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This wiki is denoted with name [[TORI]].
<div style="float:right; margin:-18px -14px 0px 4px; width:280px; background-color:#fff">
[[File:RussianAggression2014.jpg|280px]]<small><center>Attacks from territory of RF, 2014
Sean Case. Putin’s Undeclared War: Summer 2014 – Russian Artillery Strikes against Ukraine. December 21, 2016
</ref><ref>https://www.facebook.com/DWrussian/videos/10157938262925472/ 2016.12.22. Необъявленная война Путина - сенсационное расследование экспертов Bellingcat. В нем утверждается, что обстрелы украинской территории с российской стороны в 2014 году можно считать военными действиями РФ против Украины.</ref></center></small>
[[TORI]] means '''T'''ools for '''O'''utstanding '''R'''esearch and '''I'''nvestigation. (Russian transliteration: [[ТОРИ]].)
[[File:MapOfVH.jpg|280px]]<small><center>Military bases, that prepare [[terror]]ists for the [[Russian invasion into Ukraine]] <ref name="bases">
Денис Доценко. Миротворец опубликовал карту дислокации воинских частей РФ принимающих участие в агрессии против Украины
Сентябрь 30, 2016.
</ref><ref name="basesm">
Воинские части страны-агресcора, участвующие в совершении военных преступлений против Украины и ее граждан (учитывались лишь только однозначно установленные подразделения, группы (команды) или отдельные военнослужащие из в/ч РФ, которые принимали участие в вооруженной агрессии против Украины. 2016.
Also, '''Tori''' ([[User:Tori|鳥]]) is name of first admin of this site (since 2011 to June 2013).
[[File:SergeiKokurin.jpg|280px]]<small><center><p style="line-height:1.1em">
[[Kokurin Serhiy Viktorovych]], first Ukrainian soldier killed 2014.03.18 by Russian occupants</p></center></small>
TORI is created for the collection and development of concepts satisfying all the 6 axioms below; such concepts are qualified as [[science|scientific]].<br>
[[File:TigrUR.jpg|280px]]<small><center>Identification of military car in Crimea as belonging of the Russian troops]]
This makes difference between TORI and sites of other "outstanding" philosophies (religious cults, political parties, etc.)
P.S. Sorry, the previous location of TORI, id est <b>tori.ils.uec.ac.jp/TORI</b> had been disabled since 2013 February 27.
Critics with respect to content of TORI should be sent to dmitriiKouznetsov(а)gmail.com
[[File:USAwarn.jpg|280px]]<small><center>I'm warning you! It will be a grave mistake if you intervene in Ukraine! <ref>http://ru-bykov.livejournal.com/1893536.html Дмитрий Быков // "Профиль", №8, 3 марта 2014 года. 3rd-Mar-2014 02:26 pm.
Suggestions for the collaboration too.
<div style="float:right; margin:-14px -14px -12px -8px; background-color:#fff">
<small><center>To stop the aggression - it is very important for [[Science]]</center></small>
[[File:17440 original.jpg|280px]]<small><center>Coin about annexation of crimea (2014, Russia) and that about annexation of Austria (1938, Germany)<ref name="coins"> http://cyxymu.livejournal.com/1533473.html по стопам фюрера. Apr. 23rd, 2014 at 5:02 PM</ref></center></small>
[[File:ToriByVika591x744.jpg|170px]] |200px|thumb|TORI by Vika Mihailovski]] !-->
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===Axioms of TORI===
<div style="margin:-18px -14px 0px -200px; background-color:#fff">
[[File:ZaKrym2014fragment.jpg|220px]][[File:Krim Shield1.jpg|180px]]<small><center>Awards for plundering of Crimea</center></small>
<div class="thumb tright" style="float:right;width:300px">
[[File:RussiaUkraineWar2014.07.06map.jpg|300px]]<small><center>Map of the front line for 2014.07.06, after withdrawal of the Russian troops from Sloviansk and Kramatorsk <ref name="panfi">http://olegpanfilov2.livejournal.com/3247613.html ОШМЕТКИ "НОВОРОССИИ". Jul. 6th, 2014 at 2:48 PM</ref></center></small>
[[File:Terrorists 2286SRnDCw.jpg|300px]]<small><center>Funieral of the Russian soldiers killed at the Russian–Ukrainian war in 2014 <ref>
http://zloy-odessit.livejournal.com/559758.html В Москве хоронят солдат уничтоженных в ходе АТО в Украине. 2014-07-06 23:59:00. </ref></center></small>
[[Russian invasion into Ukraine]] ([[Российское вторжение в Украину]]) happens since 2014.02.20; and since 2014.03.02 it is officially approved at the top of the Russian administration.
[[Russian invasion into Ukraine]] is considered as a part of more general phenomenon, denoted with term [[Putin world war]].
It is observed as set of Russian invasions to various countries, including
[[Russian invasion into Georgia]] (since 2008), Russian invasion into Ukraine (since 2014),
[[Russian invasion into Syria]] (since 2015) and [[Russian invasion into Turkey]] (since 2015).
[[Russian invasion into Ukraine]] is believed to approach the Russian [[revolution]] and [[Collapse of RF]].
Map of residence of the Russian occupants is constructed on the base of reports and publications.
People who live close to the occupants may klick on their place and get information about their neighbors.
От Калининграда до Камчатки: создана уникальная карта мест жительства россиян, воевавших против Украины.
2016.07.21, 19:56.
на карту уже выведено 3200 ссылок на боевиков и террористов. В очереди на заполнение стоит еще 15 тысяч карточек.
.. Теперь все желающие и, в первую очередь сами граждане России, могут зайти на сайт проекта “Миротворец” и посмотреть нет ли среди его соседей террористов и боевиков воевавших на территории Украины ..
Российские наемники-убийцы и военные преступники, принимавшие участие в агрессии против Украины с 2014 года.
==Expectations and partial success of the invasion==
<div style="margin:-12px -14px 0px -200px; background-color:#fff">
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[[Russian invasion into Ukraine]] had been expected to happen since 2008 August, and, especially, after 2014 February 20.
Such expectations were based on the analogy between [[Putin and Hitler]].
TORI is constructed on base of the 6 axioms below.<br>
Many links about this event are collected in the Russian version of this article, [[Российское вторжение в Украину]],
Each scientific concept is assumed to have the following properties:
in Russian Ukranian and English. The most important English refrences on the subject will be repeated here too.
'''S1. [[Applicability]]''': The concept has some limited range of validity, distinguishable from the empty set.
Emulation of the draft of the scenario of this invasion is loaded as [[Wreckage of Crimea]], which is semiautomatic translation of the Russian version <ref>http://samlib.ru/k/kuznecow_d_j/ostov.shtml Остов Крым (2014)</ref>.
'''S2. [[Verifiability]]''': In the terms of the already accepted concepts, some specific experiment with some specific result, that confirms the concept, can be described.
For the summer of 2014, the [[Russian invasion into Ukraine]] is partially successful:
Russian troops had occupied and annexed Crimea (and even justified that annexation with the [[occupendum]]), but seem to skid plundering the continental part of Ukraine
<ref name="panfi">http://olegpanfilov2.livejournal.com/3247613.html ОШМЕТКИ "НОВОРОССИИ". Jul. 6th, 2014 at 2:48 PM</ref><ref>
Maksymilian Czuperski, John Herbst, Eliot Higgins, Alina Polyakova, and Damon Wilson.
Hiding in Plain Sight: Putin's War in Ukraine and Boris Nemtsov's Putin. War. May 2015.
'''S3. [[Refutability]]''': In the terms of the concept, some specific experiment with some specific result, that negates the concept, can be described.
The chronologic map of the Russian-Ukrainian front line is available http://liveuamap.com <ref>http://liveuamap.com
[[Российское вторжение в Украину]] на карте, 2014.</ref>.
'''S4. [[Selfconsistency]]''': No internal contradictions of the concept are known.
While Russian administration do not apply the full-scale military forces to destroy the strategic objects of Ukraine (capital, dams, nuclear plants, etc.). The Russian administration claim that the Russian troops do not combat at the continental part of Ukraine. For this reason, the
Russian military forces in Ukraine are qualified as [[terror]]ists, and the national war against them is called "Anti–Terroristic Operation".
'''S5. [[Principle of correspondence]]''': If the range of validity of a new concept intersects the range of validity of another already accepted concept, then, the new concept either reproduces the results of the old concept, or indicates the way to refute it. (For example, the estimate of the range of validity of the old concept may be wrong.)
For year 2015, the amount of Rissian occupants in Ukraine is estimated to be of order of \(10^4\), and of order of \(10^3\) of them are believed to be already killed.
James Miller, Pierre Vaux, Catherine A. Fitzpatrick,
John E. Herbst. An Invasion by Any Other Name: The Kremlin’s Dirty War in Ukraine. The Institute of Modern Russia, Inc. 2015.
according to former Nation- al Security Secretary Andriy Parubiy, an estimated 7,000 to 10,000 Russian troops were deployed in Ukraine in the first part of the year (see above), and that the Ukrainian presidential administration has now released a report estimating the “Russian occu- pying force” (evidently in Crimea) at 33,000, with an additional 9,100-person “regular army” apparently deployed in the Donbass, it is possible that more than 600 have been killed. ..
'''S6. [[Pluralism]]''': Mutually-contradictive concepts may coexist; if two concepts satisfying S1-S5 have some common range of validity, then, in this range, the simplest of them has priority.
==Special reports about [[Russian invasion into Ukraine]]==
The list of Russian soldiers killed in Ukraine during the Russian invasion are suggested at
Убитые, плененные, пропавшие, замеченные в Украине российские солдаты и наемники
Лица, совершившие преступления против мира, человечности, против законов войны: военные преступники, ставшие грузом 200, ожидающие данной участи и подлежащие трибуналу. (2014–2015)
In TORI, the development and analysis of the concepts satisfying the axioms S1-S6 is called [[science]]
The special site http://www.donbasswarcrimes.org is dedicated to Russian war crimes in eastern Ukraine.
<ref> http://pphmj.com/abstract/5076.htm D.Kouznetsov. Support of non-traditional concepts. [[Far East Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Physics]], '''1''', No.1, p.1-6 (2010)</ref><ref>
In 2015, the special report about military crimes of Russian occupants in Donbass is available
D.Kouznetsov. Place of science and physics in the human knowledge. Physics-Uspekhi, v.181, Трибуна, p.1-9 (2011, in Russian)
</ref><ref name="mestori">
Report: Russian War Crimes in Eastern Ukraine in 2014. 2015-12-25/
[[Place of Science in the Human Knowledge]] ([[Место науки в человеческом знании]])
The colleagues who accept the axioms above are cordially invited to participate as authors, editors and/or reviewers of TORI.<!-- (Please, verify that your browser understands the formulas in the [[test]] article.) Those who do not accept some of S1-S6 are invited to participate in the [[competing wikis]].!-->
More detailed justification of the TORI axioms is suggested in manuscript [[TORI axioms and the application in Physics]]
2016.03.02, the update is suggested
http://www.ils.uec.ac.jp/~dima/PAPERS/2013jmp.pdf <br>
2016-03-02 16:28
report Russian WAR CRIMES IN EASTERN UKRAINE IN 2014.<br>
D.Kouznetsov. TORI axioms and the application in Physics. Journal of Modern Physics, 2013, v 4, 1159-1164
The reserve copy is loaded as http://mizugadro.mydns.jp/TXT/RussianInvasionIntoDonbass/Russian_War_Crimes_in_Eastern_Ukraine_in_2014.pdf
==Killed Russian troops==
Since the summer of 2014, the [[Russian invasion into Ukraine]] is qualified as [[Russian-Uktainian war]], although neither Russian nor Ukrainian officials declare, that their countries are in the state of war.
The estimates of the number of killed soldiers vary from \(10^3\) to \(10^4\).
The Russian officials deny the involvement of Russian troops in the battle, and deny the information about dead Russian soldiers. The relatives of the Russian soldiers, dead at the war in Ukraine, have the search for the information by themselves. There is special site http://www.lostivan.ru that collects news about Russian soldiers killed or captured in Ukraine. For the beginning of 2014 September, of order of \(10^2\) victims are identified.
==Statements about the invasion==
Ukraine accuses Russia of 'armed invasion'.
Ukranian minister accuses Russia of an armed takeover of Crimea amid reports that airports have been seized.
Ukraine accuses Russia of 'armed invasion' after Crimea airports blockaded. 7:05AM GMT 28 Feb 2014.
.. Russian President Vladimir Putin this week stoked concerns that Moscow might use its military might to sway the outcome of Ukraine's three-month standoff by ordering snap combat drills near its border involving 150,000 troops and nearly 900 tanks.
Sergii Omelchuk traces the evolution of lie by [[Vladimir Putin]] about the [[Russian invasion into Ukraine]] <ref>
The logo at the left upper corner indicates that the function [[square root of factorial]] (that remains symbol of the Physics department of the Moscow State University) first time has been implemented in [[Japan]] <ref>
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kpReRDISVfg Sergii Omelchuk. Эволюция лжи Путина. Evolution of Putin's lies. Nov 26, 2014.</ref>.
<!-- this one became invalid:
http://www.springerlink.com/content/qt31671237421111/fulltext.pdf?page=1 !-->D.Kouznetsov, H.Trappmann. Superfunctions and square root of factorial. Moscow University Physics Bulletin, 2010, v.65, No.1, p.6-12</ref>. Such a function is an example of that falls into the category of [[science]] determined with the axioms above.
===Content of TORI===
Most of links are in Russian and in Ukranian, they are collected in articles
The main working language of TORI is English, but the texts may be also in Japanese, in Russian, in Spanish or in other languages. The translations and the links to the translations are welcomed. The texts may be [[science|scientific]], [[religion|religious]] or [[art|artistic]];
[[Российское вторжение в Украину]],
the religious and artistic texts are supposed to be illustrations for scientific texts. Colleagues who want to collaborate, should send their short CV (preferably less than one screen) to the Top Editor, dima(at)ils.uec.ac.jp
[[Российское вторжение в Украину, линки]],
[[Российское вторжение в Украину, links2]],
and not repeated here.
Since the fill-scale invasion, many officials in Europe and in the USA, en fin, realised that the Russian invasion into Ukraine is not a phantom, but the real event, and they have to deal with
continuation of expansive aggression of Russia.
The quality of texts for TORI is estimated by the Main Editor; if possible – on the base of opinions of the voluntary reviewers; so, the post-moderation is assumed. The texts should allow the free distribution; the primary sources (if copypasted from already published articles) should be attributed. The attribution is important to simplify the tracing (and correction) of errors, if any.
Interview With Bob Schieffer of CBS's Face The Nation.. John Kerry// Secretary of State// Boston, MA// March 2, 2014
The main orientation of TORI is [[Science]]; especially [[Mathematics]] and [[Physics]]; other topics may appear as they touch Science. Especially interesting is [[Laser science]], as it deals with one of the most developed applications of [[Quantum mechanics]]. In order see what is it about, one may look at the article [[ILS]].
The Russian Foreign Ministry has recalled the ambassador from Ukraine to Moscow for consultations.
“In connection with the aggravation of the situation in Ukraine and with the need for all-round analysis of the existing state of affairs a decision has been made to recall the ambassador of the Russian Federation from Ukraine to Moscow for consultations,” the Foreign Ministry said in a statement placed on its website. February 24, 0:13 UTC+4
TORI represent mainly the doubtful concepts; concepts, that stay outside from the main stream of the scientific research; concept that cause discussions. For the official information about our Institute, please, go to the official site http://www.ils.uec.ac.jp
Ben Swann. Putin Recalls Ambassador from US – Sends Russian Troops to Ukraine. March 1, 2014
Some articles TORI apply not only to Physics, but to other sciences too.
The declarations of the Russian representatives about [[Katyn-2]] are examples of violation of [[logic]]; the news about the [[Nevsky_Express_bombing_(2009)]] appear as violation of the principle of [[causality]], the claims about [[gravitsapa]] (and other activity of the [[Khrunichev's center]] and, especially, the [[Maximov's institute]]) contradict the law of [[conservation of energy-momentum]]. The [[Fukushima disaster]] appeared because it affects the development of [[TORI]]. However, even in these cases, the 6 axioms above still apply to the concepts suggested (for example, apply to the question [[Who contaminates Japan?]]). Since 2012 the situation about [[Fukushima]] normalized and the main orientation of TORI recovered.
However, some deviations due to, for example, fraud at the [[2011.12.04.Election]] may happen from time to time, the world-wide frauds are analyzed with high priority. The same apply to the statements of some colleagues about [[Skolkovo]]. If someone believe that Skolkovo is scientific center, one may express this point of view, confirming it with links to the results obtained at Skolkovo.
Canada says recalling ambassador from Russia for consultations. OTTAWA, March 1 Sat Mar 1, 2014 7:38pm EST
The content of TORI may be used for free; however the source should be attributed. It is not for the keeping of the priority, but to simplify the tracing and correction of errors, if any.
By Marie-Louise Gumuchian, Ben Wedeman and Ian Lee, CNN.
Ukraine mobilizes troops after Russia's 'declaration of war'.
March 3, 2014 -- Updated 1000 GMT (1800 HKT)
===Criticizm of TORI===
TORI is not expected to compete with Wikipedia, Citizendium, nor with other [[wiki]]s. Some articles from there are imported to simplify the referencing, but the most of TORI articles are supposed to express some view pretty different from that of other resources. Such a view, according to the axioms above, should be justified. This justification appears as critics.
Shaun Walker in Simferopol and Ian Traynor in Brussels.
Russian military moves in Crimea are declaration of war, says Ukrainian PM.
theguardian.com, Sunday 2 March 2014 13.46 GMT
No any customs, additional to the 6 axioms declared, are accepted as canonical; all the other statements are considered as refutable concepts and must allow the critics. In this sense, TORI is very critical.
2014.03.02. 13:26 GMT.
Ukraine mobilizes troops after Russia's 'declaration of war'
By Marie-Louise Gumuchian, Ben Wedeman and Ian Lee, CNN
March 3, 2014 -- Updated 1326 GMT (2126 HKT)
TORI represents the point of view of the Top Editor, namely Dmitrii Kouznetsov, and not the policy of the [[ILS]].
Therefore, critics of TORI and the suggestions about the improvement should be send directly to the Editor dmitriiKouznetsov(ɑ)gmail.com .
Ukraine in pictures: Threat of war between Ukraine and Russia
If You think, that your point of view is important for the Science, as it is defined above, please express it in a form, suitable for copypasting "as is". Your text may include critics of TORI.
Leslie MacKinnon. Stephen Harper, John Baird compare Russia to WW II era Germany. Mar 04, 2014 9:57 PM ET.
The content of TORI is compiled on the base of work of many colleagues; and the achievements described in TORI are assumed to be attributed to the Scientific Community.
However, all the mistakes and all the cases of unilateral representation of phenomena and events are just errors of the Editor. The indications of these errors are appreciated; they will be corrected as soon as possible.<!--
The critics of any article in TORI may be expressed either in English, or in the same language, as the main language of the article. Articles in Spanish can be criticized in Spanish, articles in Japanese can be criticized in Japanese, articles in Russian can be criticized in Russian.
US Warns China Not To Attempt Crimea-Style Action in Asia.
However, English is declared as main working language of TORI and may be used to criticize any article.!-->
https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/designate-russia-state-sponsor-terrorism/XMjbTltM WE PETITION THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION TO: Designate Russia as "State Sponsor of Terrorism" In its unannounced war against Ukraine, Russia relies on covert operations which fall squarely within the definition of "international terrorism" under 18 U.S.C. § 2331. Specifically, armed operatives of Russia, acting under disguise, attempt to influence the policy of Ukrainian government by intimidation or coercion. They also try to affect the conduct of a government by assassinations and kidnapping, taking by force government buildings, police posts and military bases of Ukraine. This activity is being conducted on large scale and over prolonged time period, despite condemnation by the USA, G-7, NATO, EU and UN. Accordingly, Russia must be officially designated as "State sponsor of terrorism", per http://www.state.gov/j/ct/list/c14151.htm Created: Apr 23, 2014
TORI represent the point of view of the Editor, and not the point of view of the Administration of our Institute.
2016.04.28, the project of special bill in support of Ukraine is suggested in the USA: <br>
For the official site of our institute, please, go to <b> http://www.ils.uec.ac.jp </b>
https://democrats-foreignaffairs.house.gov/sites/democrats.foreignaffairs.house.gov/files/H.R.%205094.pdf <br>
https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/114/hr5094/text <br>
114th CONGRESS//
2d Session//
H. R. 5094//
April 28, 2016
Mr. Engel (for himself, Mr. Kinzinger of Illinois, Mr. Levin, Mr. Fitzpatrick, Ms. Kaptur, Mr. Abraham, Mr. Costa, Mr. Weber of Texas, Mr. Deutch, Mr. Pompeo, Mr. Cicilline, Mr. Shimkus, Mr. Keating, Mr. Bilirakis, Mr. Cohen, and Mr. Ribble) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs, and in addition to the Committees on Financial Services, the Judiciary, and Ways and Means, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned//
To contain, reverse, and deter Russian aggression in Ukraine, to assist Ukraine’s democratic transition, and for other purposes.
(a)Short title // This Act may be cited as the [[Stability and Democracy for Ukraine Act]] or [[STAND for Ukraine Act]].
If you disagree with some statements, you should criticize them and suggest your statement, your concept on the topic. Attempts to remove the existing content, instead of to express your point of view, are qualified as [[vandalism]], [[scientific misconduct]], [[censorship]] and elements of [[fascism]] and [[inquisition]].
==Historic maps==
==Forecast maps==
Several authors suggest forecasts for the rearrangement of Russia, that may happen as result of the [[Putin world war]], and in particular, by the [[Russian invasion into Ukraine]]. Some of these forecasts are expressed with maps; and some of these maps are collected below:
<div style="margin:-2px 0px 0px 10px; line-height:1.1em">
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http://www.rferl.org/content/Crimea_Flashpoint_For_Conflict_With_Russia/1193380.html Askold Krushelnycky. Fears That Crimea Could Be Next Flashpoint For Conflict With Russia. August 24, 2008.
Askold Krushelnycky. Fears That Crimea Could Be Next Flashpoint For Conflict With Russia. August 24, 2008.
Jeffrey T. Kuhner. Will Russia-Ukraine be Europe’s next war? Sunday, October 12, 2008
Europe faces the risk of another major war. In 1939, Nazi Germany’s invasion of Poland triggered the Second World War. Today the possible trip wire is not Poland, but Ukraine. And the aggressor will not be Adolf Hitler, but Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin.
Under his iron-fisted grip, Russia has been transformed into a gangster state. ..
Read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2008/oct/12/europes-next-war/#ixzz2yAfRNl6T
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/ukraine/10657067/US-tells-Russia-to-keep-troops-out-of-Ukraine-as-Crimea-flashpoint-looms.html Ben Farmer. US tells Russia to keep troops out of Ukraine as Crimea flashpoint looms. 8:39PM GMT 23 Feb 2014.
2014.02.23. http://www.canada.com/Canada+ready+launch+sanctions+Russia+interferes+Ukraine+says+immigration+minister/9541211/story.html JESSICA BARRETT. Canada ready to launch sanctions if Russia interferes in Ukraine, says immigration minister. FEBRUARY 23, 2014. In an interview with CTV’s Question Period, Chris Alexander said Canada is watching the situation in Ukraine closely for evidence of cross-border influence from Russian President Vladimir Putin, and it won’t hesitate to act if necessary.// “If someone from outside, including Russia, including Vladimir Putin, tries to introduce violence back to the equation that’s … going to be a very dangerous development,” he said. “But it’s going to be unacceptable to Ukrainians and all of their allies around the world.”
2014.02.24. http://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/ukraine-crisis/rice-u-s-backs-ukrainian-people-cautions-russian-involvement-n36606 TOM CURRY. U.S. Backs Ukrainian People, Cautions Russian Involvement. February 24th 2014, 12:10 am. Susan Rice said Sunday during an appearance on Meet the Press that it "would be a grave mistake" for Russian President Vladimir Putin to intervene militarily in the Ukraine crisis
http://clarissasblog.com/2014/02/24/russia-is-planning-to-invade-ukraine/ 2014.02.24. We know from what happened to Georgia that when Russian leaders say the following, they are preparing to invade: “We do not understand what is going on there. There is a real threat to our interests and to the lives of our citizens,” Medvedev was quoted by Russian news agencies as saying. This is a long-standing tradition that goes back to Stalin’s times. Any invasion of any country is justified if Russia perceives that country as a threat. No evidence that the threat is real is ever needed.
2014.02.24. http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/can-russia-keep-its-hands-off-ukraine-1.2549670 Margaret Evans. Can Russia keep its hands off Ukraine? Feb 24, 2014 5:10 PM ET. .. "The U.S. actually warned Russia against military attack or use of military power in Ukraine," says Kyiv-based political scientist Alexei Garan. "But I don't think it's enough actually." ..
http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/russia-deploys-ships-troops-ukraines-crimea-raising-tensions-1437762 Vasudevan Sridharan. Ukraine Crisis: Russia Deploys Ships and Troops in Crimea. February 25, 2014 07:02 AM GMT. .. Russia is believed to be deploying military ships carrying troops in the disputed autonomous Crimea region of Ukraine, as Moscow continues to refuse to recognise the interim administration which has taken control of Kiev.// Reports suggest the movement of Russia's large landing ship Nikolai Filchenkov, with at least 200 soldiers onboard, at the Russian Black Sea Fleet's base at Sevastopol.// The ship is said to be accompanied by at least four other vessels with an unknown number of Special Forces Troops onboard, sailing from the Russian port of Anapa to the Crimean/Ukrainian Sevastopol.// Oleh Tyahnybok, leader of the nationalist Ukrainian Svoboda, said he has proof of the movement in the form of a text message.// Citing security sources in Crimea, Tyahnybok said: "I can show sms. Today at 12:00 foreseen arrival of Temryuk port in the Russian Federation in the city of Sevastopol large landing ship 'Nikolai Fil'chenkov' from the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation.// "It [the ship] takes about 200 armed soldiers [and] 328 separate battalion of Marines, who are based in Temryuk and 10 BTR-80 [armoured personnel carriers]."// Russia's base in Sevastopol is already believed to shelter about 26,000 troops.
http://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2014/02/25/russias_ambassador_says_moscow_wont_send_troops_to_ukraine.html Russia's ambassador says Moscow won't send troops to Ukraine. 2014.02.26. Russia's ambassador to Canada says talk about the possibility of Russian troops invading Ukraine is nonsense. Georgiy Mamedov says it's an insult to the intelligence of Canadians to even suggest that might happen in light of recent events in Kyiv. Harper government suggested that Canada could impose sanctions against Russia if it were to interfere in Ukraine.
2014.02.25. http://earththreats.wordpress.com/2014/02/25/russia-sends-troops-to-crimea/ Russian official said his country will go to war over Crimea.// Map: Wikimedia Commons. Click to see larger image.// The Russian Navy confirmed it has deployed Marines to Sevastopol in Crimea. Troops deployments began over the weekend.// It also confirmed that a large landing ship, the Nikolay Filchenkov, from the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation, sent Marines based in Temryuk, Russia. The Filchenkov also delivered ten BTR-80 armored personnel carriers, according to the naval website.// The weekend airlifts using four Ilyushin Il-76 strategic aircraft out an airbase in near Moscow delivered personnel from the 45th Airborne Special Forces to Anapa on the Black Sea, according to the report. Six Soviet-designed medium twin-turbine MI-8 transport helicopters were also sent.
2014.02.26. http://uk.reuters.com/article/2014/02/26/uk-ukraine-idUKBREA1H0EM20140226
ALESSANDRA PRENTICE AND RICHARD BALMFORTH. Alarm in Ukraine as Putin puts Russian troops on alert. eb 26, 2014 8:13pm GMT.
David Blair. Ukraine crisis: will Vladimir Putin send in the tanks against the 'bandits' in Kiev? The Russian president would command huge military force if he decided to intervene in Ukraine, but he has no pretext yet.
7:20PM GMT 27 Feb 2014.
Shaun Walker in Simferopol and Ian Traynor in Brussels. Russian military moves in Crimea are declaration of war, says Ukrainian PM. Sunday 2 March 2014 13.46 GMT
NATALIA ZINETS AND ALISSA DE CARBONNEL. Ukraine mobilizes after Putin's 'declaration of war'. Sun Mar 2, 2014 6:54pm EST.
Alberto Sicilia. 5 preguntas y respuestas sobre la invasión rusa de Crimea. l 4 de marzo de 2014.
¿Rusia controla ahora mismo Crimea? Sí. ..
¿Y la población tiene mucho miedo a los rusos? No. ..
¿Ves tanques por las calles? No. ..
Oye, el Kremlin todavía no ha confirmado que haya enviado tropas a Crimea y los medios dicen que las tropas que rodean los cuarteles no llevan identificación, ¿estás seguro que son rusos?
Sí, sin ninguna duda. Son fuerzas especiales del Ejécito Ruso. ..
El gobierno de Kiev ha calificado de “acto de guerra” la intervención rusa y ha dicho que responderá militarmente. ¿Se desatará una guerra por Crimea? Yo creo que no. ..
Russia says there will be no war with Ukraine. 03/07/2014 11:23. There will be no war between Russia and Ukraine, the speaker of Russia's upper house of parliament said on Friday.
"It's complete nonsense, it absolutely does not reflect our intentions, the feelings of empathy and the pain we feel for the Ukrainian people," said Valentina Matviyenko, head of the Russian Federation Council.
Anthony Faiola and Carol Morello. White House invites Ukrainian leader to visit as Russian forces cement grip on Crimea. Published: March 9 | Updated: Monday, March 10, 7:45 PM.
International Republican Institute. Public Opinion Survey Residents of Ukraine. April 3-12, 2014. ..
Opposition to Russian Military Intervention Strong in all Regions.
Mustafa Dzhemilev: “Only 34,2% Crimeans took part in the pseudo-referendum on March 16″. March 25, 2014 by chornajuravka.
http://www.project-syndicate.org/commentary/yuriko-koike-regards-vladimir-putin-s-invasion-of-ukraine-in-light-of-japan-s-own-territorial-disputes YURIKO KOIKE. Japan’s Russian Dilemma. MAR 31, 2014. Japan is particularly concerned with Russian expansionism, because it is the only G-7 country that currently has a territorial dispute with Russia, which has occupied its Northern Territories since the waning days of World War II. That occupation began between August 28 and September 5, 1945, when the Soviet Union hurriedly nullified the existing Soviet-Japanese Neutrality Treaty and invaded not only Japanese-occupied Manchuria, but also southern Sakhalin Island and the ancient Japanese territories of Etorofu Island, Kunashiri Island, Shikotan Island, and the Habomai Islands.
MOSCOW, April 17 (Reuters) - President Vladimir Putin said Russian forces had been active in Crimea in order to support local defence forces, the first time he has admitted deployment of Russian troops on the Black Sea peninsula.
"We had to take unavoidable steps so that events did not develop as they are currently developing in southeast Ukraine," Putin said in a televised call-in with the nation. "Of course our troops stood behind Crimea's self-defence forces."
(Reporting by Alexei Anischchuk; Additional repoting by Polina Devitt, Andrey Kuzmin; Writing by Alessandra Prentice; Editing by Lidia Kelly)
Ukraine wants global court to investigate crimes in Crimea and east. Fri Apr 17, 2015 11:30am EDT.
Insurgentes pro rusos toman de rehén a periodista. April 23, 2014 05:24 AM ES.
Hombres armados que simpatizan con Rusia mantienen como rehén a un periodista estadounidense en el este de Ucrania.//
Simon Ostrovsky, periodista de la organización Vice News, no ha sido visto desde el martes.//
Stella Jorosheva, vocera de los insurgentes pro rusos en la ciudad oriental de Slovyansk, confirmaron el miércoles que Ostrovsky estaba retenido por los cuarteles locales del servicio secreto de Ucrania que ocuparon desde hace más de una semana.//
Jorosheva dijo a The Associated Press que Ostrovsky "está bien" y se encuentra "suspendido de sus actividades negativas" que se negó a detallar. Dijo que los insurgentes retienen a Ostrovsky mientras llevan a cabo su propia investigación.//
En un comunicado, Vice News informó que "está en contacto con el Departamento de Estado norteamericano y otras autoridades del gobierno correspondientes para asegurar la seguridad de nuestro amigo y colega".
Sam LaGrone. USS Taylor Returns to Black Sea, 3 NATO Ships Now in Region. Published: April 23, 2014 12:05 PM.
Russian Aggression Prevention Act of 2014 - Directs the Secretary of Defense (DOD) to submit to Congress a strategic framework for U.S. security assistance and cooperation in Europe and Eurasia.
Introduced in Senate (05/01/2014).
David Blair. Ukraine crisis: Eight killed in bitter battle in Slavyansk. 7:36PM BST 05 May 2014.
Ukraine special forces suffer casualties in Slaviansk clash. Slaviansk, May 5.
Four Ukrainian paramilitary police were killed in fighting on Monday with pro-Russian separatists near the rebel stronghold of Slaviansk, the Interior Ministry said, in renewed violence Kiev is struggling to stop across the east.
2014.05.06. http://www.kyivpost.com/content/ukraine-abroad/nbc-news-at-least-34-killed-in-battle-to-reclaim-ukraines-slovyansk-346484.html NBC News: At least 34 killed in battle to reclaim Ukraine's Slovyansk. May 6, 2014, 1:22 p.m. At least 30 pro-Russian separatists were killed by Ukrainian troops on May 5 as the government continued its push to reclaim an occupied city, the country's interior minister said. At least four Ukrainian troops were also killed and another 20 injured in gunbattles on the outskirts of Slovyansk, Arsen Avakov said in a Facebook post Tuesday that was translated by several news agencies including The Associated Press and Russia's state-run RIA Novosti.
Separatists killed in Slovyansk fighting: Kyiv. More than 30 pro-Russian separatists have been killed in the eastern city of Slovyansk, according the government in Kyiv. Date 06.05.2014.
2014.05.11. http://www.euronews.com/2014/05/09/ukraine-at-least-21-killed-in-battle-over-police-headquarters-in-mariupol/ Ukraine: At least 21 killed in battle over police headquarters in Mariupol. 09/05 16:21 CET
«BamS»: Russische Luftwaffe provozierte Ukraine auf Befehl. 11.05.2014, 01:58 Uhr.
Berlin (dpa) - Allen Dementis des Kreml zum Trotz hat die russische Luftwaffe nach geheimdienstlichen Erkenntnissen doch absichtlich den ukrainischen Luftraum verletzt. Das geht nach Informationen der «Bild am Sonntag» aus der sogenannten Nachrichtlichen Lage des Bundesnachrichtendienstes hervor. Der BND stütze seine Einschätzung auf Funksprüche von Führungsstellen der russischen Armee. Der US- Geheimdienst NSA habe sie abgefangen, entschlüsselt und an die Deutschen weitergegeben. Demnach erhielten russische Piloten den eindeutigen Befehl, den Luftraum absichtlich zu verletzen.
Einsatz gegen Separatisten: Ukrainische Armee bekommt offenbar Unterstützung von US-Söldnern. Sonntag, 11.05.2014 – 08:10 Uhr.
400 US-Söldner sollen in der Ostukraine gegen die Separatisten kämpfen. Das berichtet "Bild am Sonntag" und beruft sich dabei auf Geheimdienstinformationen. Die Kämpfer kommen demnach vom Militärdienstleister Academi, früher bekannt als Blackwater.
Russische Truppen dringen in ukrainische Militärbasis auf der Krim ein. 08.33 Uhr: Für den früheren französischen Außenminister Alain Juppé hat sich Russland „bei der Schaffung vollendeter Tatsachen erst einmal durchgesetzt, unter offensichtlicher Verletzung des Völkerrechts“. An eine Rückgabe der Krim an die Ukraine glaubt Juppé nicht: „Um es deutlich zu sagen, Russland hat seine Invasion geschafft und weder die EU noch die USA haben eine militärische Option“, betont Juppé im FOCUS.
Natalia Seliverstova. Russian Journalist Reportedly Abducted in Eastern Ukraine. MOSCOW, May 12 (RIA Novosti) 11:54 12/05/2014.
- Russian journalist Pavel Kanygin may have been kidnapped in eastern Ukraine's Donetsk Region, the Russian Ekho Moskvy radio station reported Monday citing a photojournalist working in the region.
Pyotr Shelomovsky told the radio station that the reporter, who works for the Russian newspaper Novaya Gazeta, had sent him an SMS saying: "I have been abducted. Call Moscow." Kanygin could not be contacted by phone.
Novaya Gazeta Editor-in-Chief Dmitry Muratov refused to comment on the report. "We will not comment on the situation until Kanygin returns to the editorial office," he told RIA Novosti.
New EU Sanctions Target Companies in Crimea. ReutersMay. 12 2014 15:58 Last edited 18:18.
Canada is imposing economic sanctions against the following Ukrainian and Russian individuals who bear political responsibility for the crisis:<poem>
Russian Individuals
Valery Vasilevich Gerasimov, Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, First Deputy Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation, General of the Army.
Igor Girkin (also known as Igor Strelkov), member of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
Sergei Ivanovich Menyailo, acting Governor of the Ukrainian annexed city of Sevastopol and former Russian Black Sea Fleet Assistant Commander.
Sergei Ivanovich Neverov, Deputy Chairman of State Duma, United Russia.
Oleg Genirokhovich Savelyev, Minister for Crimean Affairs.
Ludmila Ivanovna Shvetsova, Deputy Chairman of State Duma, United Russia.
Ukrainian Individuals
Olga Fedorovna Kovatidi, member of the Russian Federation Council from the annexed Autonomous Republic of Crimea.
German Prokopiv, active leader of the “Luhansk Guard” and a leader of the youth wing.
Valeriy Bolotov, retired officer, chair of airborne troop veterans of Luhansk oblast.
Andriy Purgin, head of the self declared “DonetskRepublic”.
Denys Pushylin, one of the leaders of the self declared “DonetskRepublic”.
Sergey Gennadevich Tsyplakov, one of the leaders of the ideologically radical organization “People’s Militia of Donbass”.
- See more at: http://www.pm.gc.ca/eng/news/2014/05/12/expanded-sanctions-list#sthash.ggpOPSeq.dpuf </poem>
COUNCIL REGULATION (EU) No 476/2014 of 12 May 2014
amending Regulation (EU) No 269/2014 concerning restrictive measures in respect of actions undermining or threatening the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine. ..
Vyacheslav Viktorovich VOLODIN
Born 4 February 1964 in Alekseevka, Saratov region.
First Deputy Chief of Staff of the Presidential Admin­ istration of Russia. Responsible for overseeing the political integration of the annexed Ukrainian region of Crimea into the Russian Federation.//
Born 15.02.1954 in Barnaul.
Commander of the Russian Airborne Troops, Colonel-General. In his senior position holds respon­ sibility for the deployment of Russian airborne forces in Crimea.
Vladimir Nikolaevich PLIGIN
Born 19.05.1960 in Ignatovo, Vologodsk Oblast, USSR.
Chair of the Duma Constitutional Law Committee. Responsible for facilitating the adoption of legisla­ tion on the annexation of Crimea and Sevastopol into the Russian Federation. //
Petr Grigorievich
Acting Head of the Federal Migration Service office for Crimea. Responsible for the systematic and expe­ dited issuance of Russian passports for the residents of Crimea. //
Oleg Grigorievich
Born 19.12.1962 in Zaporozhye
Acting Head of the Federal Migration Service office for Sevastopol. Responsible for the systematic and expedited issuance of Russian passports for the resi­ dents of Crimea.
Self-declared mayor of Slaviansk. Ponomarev called on Vladimir Putin to send in Russian troops to protect the city and later asked him to supply weapons. Ponomarev's men are involved in kidnap­ pings (they captured Ukrainian reporter Irma Krat and Simon Ostrovsky, a reporter for Vice News, both were later released, they detained military observers under OSCE Vienna Document). //
Igor Mykolaiovych
Born in 1965
One of the leaders of self-proclaimed militia of Horlivka. He took control of the Security Service of Ukraine's Office in Donetsk region building and afterwards seized the Ministry of Internal Affairs' district station in the town of Horlivka. He has links to Ihor Strielkov under which command he was involved in the murder of Peoples' Deputy of the Horlivka's Municipal Council Volodymyr Rybak according to the SBU. //
One of the leaders of armed forces of the self- proclaimed ‘Donetsk People's Republic’. The aim of the forces is to ‘protect the people of Donetsk People's Republic and territorial integrity of the republic’ according to Pushylin, one of the leaders of the ‘Donetsk People's Republic’.
Member of the Rada. Publicly called for the creation of the Federal Republic of Novorossia, composed of South Eastern Ukrainian regions.
Head of the ‘Donetsk People's Republic’ Central Elec­ toral Commission. Actively organised the refer­ endum on 11 May on the self-determination of the ‘Donetsk People's Republic’.
Head of the ‘Lugansk People's Republic’ Central Elec­ toral Commission. Actively organised the refer­ endum on 11 May on the self-determination of the ‘Lugansk People's Republic’.
Natalia Vladimirovna POKLONSKAYA
Born 18.03.1980 in Eupatoria.
Prosecutor of Crimea. Actively implementing Russia's annexation of Crimea.
Igor Sergeievich
Acting Prosecutor of Sevastopol. Actively imple­ menting Russia's annexation of Sevastopol.
Ukrainian director arrested by Russian Secret Service
18 MAY, 2014 | BY MARTIN BLANEY. Oleg Sentsov has been allegedly “kidnapped” by the FSB.
2014.05.19. http://www.dfat.gov.au/sanctions/ On 19 March 2014 the Minister for Foreign Affairs announced that the Australian Government will impose travel bans and targeted financial sanctions against twelve persons who have been responsible for or complicit in the Russian threat to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine.
Alexei Polukhin. Crimea has become farther than Cuba. Slight shock awaits those willing to buy through tickets to Aeroflot flights for summer vacation at the peninsula. 26.05.2014
SABINA ZAWADZKI AND GABRIELA BACZYNSKA. More than 50 rebels killed as new Ukraine leader unleashes assault.
DONETSK, Ukraine Tue May 27, 2014 7:48pm EDT. .. The separatists have repeatedly pleaded for Putin to send his forces to aid them. Since the annexation of Crimea, Putin has turned the protection of Russians in other former Soviet republics into a central theme of his rule. Last month he began referring to eastern Ukraine as "New Russia". ..
Ukraine accuses Russia of sending 'terrorists' over border. 13:30, 27 May 2014 Tuesday.
The foreign ministry in Kiev said it was protesting over Moscow's failure to take action against a concentration of up to 40 truckloads of armed men. The border guard service said it believed some of these had succeeding in crossing the frontier near Astakhovo, in Luhansk region, about 150 km from Donetsk.
"There are grounds to believe that Russian terrorists are being sent onto Ukrainian territory, organised and financed under the direct control of the Kremlin and Russian special forces," Ukraine's foreign ministry said.
Kiev says three Russian tanks entered east Ukraine. 12 June 2014 Last updated at 16:01.
Ukraine accuses Russia of allowing tanks across border.
Ukraine's interior minister accused Russia on Thursday of allowing three tanks and other military vehicles to cross the border into east Ukraine to help pro-Russian separatists there.
By DAVID McHUGH. Ukraine says 3 tanks cross from Russia. Jun. 13, 2014 - 2:54 am
Anti-Terror Operation Military Destroy Separatists' 2 Tanks, 2 KamAZes With Machine Guns, 2 Armoured Personnel Carriers Near Stepanivka, Donetsk Region (14:51, Friday, June 13, 2014)
Anti-terror operation servicemen have destroyed separatists' two tanks, two armoured personnel carriers and two KamAZes with machine guns in the vicinity of the near-border village Stepanivka, Donetsk Region, reads a statement made by the Defence Ministry. // "Yesterday, on June 12 near the state border, south-west to the inhabited locality Stepanivka during a fierce fighting Ukrainian servicemen from the subunits engaged in the anti-terror operation destroyed two tanks, two armoured personnel carriers and two KamAZ trucks with heavy 12.7mm machine guns KORD mounted on them," it said.
Laura Smith-Spark. Ukraine claims win against pro-Russian separatists in Mariupol. June 13, 2014 -- Updated 1530 GMT (2330 HKT)
ANDREW E. KRAMER and MICHAEL R. GORDON. Russia Sent Tanks to Separatists in Ukraine, U.S. Says. JUNE 13, 2014. DONETSK, Ukraine — The State Department said Friday that Russia had sent tanks and other heavy weapons to separatists in Ukraine, supporting accusations Thursday by the Ukrainian government. //
A convoy of three T-64 tanks, several BM-21 multiple rocket launchers and other military vehicles crossed the border near the Ukrainian town of Snizhne, State Department officials said. The Ukrainian Army reported Friday that it had destroyed two of the tanks and several other vehicles in the convoy. // “This is unacceptable,” said Marie Harf, the deputy State Department spokeswoman. “A failure by Russia to de-escalate this situation will lead to additional costs.”
JESSICA HUME. Stephen Harper announces more sanctions as Ukraine crisis grows. SATURDAY, JUNE 21, 2014 05:00 PM EDT.
OTTAWA –- Canada imposed another round of sanctions against 11 Russian individuals and a Crimea-based oil company Saturday.
These latest sanctions come amid reports Russian president Vladimir Putin put military forces in central Russia on combat alert. ..
Ukraine's new defence minister promises Crimea victory. 3 July 2014 Last updated at 16:44.
War by any other name. Russia has, in effect, already invaded eastern Ukraine. The question is how the West will respond.
Jul 5th 2014 | MOSCOW. New Ukrainian Defence Minister Valeriy Heletey has promised that the army would retake Crimea, restoring the country's territorial integrity.
Addressing parliament in Kiev, he said: "There will be a victory parade... in Ukraine's Sevastopol."
Chris Johnston. Ukraine army regains control of Slavyansk. Saturday 5 July 2014 12.13 BST
Alec Luhn. Ukrainian troops retake key city of Slavyansk from rebels in east. The Observer, Saturday 5 July 2014 17.16 BST
Natalia Zinets. Ukraine says forces will press forward after taking rebel stronghold. Sun Jul 6, 2014 6:08pm GMT.
Alan Cullison and Philip Shiskin. Ukrainian government troops target further gains. THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. July 6, 2014, 10:19 a.m. EDT. ..“This is not a complete victory. This is the beginning of a breakthrough in the fight against militants for the territorial integrity of Ukraine.” Petro Poroshenko, Ukraine’s president
Ukraine: Mounting evidence of abduction and torture. 11 July 2014.
Ukraine says rebels will pay as missiles kill 23 soldiers
KIEV/DONETSK Ukraine Fri Jul 11, 2014 7:55pm EDT. The pro-Russian separatists launched a volley of Grad missiles at 4:30 a.m. on the border post at Zelenopillya, in Ukraine's easternmost Luhansk region, military sources said.
Ukraine's Defence Ministry said 19 servicemen were killed and the border guard service said four of its number also died. Military spokesman Vladyslav Seleznyov said on his Facebook page 93 were injured in the Grad attack.
Viktor Shevchuk. At night from 12 to 13 of July the ATO Forces managed to prevent entry of Russian troops in Ukraine. 22:21 13.07.2014.
.. Today at 00:45 a convoy of Russian armoured vehicles entered Ukrainian territory via the border crossing point “Izvarino”. Different sources in the Ministry of Defence and in the State Border Agency estimate this to be from 100 to 200 vehicles. These are tanks, APCs and armoured Kamaz vehicles. It was only ONE of the main attacking groups under Russian flags and without insignia. Some of the vehicles had marking of peacekeeping Russian Forces. At the same a constant shelling from howitzer artillery and MLRS “Grad” of Ukrainian units in the area of the border with Russia was carried out from the territory of the Russian Federation.
Aviation was raised and all types of troops and forces were put on high alert. For the first time the attack aircraft was reinforced by air cover – interceptors, as Russian opposition of air defence system was expected. However, the Russians at the last moment did not dare to cross the border of Ukraine. As a result, the convoy was attacked from the air, part of the equipment destroyed, part went back to Russia. ..
Malaysia jet crashes in east Ukraine conflict zone. 17 July 2014 Last updated at 20:22.
.. Jonathan Marcus, BBC News. If it does turn out that the Boeing 777 was shot down by the separatists - with weaponry supplied by Moscow - then it could significantly alter the terms of the whole debate surrounding the Ukraine crisis. ..
Sergei Kovalyov, told BBC Russian that the airspace over eastern Ukraine had remained open during the conflict because the planes previously shot down had tended to be helicopters or low-flying fast jets.
"In order to bring down an airplane from an altitude of 10,000m, you need to have very serious weapons…. missiles," he said. "It's either a mistake or a terrorist act."
.. Ukraine has accused Russia's military of supplying advanced missiles to the rebels. ..
Aircraft: Boeing 777-200ER. .
Crew: 15.
Passengers: 280.
Left Amsterdam: 10:15 GMT
Lost contact: 14:15 GMT at 10,000m (33,000ft)
Malaysian passenger plane shot down in Ukraine near Russian border with 295 people aboard. National Post Wire Services | July 17, 2014 | Last Updated: Jul 17 5:18 PM ET..
.. Anton Gerashenko, an adviser to Ukraine’s interior minister, said on his Facebook page the plane was flying at an altitude of 10,000 metres when it was hit by a missile fired from a Buk launcher. A similar launcher was seen by Associated Press journalists near the eastern Ukrainian town of Snizhne earlier Thursday. The Buk missile system can fire missiles up to an altitude of 22,000 metres. .. “Just now near Torez, terrorists used a Buk missile system kindly provided by Putin to shoot down a civilian plane,” Gerashchenko said on Facebook.
Alex Wellman. Malaysia Airlines plane crash: Why was flight MH17 over one of world’s most dangerous areas? Jul 17, 2014 22:45.
At least 270 soldiers killed in Russia’s war against Ukraine. July 18, 2014, 1:32 a.m. | Ukraine — by Iryna Yeroshko, Olena Goncharova
By Catherine E. Shoichet and Ashley Fantz, CNN. U.S. official: Missile shot down Malaysia Airlines plane.
July 18, 2014 -- Updated 0241 GMT (1041 HKT). .. A radar system saw a surface-to-air missile system turn on and track an aircraft right before the plane went down, the senior U.S. official said. A second system saw a heat signature at the time the airliner was hit, the official said. The United States is analyzing the trajectory of the missile to try to learn where the attack came from, the official said.
The Obama administration believes Ukraine did not have the capability in the region -- let alone the motivation -- to shoot down the plane, a U.S. official told CNN's Jake Tapper.
Defense Minister: Ukraine Troops Control Part Of Luhansk. uly 18, 2014. ..
A statement on the president's website on July 18 said, "The minister of defense, Valery Heletey, told President Petro Poroshenko that Ukrainian armed forces took control of the southeastern part of Luhansk."
The statement added that troops had also surrounded the Luhansk airport. ..
Anne Applebaum. The downing of the Malaysia Airlines passenger plane has exposed the chaos in Ukraine as a real war. JULY 18 2014 1:00 PM
U.S. government assessment of the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 in Ukraine,
July 20, 2014. We assess that Flight MH17 was likely downed by a SA-11 surface-to-air missile from separatist-controlled territory in eastern Ukraine. We base this judgment on several factors. Over the past month, we have detected an increasing amount of heavy weaponry to separatist fighters crossing the border from Russia into Ukraine. Last weekend, Russia sent a convoy of military equipment with up to 150 vehicles including tanks, armored personnel carriers, artillery, and multiple rocket launchers to the separatist. We also have information indicating that Russia is providing training to separatist fighters at a facility in southwest Russia, and this effort included training on air defense systems. ..
Video posted on social media yesterday show an SA-11 on a transporter traveling through the Krasnodon are back to Russia. The video indicated the system was missing at least one missile, suggesting it had conducted a launch.
Events on the ground at the crash site clearly demonstrate that separatists are in full control of the area.
By Alexei Baye. Russia's War in Ukraine is Now Europe's Conflict Too. Jul. 20 2014 21:00. Last edited 21:01.
JULIAN E. BARNES and WILLIAM MAULDIN. U.S. Says Russian Artillery Firing Across Border Into Ukraine. July 24, 2014 11:48 p.m. ET.
Tom Vanden Brook. Russian military fires artillery into eastern Ukraine. USA TODAY 9:06 p.m. EDT July 24, 2014.
State Dept. accuses Russia of firing artillery into Ukraine, refuses to provide any evidence. Published time: July 24, 2014 21:09. Edited time: July 24, 2014 22:55
US says evidence shows Russia fired artillery into Ukraine. 25 July 2014 Last updated at 04:07.
Josh Rogin. U.S. Military Chief Compares Putin’s Ukraine Move to Stalin’s Invasion of Poland. 07.24.14.
Today the U.S. government claimed the Russian military is firing artillery into Ukraine and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs said it reminds him of Russia’s invasion of Poland in 1939. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Martin Dempsey said Thursday that Russian President Vladimir Putin’s new use of Russian military force inside Ukraine harkens back to 1939 when Joseph Stalin led a Russian invasion of Poland, and Dempsey predicted Putin was far from finished.
Response to Russian Federation on Crash of MH17 in Ukraine.
As delivered by Ambassador Daniel B. Baer to the Permanent Council, Vienna. July 24, 2014.
.. I will not sit here and listen to the self-righteous and sanctimonious statements by the Russian Federation that somehow they are uniquely committed to an international investigation. Their proxies, the Russian-supported fighters, were literally walking over the remains of the crash. When the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission showed up on the scene, they found a drunken horde. ..
James S. Brady. Press Briefing by Press Secretary Josh Earnest, 07/25/14. ..
We are very concerned about the transfer of weapons and materiel from the Russian side of the border into Ukraine and into the hands of Russia-backed separatists in Ukraine. That has fueled the violence and conflict that we’ve seen in Ukraine. Unfortunately, it has also had tragic consequences for citizens from countries around the world after the downing of the Malaysia Airlines jetliner.
Intense fighting in eastern Ukraine “extremely alarming”, says Pillay, as UN releases new report.
28 July 2014. A total breakdown of law and order and a reign of fear and terror have been inflicted by armed groups on the population of eastern Ukraine, according to a new report issued today by the Office of United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. .. Casualty figures are hard to gauge reliably, the report says. However, based on the best data available, conservative estimates by the Human Rights Mission and the World Health Organisation put the number of those who have been killed from mid-April to 15 July as 1,000 people. As of 26 July, at least 1,129 people have been killed and 3,442 wounded.
KAMENSK-SHAKHTINSKY. Weekly update from the OSCE Observer Mission at the Russian Checkpoints Gukovo and Donetsk, 28 August until 08:00, 3 September 2014. August until 08:00, 3 September 2014
Herbert E. Meyer. August 4, 2014. How to Solve the Putin Problem.
POLINA DEVITT AND MARIA TSVETKOVA. Russia bans all U.S. food, EU fruit and vegetables in sanctions response; NATO fears invasion. Wed Aug 6, 2014 7:52pm EDT
NATO plane arrives in Ukraine with $4.5 mn worth of military aid for Kiev troops (VIDEO)
Published time: August 09, 2014 03:30. Edited time: August 09, 2014 05:38
YURAS KARMANAU. Ukraine may be getting upper hand in battle with rebels after surrounding key town. August 9, 2014 - 8:21am.
DONETSK, Ukraine — A top commander of the pro-Russia insurgency in eastern Ukraine said Saturday that Ukrainian forces have seized a key town, leaving the rebel region's largest city of Donetsk surrounded.
Ukraine crisis: Army closes in on Donetsk rebels.
The rebels' commander is quoted as saying his forces have been cut off after Krasnyi Luch, a strategic town to the east, was captured by the army. .. 9 August 2014 Last updated at 14:48
Ксенія Осетрова. Сили АТО звільнили Пантелеймонівку – речник АТО Олексій Дмитрашківський. 10 серпня 2014, 19:18.
ALBERTO OTERO. Dos españoles en la batalla de Donetsk 'sin billete de vuelta'. 10/08/2014 01:44 horas.
.. «Si la cosa se pone fea intentaríamos cruzar la frontera rusa. Si no nos dejan volver a España, pediríamos asilo a Cuba o Venezuela», dice Ángel. Así empezó, soñando con sumarse a la revolución de la isla de Fidel ..
В Харькове бойцы батальона «Айдар» передали Генеральному консульству Российской Федерации двух российский наемников из Самары Евгения Сандакова и Бахтияра Перматова, которые добровольно сложили оружие. 12.08.2014 | 16:16.
Ukraine crisis death toll doubles in two weeks to August 10 - U.N. GENEVA Wed Aug 13, 2014 1:07pm BST.
The estimated death toll in the Ukraine conflict nearly doubled to at least 2,086 as of Aug. 10 from 1,129 on July 26, the United Nations human rights office said on Wednesday.
Ukraine troops surround Lugansk as separatist chief resigns. 14 August 2014, 18:04.
Ukraine Situation report No. 7 as of 15 August 2014.
19 August 2014 Last updated at 22:37, .. Eastern Ukraine - the increasing human cost<br>
At least 2,119 have died since mid-April, including at least 20 children<br>
5,043 people have been wounded in east Ukraine as of 13 August, On average 60 casualties per day<br>
155,800 people internally displaced<br>
188,000 have fled to Russia<br>
22,000 people have fled Donetsk and Luhansk in a five-day period last week
MARIA TSVETKOVA AND THOMAS GROVE. For embattled Ukraine rebels, no time to honour the dead. Thu Aug 21, 2014 5:31pm BST.
(Reuters) - Pro-Moscow rebels in the Ukrainian city of Donetsk are taking such heavy losses in fighting with advancing government troops they no longer have time to give their comrades a proper burial. ..
By Wednesday, 41 fighters had been buried there, including the 12 coffins brought in that day. A Reuters photographer who went back to the same cemetery on Thursday said he saw at least another 15 fighters being buried. ..
But those are only a fraction of the rebel dead. Local government officials said rebels were buried individually at all 28 cemeteries in Donetsk, and fighters spoke too of burying fallen comrades in the field.
Russia Moves Artillery Units Into Ukraine, NATO Says
AUG. 22, 2014.
Ukraine Crisis in Maps. A visual guide to the continuing conflict.
NATO Says Russian Forces in Ukraine Are Firing Artillery. UPDATED AUGUST 22. Trucks from a Russian convoy said to be carrying humanitarian aid crossed the border into a rebel-held area in eastern Ukraine, without the consent of the Ukrainian government on Friday. On the same day, NATO officials said that Russian artillery units had moved into Ukrainian territory and were firing at Ukrainian forces.
Roland Oliphant, Geraldine Cooper and Reuters, video sources SBU and APTN.
Russian soldiers' capture in Ukraine threatens to cloud Putin-Poroshenko talks.
3:44PM BST 26 Aug 2014.
Ukrainian security services have released video footage purporting to show Russian servicemen who were captured by Ukrainian government forces while fighting alongside pro-Moscow rebels in Ukraine
The footage, which is fuelling allegations from Kiev and its Western allies of Russian involvement in the war, appeared on the day the Russian and Ukrainian leaders met for talks in the Belarussian capital to try to end the conflict.
Russia denies giving military help to the separatist rebellion in eastern Ukraine.
Ukraine's state security service said it had detained 10 Russian paratroopers who had crossed into Ukrainian territory from Russia in a column of several dozen armed infantry vehicles. //
In footage posted on the official Facebook page of the Ukrainian government's "anti-terrorist operation," the men were shown dressed in camouflage fatigues.
One of them, who identified himself as Ivan Milchakov, listed his personal details, including the name of the paratroop regiment he said is based in the Russian town of Kostroma. //
"I did not see where we crossed the border."
"They just told us we were going on a 70 kilometre (43 miles) march over three days," he said.
"Everything is different here, not like they show it on television. We've come as cannon fodder," he said in the video.
Another man in the footage, who gave his name as Sergeant Aleksei Generalov, said: "Stop sending in our boys. Why? This is not our war. And if we weren't here, none of this would have happened. They would have sorted things out with the government themselves."
The Russian servicemen were detained with their personal documents and weapons, near the small town of Amvrosiyivka in Donetsk region, the Ukrainian state security service said.
"Officially they are on military exercises in various corners of Russia. In reality they are involved in military aggression against Ukraine," Defence Minister Valeriy Heletey said in a Facebook post.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has dismissed reports of a Russian incursion into Ukraine, saying it was "dis-information" by the authorities in Kiev.
Captured Russian troops 'in Ukraine by accident'. 26 August 2014 Last updated at 19:02.
Ten Russian soldiers captured in eastern Ukraine crossed the border "by accident", Russian military sources are quoted as saying.
Ukraine has released video interviews of some of the seized paratroopers.
The incident comes as the Ukrainian and Russian leaders have held their first-ever bilateral talks in Belarus.
More than 2,000 people have died in months of fighting between Ukrainian forces and separatists in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions. ..
Ukraine's security service said its military had captured the 10 Russian paratroopers near the village of Dzerkalne, about 50km (30 miles) south-east of the rebel-held city of Donetsk and about 20km from the Russian border.
Ukrainian military spokesman Andriy Lysenko said: "This wasn't a mistake, but a special mission they were carrying out."
A Ukrainian television report that carried the interviews with the men said they were from the 331st regiment of the 98th Svirsk airborne division.
It quoted one man, named as Sgt Andrei Generalov, as saying: "Stop sending in our boys. Why? This is not our war. And if we weren't here, none of this would have happened."
Russia has repeatedly denied Ukrainian and Western accusations that it is supporting the rebels.
On Monday, Ukraine said an armoured column had crossed the border into south-eastern Ukraine, sparking clashes near Novoazovsk.
Mr Lysenko said on Tuesday that Ukrainian forces had destroyed 12 armoured infantry carriers there. He said 12 Ukrainian military personnel had been killed in the past 24 hours.
Mr Lysenko said four border guards had been killed by fire from Russian Mi-24 helicopters.
Meanwhile, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko and his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, have met behind closed doors to discuss the crisis at a summit in the Belarusian capital, Minsk.
Shaun Walker. Russia admits its soldiers have been caught in Ukraine
26 August 2014 10.44 BST. .. Sources in Moscow have admitted that a number of men captured inside Ukraine were indeed serving Russian soldiers, but said they crossed the border by mistake. The admission comes as President Vladimir Putin meets his Ukrainian counterpart, Petro Poroshenko, for talks in Minsk. The pair shook hands ahead of the talks on Tuesday afternoon. ..
Two weeks ago, the Guardian saw a convoy of armoured personnel carriers and support trucks with Russian military plates cross an unmarked section of the border near the town of Donetsk. ..
Ben Hoyle Moscow. Last updated at 11:35AM, August 26 2014. //
Kiev produced yesterday the strongest evidence yet of direct Russian military intervention in Ukraine, showing videotaped confessions by captured Russian paratroopers even as the two country’s leaders met for peace talks in neighbouring Belarus. //
The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) said that ten Russian paratroopers were taken prisoner near the village of Dzerkalne, eastern Ukraine, about 15 miles from the Russian border. ..
Roman Olearchyk in Kiev, Courtney Weaver in Moscow and Neil Buckley in London. Evidence of direct Moscow military involvement in Ukraine grows.
August 26, 2014 6:45 pm
THOMAS GROVE. Over 100 Russian soldiers killed in single Ukraine battle - Russian rights activists. MOSCOW Thu Aug 28, 2014 1:11pm EDT
Simon Shuster. Russian Soldiers in Ukraine Put Pressure on Putin. Aug. 27, 2014.
With evidence of Russian military activity in Ukraine piling up, how long can Moscow deny its involvement in the ongoing conflict?
Russian reporters 'attacked at secret soldier burials'. 27 August 2014 Last updated at 11:08.
Alastair Lawson, Mike Hills, Richard Irvine-Brown, Alex Morrison, Patrick Jackson, Harry Low, Andree Massiah, Robert Greenall, Bernadette McCague and Helier Cheung.
As it happened: Russia troops 'inside Ukraine'.
Josh Kovensky. Russia Is Burying Soldiers in Unmarked Graves Just to Conceal Their Role in Ukraine. AUGUST 28, 2014.
THOMAS GROVE. Exclusive - Over 100 Russian soldiers killed in single Ukraine battle - Russian rights activists. Thu Aug 28, 2014 6:59pm BST.
Terrence McCoy. What does Russia tell the mothers of soldiers killed in Ukraine? Not much. August 29.
Fabius warns of further sanctions against Russia. Latest update : 2014-08-30
In an exclusive interview with FRANCE 24, French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said that the international community must be “firm” with Russia, warning that Russia could face further sanctions if it fails to change tack on Ukraine.
Fabius said that the French government had evidence that Russian troops had entered neighbouring Ukraine, describing the incursion as “alarming”.
“The moment one country sends its military forces into another country without its consent and against its will, that is called an ‘intervention,’” he said. “Obviously, it’s unacceptable”.
Alexei Anishchuk. Russian Politician Attacked After Investigating If Soldiers Killed In Ukraine. 08/30/2014 7:59 pm EDT.
Lev Shlosberg, a newspaper publisher who represents the liberal opposition Yabloko party in the regional assembly in the northwestern city of Pskov, said he was attacked on Friday evening near his home.
Lithuanian: Russia is in a 'state of war against Europe'. Sun 31 Aug 2014. .. It is the fact that Russia is in a war state against Ukraine. That means it is in a state of war against a country which would like to be closely integrated with the EU. Practically Russia is in a state of war against Europe. That means we need to help Ukraine to ... defend its territory and its people and to help militarily, especially with the military materials to help Ukraine to defend itself because today Ukraine is fighting a war on behalf of all Europe. – PRESIDENT DALIA GRYBAUSKAITE
Ben Farmer, Defence Correspondent, in Brussels and Nick Squires in Rome. I can take Kiev in two weeks, Vladimir Putin warns European leaders. 9:11PM BST 01 Sep 2014.
Ukraine and Russia exchange captured troops. 31 August 2014 Last updated at 08:49.
XAVIER COLÁS. Las familias denuncian que 15.000 soldados rusos luchan en Ucrania. 01/09/2014 21:50 horas.
Putin asegura que su ejército puede conquistar en dos semanas Kiev si se lo propone.
Activistas calculan que al menos 200 rusos podrían haber muerto en Ucrania.
Los combates Las familias denuncian que 15.000 soldados rusos luchan en Ucrania.
Cerca de 15.000 soldados rusos fueron enviados a Ucrania en los últimos dos meses y varios centenares habrían muerto en combate, según grupos de derechos humanos. Estos cálculos se basan en las informaciones proporcionadas por las familias, cuyos allegados fueron enviados a realizar maniobras y luego dejaron de comunicarse con casa.
Russie : la France suspend la livraison du premier Mistral à Moscou. 03-09-2014 - 18:47.
Mistral : la France, sous pression, suspend la livraison du porte-hélicoptères à la Russie. Publié le 03.09.2014, 17h50 | Mise à jour : 18h23
2014.09.21. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2764101/Dozens-Russian-troops-killed-Ukraine-month-according-secret-documents-despite-Putin-s-claims-country-not-fighting-there.html JACK CRONE. Dozens of Russian troops were killed in Ukraine last month according to secret documents despite Putin's claims his country is not fighting there. 12:16 GMT, 21 September 2014
DAVID M. HERSZENHORN and ALEXANDRA ODYNOVASEPT. Soldiers’ Graves Bear Witness to Russia’s Role in Ukraine. September 21, 2014.
( [[Vladislav Barakov]], [[Бараков Владислав Александрович]]
Oksana Grytsenko. Activist says 4,000 Russians killed or missing in Ukraine war. Sept. 26, 2014, 7:06 p.m
Josh Kovensky. Russia Is Burying Soldiers in Unmarked Graves Just to Conceal Their Role in Ukraine. AUGUST 28, 2014
Юрий Смелянский, «Майдан иностранных дел». КРЫМ: анатомия аннексии. (2014–..)
Dieter Bednarz. Finnish Prime Minister: 'Moscow Is Provoking a Number of Its Neighbors'. September 29, 2014 – 01:08 PM.
LÜDECKE, MATTHIAS. Alexander Stubb. „Die Integration Russlands in den Westen war eine Illusion“. Veröffentlicht: 01.10.2014, 06:52 Uhr. .. 2008, während des Georgien-Krieges, haben schon einmal die Alarmglocken geläutet. Damals kehrte die Politik der Einflusszonen an den Rand Europas zurück, und wir hätten aufwachen müssen. ..
Ukraine crisis: Putin 'orders Russian troop pullback'. 12 October 2014 Last updated at 00:4.
.. Putin has ordered to start the returning of troops to regular station," presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov said in quotes carried by Interfax and Ria Novosti news agencies.
Mr Peskov said this was because the period of training was completed.
Mr Putin made similar statements about withdrawing troops from the Ukrainian border in March and May.
However, Nato and US officials said they saw no evidence of soldiers being moved.
November 5, 2014 - Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird today released the following statement:
“Canada is deeply concerned by reports of Russian troops moving closer to the border with Ukraine.
“We strongly condemn these provocative actions by Russia, and we believe this is further proof that the Kremlin only seeks to hamper the peace process in Ukraine.
“We call on Russia to immediately withdraw its troops not only from border regions but also from Ukraine’s sovereign territory, where they continue to contribute to the violence that has cost over 4,000 lives to date. ..
Russia's War Against Ukraine. 2014 Nov 15.
KONRAD SCHULLER. Moskau finanziert offenbar „Volksrepubliken“. Verwaltung, Pensionen und Sozialleistungen in den von Separatisten besetzten Gebieten werden vor allem mit russischem Geld finanziert. Das hat der Verwaltungschef von Donezk der F.A.Z. bestätigt. 20.11.2014.
Проект Закону про цивільну зброю і боєприпаси. 1135-1 від 10.12.2014.
Militärübung bei Donezk: Tschetschenische Kämpfer mischen in der Ukraine mit.
Im Ukraine-Konflikt kämpfen auch Tschetschenen - auf beiden Seiten. Ein prorussisches Bataillon trainiert bei Donezk, darunter angeblich russische Ex-Soldaten. Durch die verschneite Landschaft schallt der Ruf: "Allahu Akbar!"
Mittwoch, 10.12.2014 – 15:51 Uhr. Donezk - Die Tschetschenen brüllen "Allahu Akbar" (Gott ist groß), während sie in Tarnuniformen im ostukrainischen Separatistengebiet im Schnee trainieren. Die Männer nutzen eine alte Ferienanlage außerhalb der Rebellenhochburg Donezk als Stützpunkt. "Dies ist das Freiwilligen-Bataillon 'Tod'", sagt der stellvertretende Kommandeur der Truppe, der sich nur als "Stinger" vorstellt. "Etwa 300 Mann von uns sind in der Region Donezk. Wir haben zehn bis 20 Jahre Erfahrung auf dem Schlachtfeld."
By NEIL MacFARQUHAR. Seizing Assets in Crimea, From Shipyard to Film Studio. JAN. 10, 2015
країнська артилерія накрила дві вантажівки з бойовиками та росіянами. Більше 20 загиблих (ФОТО 18+)
Під донецьким аеропортом вантажівки з бойовиками та росіянами потрапили під обстріл. Близько 20 терористів загинули, 10 потрапили в полон. 3 СІЧНЯ, 2015
Julian Borger and Eliot Higgins. Russia shelled Ukrainians from within its own territory, says study.
How blogger Brown Moses used open-source information to analyse missile attacks on Ukraine
Tuesday 17 February 2015 14.00 GMT
Satellite images, digital detective work and social media provide strongest evidence yet of Russian crossborder shelling, according to investigation
Russian soldiers 'dying in large numbers' in Ukraine - Nato. 5 March 2015. .. The UN says the conflict has claimed at least 6,000 lives since it started in April, although it says that the real number of fatalities could be considerably higher.
On Tuesday, the US army's Europe commander, Ben Hodges, said the US believed around 12,000 Russian soldiers were supporting the separatists.
But US Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland on Wednesday told a congressional foreign affairs committee that Russia had deployed "thousands and thousands" of troops, without giving a precise number. ..
2015.03.07. http://nos.nl/artikel/2022540 Robert Bas. Vijf vragen over het MH17-onderzoek. 2015.03.07. .. De onderzoeksresultaten wijzen in één richting. De MH17 is neergehaald door een Buk-raket, die vanaf een Russische installatie is afgevuurd door zeer waarschijnlijk Russische militairen. De Buk-installatie is kort voor de ramp van Rusland naar Oekraïne vervoerd. Dat blijkt onder meer uit verschillende filmpjes die op internet zijn opgedoken. Maar Nederlandse rechercheurs hebben in Oekraïne ook met ooggetuigen gesproken. ..
The Russian Military Forum: Russia's Hybrid War Campaign: Implications for Ukraine and Beyond. Mar 10, 2015
The CSIS Russia and Eurasia Program is pleased to invite you to a discussion with Dr. Phillip Karber, President of the Potomac Foundation, a defense and foreign policy think-tank. Dr. Karber, who is also a former DOD official and veteran defense analyst, will discuss Russia's "hybrid warfare" campaign in eastern Ukraine. Dr. Karber has traveled repeatedly to eastern Ukraine during the present conflict, and has spoken first-hand with a number of the participants. Dr. Karber will draw on these discussions to elaborate on the techniques of Russian hybrid warfare, evaluate their effectiveness, and explore their implications for both Ukraine and the West.
Moderated by: Paul Schwartz // CSIS Senior Associate, Russia & Eurasia Program
Remarks by: Dr. Phillip Karber // President of the Potomac Foundation
Володимир Буковський: "Віддасте Донбас - Путін піде далі! Даю праву руку на відсіч" 16.03.2015 20:00.
Igor Sutyagin. Russian Forces in Ukraine. Briefing PaPer. Royal United Services Institute, March 2015
Mr. ENGEL (for himself, Mr. ROYCE, Mr. SMITH of Washington, Mr. THORN- BERRY, Mr. SCHIFF, Mr. NUNES, Ms. KAPTUR, Mr. ROGERS of Ken- tucky, Mr. LEVIN, Mr. FRELINGHUYSEN, and Mr. FITZPATRICK).
Calling on the President to provide Ukraine with military assistance to defend
its sovereignty and territorial integrity. March 19, 2015 (6:04 p.m.)
.. the House of Representatives strongly
urges the President to fully and immediately exercise the
authorities provided by Congress to provide Ukraine with
lethal defensive weapon systems to enhance the ability of
the people of Ukraine to defend their sovereign territory
from the unprovoked and continuing aggression of the
Russian Federation.
Россия обстреливала Украину со своей территории: доклад.
MARIA TSVETKOVA. Special Report: Russian soldiers quit over Ukraine. Sun May 10, 2015 4:22am EDT. .. "After we crossed the border, a lieutenant colonel said we could be sent to jail if we didn't fulfil orders. Some soldiers refused to stay there," said the soldier, who served with the elite Russian Kantemirovskaya tank division. He gave Reuters his full name but spoke on condition of anonymity, saying he feared reprisals. //
He said he knew two soldiers who refused to stay. "They were taken somewhere. The lieutenant colonel said criminal cases were opened against them but in reality – we called them afterwards – they were at home. They just quit."
РОСІЯ МАЄ ВІДШКОДУВАТИ УКРАЇНІ 350 МІЛЬЯРДІВ ЗБИТКІВ - МІНЕКОНОМРОЗВИТКУ. 18:08 10 травня 2015 | УКРАЇНА. Приблизно 350 мільярдів доларів США. Саме стільки Росія має відшкодувати Україні збитків, пов'язаних з руйнуванням Донбасу.
Такі підрахунки першого заступника міністра економічного розвитку і торгівлі Саші Боровика. Про це він заявив в інтерв’ю "5 каналу". З його слів, Україна має визначити точну суму і бути готовою відстоювати свої інтереси.
2015.05.15. http://www.unian.info/politics/1078587-us-house-overrides-obamas-veto-passes-defense-policy-bill-with-lethal-aid-for-ukraine.html U.S. House defies Obama's veto, passes defense policy bill with lethal aid for Ukraine. 15.05.2015 | 21:55.
В России нашлась одна мать, которая не взяла деньги и не согласилась молчать о гибели своего сына. 2015.06.01.
(One mother rejected the money she was offered got be silent about killing of her son. (In English).
From Russia With Love. Ukraine Today Special Project. Chronology.
У Захарченка клянуть два екіпажі новеньких Т-72, які перебігли до українців під Мар’їнкою Червень 3, 2015 18:32.
ри танки елітної бригади «ДНР» «Восток» було втрачено при атаці на Мар’їнку. Один був підбитий, інші два здалися без бою. Про це заявили самі бойовики з “Востоку”. Основний російський танк Т-72БА. Фото: spec-naz.org Схоже серед бойовиків «ДНР» серйозні зміни настроїв, якщо танкісти елітарної бригади ворога, при першій ліпшій нагоді перебігають до українців разом з новітнім російським озброєнням. Патріоти України пропонують пост офіцера ЗСУ, в котрому він згадує повідомлення бойовиків, про ганебний для них випадок. “Написав в лічку «Вранглер» з «Востоку». В Мар’їнці ополчення здалося у полон. Ополченці з позивним «Крюк» и позивним «аран» з бригади «Восток» здали свої танки Т-72БА разом з екіпажем. Один танк був підбитий, після чого обидва, що йшли на невеликій відстані одне від одного, здалися в полон. Сподіваємося, що укропи їх розстріляють, інакше ми їх знайдемо і зробимо це самі.”
Spot report by the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM), 3 June 2015: Fighting around Marinka. KYIV 4 June 2015.
Fighting erupted around the government-controlled town of Marinka (23km west-south-west of Donetsk city centre) in the morning of 3 June. The SMM observed the movement of a large amount of heavy weapons in “Donetsk People’s Republic” (“DPR”)-controlled areas – generally in a westerly direction towards the contact line – close to Marinka, preceding and during the fighting. Calm was restored by the early evening.
Spot report by the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM), 3 June 2015: Fighting around Marinka. KYIV 4 June 2015. ..
Fighting erupted around the government-controlled town of Marinka (23km west-south-west of Donetsk city centre) in the morning of 3 June. The SMM observed the movement of a large amount of heavy weapons in “Donetsk People’s Republic” (“DPR”)-controlled areas – generally in a westerly direction towards the contact line – close to Marinka, preceding and during the fighting. Calm was restored by the early evening.
Between 22:30hrs on 2 June and 05:30hrs on 3 June, the SMM – positioned in the “Donetsk People’s Republic” (“DPR”)-controlled Tekstilshchik area of Donetsk city (14km east-north-east of Marinka) – made a number of observations. It observed, inter alia, eight tracked armoured vehicles moving west, four of which were main battle tanks (MBT) at 22:30hrs; four MBTs at 23:03hrs; a military-type truck moving west, towing a 122mm artillery piece at 23:45hrs; two T-64 MBTs moving west at 04:30hrs; and a column of one infantry fighting vehicle (BMP-2), three military trucks (one carrying an ZU-23-2 anti-aircraft gun), and two T-72 MBTs, moving west, at 04:50hrs. In addition, the SMM – at the same location – heard approximately 100 outgoing artillery rounds fired from a location 1-5km north-north-west of its position between 04:30 and 04:40hrs; an outgoing salvo of BM-21 multiple launch rocket system (MLRS) Grad rockets fired from a location 1-5km west of its position at 04:55hrs; and, 100 outgoing artillery rounds fired from a location 5km north-north-west of its position.
Between 04:30 and 05:00hrs, the SMM – positioned in Donetsk city-centre – heard several salvos of outgoing MLRS rockets and approximately 100 incoming heavy-artillery rounds. //
Between 07:00 and 08:00hrs, the SMM – mobile in an area 6-9km east of Marinka – observed seven T-64 MBTs facing west. In addition, it heard, on two separate occasions, more than five salvos of outgoing MLRS (BM-21) rockets and heavy-mortar rounds; and 12 outgoing MLRS Grad rockets and mortars.//
At approximately 06:00hrs, an SMM unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) observed intense shelling targeting an intersection of the H15 highway 3.5km south-west of Marinka. The UAV spotted four 2S3 Akatsiya 152mm self-propelled howitzers 9km south-west of the town at 15:30hrs.//
The SMM made several attempts between 10:45 and 12:11hrs to contact high-ranking “DPR” personnel – including the “DPR” “prime minister”, “parliamentary speaker”, “minister of defence” and “chief of the general staff” – in order to facilitate a cessation to the fighting around Marinka. Either they were unavailable or did not wish to speak to the SMM.//
At 15:00hrs the SMM received a letter from the Ukrainian Ministry of Defence, saying Ukrainian Armed Forces heavy weapons would be placed on the contact line in order to deal with the “real threat” posed by the fighting in Marinka, which they said had started at 06:00hrs that morning. Ukrainian officials later publicly acknowledged that the weapons had been used, saying their use was necessary in thwarting a “DPR” attack.//
The Representative of the Russian Federation Armed Forces to the Joint Centre for Control and Co-ordination told the SMM at 15:00hrs that a ceasefire around Marinka would take effect at 17:00hrs. He told the SMM at 21:00hrs that the situation around Marinka was currently calm. At around 19:00hrs a representative of the Anti-Terrorist Operation command in Kramatorsk and the “DPR” “ministry of defence” confirmed to the SMM that Marinka was under government control.//
The SMM will follow up on reports of civilian and military casualties in Marinka.
Flimsy explanations don’t hide the truth about Russia’s attacks in Ukraine
5 June 2015 Paula Thomson
Jeff Mason and Paul Taylor. Obama says G7 to stand up to Russian aggression in Ukraine. Sun Jun 7, 2015 9:15am EDT.
ANDREA SHALAL. U.S. Air Force leader sees Russia as 'biggest threat'. Thu Jul 9, 2015 3:13am BST.
Russia is the biggest threat to U.S. national security and America must boost its military presence throughout Europe even as NATO allies face budget challenges and scale back spending, U.S. Air Force Secretary Deborah James said on Wednesday.
"I do consider Russia to be the biggest threat," James told Reuters in an interview after a series of visits and meetings with U.S. allies across Europe, including Poland.
Pravda (English). Deborah James says Russia is biggest threat to USA. Published on Jul 9, 2015. Information warfares involve not only journalists, but also ministers of defense departments.
The United States has released another portion of rabid anti-Russian statements, accusing Russia of aggression.
US Air Force Secretary Deborah James called Russia "the biggest threat to the national security of the United States." She promised that the US government would continue deploying F-16 fighters in Europe.
According to her, "This is no time to in any way signal a lack of resolve in the face of these Russian actions."
James also said that she was disappointed about the fact that the defense spending of several NATO members is smaller than the US wants it to be. All members of the alliance must comply with the rules, the official said.
Rory Challands. Russian troops desert army over Ukraine conflict. Stories of deserters contradict Kremlin's assertion that no government soldiers have been sent to the conflict zone. 11 Aug 2015 04:08 GMT.
Про рішення Ради національної безпеки і оборони України від 2 вересня 2015 року "Про нову редакцію Воєнної доктрини України".
.. 5. Цей Указ набирає чинності з дня його опублікування. Президент України Петро ПОРОШЕНКО. 24 вересня 2015 року. //
.. 9. Актуальними воєнними загрозами для України є:
збройна агресія і порушення територіальної цілісності України (тимчасова окупація Російською Федерацією Автономної Республіки Крим, міста Севастополя та військова агресія Російської Федерації в окремих районах Донецької і Луганської областей), нарощування військової потужності Російської Федерації в безпосередній близькості до державного кордону України, у тому числі потенційна можливість розгортання тактичної ядерної зброї на території Автономної Республіки Крим; ..
.. 31. Україна залишає за собою право на використання з метою відбиття збройної агресії всіх можливих форм, способів та наявних засобів збройної боротьби, а також завдання ударів противнику на його території з дотриманням принципів і норм міжнародного права. ..
Russia's path to war.
Видео и фотофакты. В Алтайском крае открыли памятную доску солдату, погибшему в Донбассе.
В Озерках Тальменского района установили памятную доску в честь Героя Новороссии Ивана Королькова. Как сообщают "Альфа-Новости", мемориальную плиту привезли с собой его боевые товарищи из организации ветеранов Афганистана. ..
Напомним, барнаулец Корольков уехал воевать за Новороссию еще в 2014 году. Проходивший срочную службу в Топчихе в танковых войсках в 2011-2012 годах, Иван и в ополчении сел за рычаги бронированной машины. На его танке было нарисовано "22 RUS", что, возможно, дало повод для украинских СМИ придумать так называемую "Алтайскую бронетанковую милицию". Наш земляк был награжден медалью "За отвагу" самопровозглашенных республик. //
Последний бой Ивана Королькова произошел 28 января 2015 года. Выполняя специальное задание командования, при выходе в составе колонны в район сосредоточения для штурма высоты 309 под селом Санжаровка экипаж танка обнаружил засаду и предупредил об этом командование. Иван Корольков, увидев, что по танку отработал ПТУР (противотанковая управляемая ракета) противника, дал команду экипажу открыть люки и покинуть танк, а сам успел развернуть машину и принял на себя второй удар ПТУР, заживо сгорев в танке. До его тела удалось добраться лише через две недели упорных боев.
Елизавета Кузнецова; Янина Соколовская. Москва и Киев вошли в бесполетную зону. Прямых рейсов между странами больше нет. 25.10.2015, 16:55.
Von Julian Röpcke. How Russia finances the
Ukrainian rebel territories. 17.01.2016 - 00:46 Uhr.
16.01.2016 17:56 Uhr.
Since 2014, two unique state entities have been established in eastern Ukraine. They call themselves the “People’s Republics” of Donetsk and Luhansk. But both the pro-Russian propaganda in the “republics” and the Russian President Vladimir Putin (63) think that a different name is more appropriate for the Ukrainian conflict region: “Novorossiya”, in English: New Russia. .. Salaries in Ukraine cost Russia one billion euros per year ..
Russia's military intelligence chief killed in secret operation in Lebanon.
The Head of Russia's military intelligence service, Colonel-General Igor Sergun, was killed in January during a secret mission in the Lebanon's capital, Beirut, the Lebanese daily newspaper al-Akhbar reported Thursday. The Kremlin announced the death of Sergun on January 4, saying that he died in Moscow after a heart attack. The military intelligence chief played a key role in the Russian seizure of Crimea in March 2014, and reportedly died three weeks after he was sent to Syria by Russian President Vladimir Putin to demand Syrian President Bashar Assad step aside.
Ben Farmer. Britain signs new defence pact to help Ukraine in Russia confrontation. 12:01AM GMT 18 Mar 2016.
The Russian secret behind Ukraine’s self-declared 'Donetsk Republic'. Published on Oct 14, 2016. Two years after pro-Russian separatists declared the "Donetsk People's Republic", fighting between the Ukrainian army and separatist forces continues. But who is arming the separatists of this self-declared republic? And who is financing the reconstruction? Our reporters follow the trail of weapons and money and lay bare Donetsk's best-kept secret.
In eastern Ukraine, the separatists of the "Donetsk People's Republic" clash daily with Ukrainian forces, despite the ceasefire signed in September 2014.
Russia denies any involvement with the separatists, which makes this conflict a war of communication and misinformation. The involvement of Moscow appears nevertheless obvious, not just on the battlefield but also in many sectors of the economy.
ANDERS ÅSLUND. Kremlin Aggression in Ukraine: The Price Tag.
March 2018.
2020.02.16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=71rkcjEUc7U
Biden addresses nation on Russia-Ukraine crisis
75,482 viewsFeb 16, 2022
In a recent speech to the nation, President Joe Biden appealed for diplomacy to continue as the world watches to see if Russian President Vladimir Putin orders an invasion of neighboring Ukraine. Watch the whole speech.
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«[[Place of Science in the Human Knowledge]]»,
«[[Scientific fact]]»,
«[[TORI axioms]]»
«[[Аксиомы ТОРИ]]»,
[[Annexation of Crimea]]
«[[Место науки в человеческом знании]]»,
[[Budapest memorandum]],
«[[Научный факт]]»,
[[Designate Russia as state sponsor of terrorism]],
[[Putin world war]],
[[Stop Putin]]
[[Viktor Yanukovich]],
[[Vladimir Putin]],
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To stop the aggression - it is very important for Science

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TORI represents the point of view of the Top Editor, namely Dmitrii Kouznetsov, and not the policy of the ILS. Therefore, critics of TORI and the suggestions about the improvement should be send directly to the Editor dmitriiKouznetsov(ɑ)gmail.com .

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  1. http://pphmj.com/abstract/5076.htm D.Kouznetsov. Support of non-traditional concepts. Far East Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Physics, 1, No.1, p.1-6 (2010)
  2. https://ufn.ru/tribune/trib120111.pdf D.Kouznetsov. Place of science and physics in the human knowledge. Physics-Uspekhi, v.181, Трибуна, p.1-9 (2011, in Russian)
  3. Place of Science in the Human Knowledge (Место науки в человеческом знании)
  4. https://file.scirp.org/Html/1-7501430_36560.htm
    http://mizugadro.mydns.jp/PAPERS/2013jmp.pdf D.Kouznetsov. TORI axioms and the application in Physics. Journal of Modern Physics, 2013, v 4, 1159-1164
  5. https://link.springer.com/article/10.3103/S0027134910010029 D.Kouznetsov, H.Trappmann. Superfunctions and square root of factorial. Moscow University Physics Bulletin, 2010, v.65, No.1, p.6-12