The Current Generation of Soviet People Will Live Under Communism

Партия торжественно провозглашалашает: Нынешнее поколение советских людей будет жить при коммунизме!
"The Communist Party Solemnly Declares: The Current Generation of Soviet People Will Live Under Communism". N.S.Khruschev [1]
The Current Generation of Soviet People Will Live Under Communism (Нынешнее поколение советских людей будет жить при коммунизме!) is one of postulates of sovetism, that were compulsory for education and acceptance in the the USSR (century 20).
The Current Generation of Soviet People Will Live Under Communism is last statement of the program of KPSS, Aaccepted at the 22 congress of KPSS. [2]
History of the thesis
First, the idea "communism in 20 years" is suggested 1920.10.02 by Vladimir Lenin [3] in the following form:
The generation of people who are now at the age of fifty cannot expect to see a communist society. This generation will be gone before then. But the generation of those who are now fifteen will see a communist society, and will itself build this society.
So, in the USSR, the communism in the first meaning of this word had been expected to happen in 1930-1940.
Actually, the opposite phenomena took place. The society society felt to barbarian of genocide, concentration camps of Gulag, slavery, and then, since 1939, to the bloody war. Perhaps, the Soviet leaders (Stalin, Beria) needed the World War II, in order to force the people to forget, that the communism had been promised by their God and the time is over.
Estimates show, that, during the USSR, the soviet veterans murdered the most brave and honest citizen, of order of 10^8 people (See Большевики убили почти всех). For this reason, term communism has its second (and very sad) meaning, denoting slavery, Gulag, genocide, poverty and total corruption of the administration.
The same idea had been reused in 1961 by Nikita Khruschev. As Lenin before, Khruschev had no hopes to keep the superior power during 20 years more; so, he used the same principle, as Lenin: Après moi le deluge.
Lenin also was not inventor of this phylosophy; the sentence Après moi le deluge is attributed to Louis XV of France (1710–74). [4]
Fascism and corruption
Sentence The Current Generation of Soviet People Will Live Under Communism is used in the Soviet propaganda to hide the total corruption among Soviet veterans, the slavery of the Soviet people and enormous expenses of the top of the KPSS.
The leaders of KPSS seem to knew, that it is not possible to build-up the communism in the first meaning of this term. Perhaps, they also knew, that the USSR goes to collapse in the same 20th century. Then, the thesis The Current Generation of Soviet People Will Live Under Communism is used to reveal the patriots of Russia, who expressed doubts in this postulate. The Soviet veterans worked to convert the people of USSR to immanent slaves; revealing and extermination of patriots (in the first meaning if that term) was one of coals of the Soviet administration.
Sovetism uses many wrong statements to reveal citizens, who can use logic. In the USSR, the primary selection is performed by the teachers of history. Basing on textbooks, the teachers suggest to the pupils the bunch of fake evidences and doubtful statements. Such statements not only contradict the direct observations, but also contain the internal contradictions.
Those students, who can easily repeat the statements of Sovetism, are qualified as "good", in the sense, that they are not expected to resist against the Soviet fascism. The students, who mention the internal contradictions among postulates of Sovetism, or note the contradiction with the direct observations, are qualified as "bad", they are not suitable for maintaining of slavery and fascism.
After the school and universities, the job of the teachers of history in the USSR is continued by members of the KPSS and, especially, agents of KGB. They use the same postulates of Sovetism to reveal and suppress citizen, who do not support the Soviet fascism.
Postulate The Current Generation of Soviet People Will Live Under Communism appears as important tool of the Soviet veterans in genocide of people of the USSR.
The society, built up on the completely wrong postulates, did not remain longer, than average human lifetime. Since 1990s, the USSR collapses. Since that, the people in Russia begin to understand, that they used to live as slaves in the fascistic country with completely wrong ideology. Publications about Russia indicate, that this understanding does not go fast; so, to collapse of RF (similar to that of the USSR) is expected duting century 21 by many authors.
The collapse of the USSR (in contrast with the communism promised) cause the misorientation of people who used to live in the USSR.
Soviet veterans try to hide the evidences of their crimes. In articular, they secret and destroy the historic documents. This practice is described by George Orwell (See Orwell1984).
In century 21, the censorship of the program of KPSS is observed. The sentence The Current Generation of Soviet People Will Live Under Communism is censored-out from some English versions of the program of KPSS. [5]
- ↑ "The Communist Party Solemnly Declares: The Current Generation of Soviet People Will Live Under Communism". Nikita Khruschev. 1961.
- ↑ Программа КПСС. Принята XXII съездом КПСС. VII. ПАРТИЯ В ПЕРИОД РАЗВЕРНУТОГО СТРОИТЕЛЬСТВА КОММУНИЗМА. .. Партия уверена в том, что советские люди воспримут новую Программу КПСС как свое родное, кровное дело, как величайшую цель своей жизни и знамя всенародной борьбы за построение коммунизма. Партия призывает всех коммунистов, весь советский народ—рабочих и работниц, колхозников и колхозниц, работников умственного труда — приложить свои силы к тому, чтобы успешно выполнить намеченные в Программе исторические задачи. .. ПОД ИСПЫТАННЫМ РУКОВОДСТВОМ КОММУНИСТИЧЕСКОЙ ПАРТИИ, ПОД ЗНАМЕНЕМ МАРКСИЗМА-ЛЕНИНИЗМА СОВЕТСКИЙ НАРОД ПОСТРОИЛ СОЦИАЛИЗМ.// ПОД РУКОВОДСТВОМ ПАРТИИ, ПОД ЗНАМЕНЕМ МАРКСИЗМА-ЛЕНИНИЗМА СОВЕТСКИЙ НАРОД ПОСТРОИТ КОММУНИСТИЧЕСКОЕ ОБЩЕСТВО.// ПАРТИЯ ТОРЖЕСТВЕННО ПРОВОЗГЛАШАЕТ: НЫНЕШНЕЕ ПОКОЛЕНИЕ СОВЕТСКИХ ЛЮДЕЙ БУДЕТ ЖИТЬ ПРИ КОММУНИЗМЕ!
- ↑ Vladimir Lenin's The Tasks of the Youth Leagues Written: October 2, 1920 Source: Collected Works, Volume 31 First Published: Pravda Nos. 221, 222 and 223, October 5, 6 and 7, 1920 Online Version: in 1997, 1999 Transcribed: Colin S. Cavell HTML Markup: Brian Baggins and David Walters Speech Delivered At The Third All-Russia Congress of The Russian Young Communist League. .. The generation of people who are now at the age of fifty cannot expect to see a communist society. This generation will be gone before then. But the generation of those who are now fifteen will see a communist society, and will itself build this society. ..
- ↑ après moi le déluge [Hist.] A phrase meaning ‘After me, the deluge’, attributed to Louis XV of France (1710–74).// Used in the context of someone leaving a place or job and predicting disaster or chaos after their departure...
- ↑ PART FOUR// THE CPSU - THE LEADING FORCE IN SOVIET SOCIETY .. This is the Program of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. // The Party calls upon all the Communists, all working people - workers, collective farmers, and members of the intelligentsia - to take a most vigorous part in the implementation of the historical tasks set forth in the Program. The Party is confident that Soviet people, regarding the Program of the CPSU as their vital cause, will make every effort to implement it. // To achieve a qualitatively new state of society by substantially accelerating socio-economic progress - this is the Party strategy. The all-round perfection of socialism will bring new benefits to every family, to every Soviet citizen. It will lead to a further flourishing of our socialist homeland and, finally to the triumph of communism. // The onward march of our people to this cherished goal will increse the atractive force of the ideas of Marxism-Leninism, of transforming society on the principles of humanism and social justice. They win the minds and hearts of people by providing an example of better social organisation, a steady growth of productive forces, by ensuring conditions for creative work, for people's happiness and well-being, resolutely rejecting wars of aggression, and affirming the principles of peace and broad cooperation between peoples on the basis of equality and universal security. // Communists, all the working people of our country, are looking optimistically to the future. The Party is firmly convinced that by the selfless labour effort of the Soviet people, a creator and builder, the tasks set will be accomplished and the goals outlined achieved. // Under the leadership of the Party, under the banner of Marxism-Leninism the Soviet people have built socialism. // Under the leadership of the Party, under the banner of Marxism-Leninism the Soviet people will build a communist society. // Source: The Challenges of Our Time. Disarmament and Social Progress. Highlights, 27th Congress, CPSU. New York: International Publishers, 1986. ISBN 0-7178-0642-1
1961.ProgramKPSS, Communism, Fascism, Fraud, History, Corruption, KPSS, Propaganda, Russia, USSR