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J.McCain presents concept Putin killed Magnitsky
Protest 2016.12.04 [1]

Putin killed Magnitsky (Путин убил Магнитского) is historical concept of murder of Segey Magnitsky, that implies, that the assassination had been performed by the order of Vladimir Putin.

Concept Putin killed Magnitsky is in good agreement with the public opinion about Putin, that he is agent of the Soviet and Russian terroristic organisation KGB, and in addition, during the USSR, is member of KPSS, which is also qualified as fascistic, terroristic party.

Putin killed Magnitsky agrees well with interpretations of other terroristic acts and evidences that they are organised and/or even performed by Vladimir Putin. In addition to the concept Putin killed Magnitsky the strong evidences are observed about the following murders: Bombing of Nevsky express, Katyn-2 (shutting down of Polish governmental airplane), Putin killed Litvinenko, Putin killed Nemtsov.

Concept Putin killed Magnitsky also shows good agreement with the general concept about corruption in Russia of century 21: it becomes usual phenomenon, that characterises the life of the Russian officials.


  1. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=350404672006643&set=gm.986527828146943 Alex Khvedrchuk‎. 2016.12.04 А тем временем в Европе стартовала акция в поддержку президента России!

http://www.slideshare.net/abstract2001/final5-flist5fvisa5fban5f0426101 Individuals involved in the tax fraud against Hermitage and torture and death of Sergei Magnitsky, (2016 ?)

https://www.facebook.com/100010497131977/videos/332334687126433/ Yakob Veldas. Сенатор Маккейн (John McCain) обвинил Путина в убийстве Сергея Магнитского и Бориса Немцова. 2016 November 18 at 4:52pm ·

http://budclub.ru/k/kuznecow_d_j/magnitsr.shtml Бенджамин_Кардин_и_Алексей_Сочнев. Список виновных в смерти Магнитского. Размещен: 23/11/2010, изменен: 05/10/2011. 49k.


Corruption, Designate Russia as state sponsor of terrorism, Edro, Hague, KGB, KPSS, Nuremberg-2, Magnitsky list, Putin killed Litvinenko, Putin killed Nemtsov, Putin world war Russia Russian invasion into Georgia Russian invasion into Ukraine Russian invasion into Syria Terror

Список виновных в смерти Магнитского