Normand format

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A.Merkel, P.Poroshenko, F.Hollande. Berlin, 2016.10.20. [1]

Termin Normand format (Normandy format, Нормандский формат) may refer to attempts of Angela Merkel, Francois Hollande and Petro Poroshenko to stop the Russian invasion into Ukraine by negotiations and coordination of sanctions against Russian terrorists and corruptioners.

Sometimes, leaders of Germany, France and Ukraine meet at Berlin and discuss ways to press Vladimir Putin to withdraw the Russian troops from occupied territory of Ukraine.

During 2014–2016, no significant achievements of the Normand format are observed; the Russian occupation of Crimea and South-East part of Donbass continue.

Goals of the Normand format

The self-declared "republics" DNR and LNR are recognised as Russian marionettes at the Ukrainian territory, occupied by Russia. In the similar way, the international society do not recognise the Annexation of Crimea as legal operation. In this sense, the territories occupied by Russian troops, are considered as territory of Ukraine. The goal go the Normand format is to recover the Ukrainian control at these territories, to recover the constitutional order, in the sense, declared in the Budapest memorandum and other international agreements signed by the top of the Russian officials since creation of the Russian Federation in 1993.

2016.10.20, Angela Merkel indicates, that Ukraine gain control over border at the "end of process" of negotiation. However, she does not specify, when this "end of process" is expected to occur; she does not specify even, whether it is expected to happen during century 21 or not [2]

Scientific interest and questions

The Normand format negotiations do not seem to be efficient. The publications make impression, that leaders of civilised countries deviate with terrorists, but do not raise the key questions that could reveal the detailed role of each Russian official in organisation and handling of the Putin world war. Some go such questions are mentioned below.

1. Why, during 2014–2016, the Ukrainian administration do not submit the claim for the compensation of the Russian aggression to the international court?

2. Why the European representatives discuss the "Minsk agreement" instead of elaborate ways to enforce the fulfilment of conditions of the Budapest memorandum?
Why representatives of the USA and the UK (involved in the Budapest memorandum) do not participate in the Normand format in 2014-2016?

3. Why the NATO countries do not make agreement with Ukraine about arena of the part of the Ukrainian territory, namely, strip along the border between Ukraine and Russia, base at Sevastopol and coast of the Kerch peninsula?

4. Why countries of Europe, during 2014–2016 continue to buy oil and gas from the Russian companies, revealed to sponsor the Putin world war, in particular, the Russian invasion into Ukraine and Russian invasion into Syria ?

5. Why, during 2014-2016, the Russian Dumaks and Federasts, Russian generals, revealed in the terroristic activity, are not arrested upon arrival to any civilised country?

6. Where are official databases about the Russian terrorists participated in the Russian aggression against Georgia, Ukraine, Syria? What for do spend the budget the American FBI and CIA and their European analogies, if since the beginning of the Putin world war, in 2008–2016, they did not provide the free access to the detailed information about each of Russian occupant? Why volunteers of various countries have to do this job instead of professionals?

7. Why the negotiations of the Normand format do not bring answers to the questions above?

8. Why the representatives of civilized countries to not force Putin to answer the key questions about evidence of his involvement into the following events: Russian invasion into Georgia (2008-2016), Russian invasion into Ukraine (2014-2016), Russian invasion into Syria (2015-2016) and many other events (see Bombing of Nevskij express, Katyn–2, MH17, Putin killed Litvinenko, Putin killed Nemtsov, ..) which confirm the scientific fact, that the Russian officials are beneficiaries of the terroristic acts and, therefore, it is necessary to designate Russia as state sponsor of terrorism?


BudaMemo.jpg StopPutinStopWar.jpg StopPutin45Berlin.jpg GellaPetroFran4.jpg NormandPu.jpg

HowBetter.jpg One minute, Vladimir! – attempt to solve the problem with peaceful negotiation, 2015.02.05 Minsk2015fragment2.jpg PutiNuk.jpg Kluch jjoriki normanski format-fill-580x380.jpg PuSanctions.jpeg PuPe.jpg


  1. File:GellaPoroFran11111111-4.jpg В Берлине начались переговоры с участием канцлера ФРГ Ангелы Меркель, президента Украины Петра Порошенко и президента Франции Франсуа Олланда. 2016-10-20 03:26:56
  2. Ukraine to gain control over border only "at end of process" – Merkel German Chancellor Angela Merkel has said that Ukraine should gain control over its border "at the end of the process," Ukrainian online newspaper Ukrainska Pravda reported. 13:42, 20 October 2016.Нормандская_четвёрка

2014.06.19. Michael Emerson. After MH17, the EU must act against Putin and stop importing Russian gas July 19, 2014 6.20am AEST.

2016.10.20. Александр Минеев. «Партнеры» давят на Путина. Вдобавок к санкциям за Украину Кремль может получить еще и за Сирию. Итоги встречи «нормандской четверки» 14:25 20 октября 2016. .. разговор между лидерами Германии, России и Франции о Сирии подтвердил позицию Запада: бомбардировки Алеппо — это преступление, и вдобавок к санкциям за Украину Кремль может получить еще и «сирийские».


History, Putin world war, Russian invasion into Ukraine, Sanctions, Terror