politics, because the attackers did not formulate any reasonable objection to the concepts suggested in TORI, nor had formulated any alternative concept to explain the observable events. This style of handling the discussion can be qualified as aggressive politics, as antonym of term science.


  1. http://en.citizendium.org/wiki/Politics
  2. http://samlib.ru/k/kuznecow_d_j/toriattacked.shtml Tori attacked. 09/03/2013.
  3. http://tori.ils.uec.ac.jp/PAPERS/2013physToday.pdf D.Kouznetsov. Corruption in Russian science. Physics Today, 2013, under consideration.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Politics Politics (from Greek politikos "of, for, or relating to citizens") is the art or science of influencing people on a civic, or individual level, when there are more than 2 people involved. // Modern political discourse focuses on democracy and the relationship between people and politics. It is thought of as the way we "choose government officials and make decisions about public policy".


agitation, Democracy, Fascism, Female logics, Inquisition, Motivated reasoning, Propaganda, Science