Trump as KGB agent

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Trump at Moscow (photoshop?)
no later than y.2018
100 years of KGB
Screenshot from movie [1]

Trump as KGB agent (Трамп как агент КГБ) is collection of observations that are easy to interpret under hypothesis that Donald Trump gets huge support from Moscovia and acts in favor of Moscovian usurper and his men (they are denoted with symbol «KGB»).

The interpretation suggested shows good agreement with publications.
To year 2025, no other interpretation is found to describe the observations mentioned.

This article patcially overlaps with articles «Annexation of Canada», «Annexation of Crimea», «Annexation of Greenland», «Donald Trump», «Make America Great Again», «Newspeak», «Putin world war», «Rule of Newspeak», «Trump and Vance», «TrumpForever». This overlapping is necessary to reveal discrepancies, contradictions in interpretations of publications and events.


One of fundamental property of the KGB is lie, fraud, the misinformation of compatriots about goals and activity of KGB. The main goals of KGB is terror, robbery, plundering of property, degradation of their country. This goal remains since the beginning of the Soviet dictatorship (since Lenin) and remains at Moscovia in Century 21, see «КГБ во власти и бизнесе» (In Russian).

Trump shows his addiction to misinformation, fraud. This is mentioned in the cartoon above.

The famous frauds by Trump refers to his
qualification of Zelensky Volodymir Aleksanrovich as a dictator [2],
qualification of Zelensky a guilty for the Russia-Ukraine war [3],
promise to stop war in 24 hours
and many previous cases of misconduct mentioned at the attempts to impeach Trump [4][5] in 2019 - 2021.
(To year 2025 the attempts of Americans to impeach Trump are not successful).

Since observation of several evidences of misinformation from side of Donald Trump, by default, all his non-trivial statements are interpreted following the Newspeak ruleПравило новояза», in Russian).
The main idea of this rule and many examples are described in story «Gelsomino nel paese dei bugiardi» (in Italian) by Gianni Rodari and in utopia «Orwell1984» by George Orwell.

The statements by Donald Trump, that he tries to Make America Great AgainMAGA») is interpreted as evidence his attempt to boost the degradation of the USA.

The statements by Donald Trump, that he tries to «Save America» is interpreted as evidence of his attempt to destroy the USA.

The statements by Donald Trump that he goes to «stop war in 24 hours» is interpreted as evidence that he goes to support the aggressor, to promote the appeasing aggression and to make the Putin world war as long as he can, as wide as he can, as bloody as he can, as destructive as he can.

Such an interpretation shows good agreement with observations.
The talk of Trump with Zelensky [6] 2025.02.28 confirms, that Trump supports the war crime [7] Putin, supports the aggression and tries to boil the war, to boost the war, instead of to follow the Budapest memorandum.
Apparently, Trump sympathizes the supporters of Shere Khan tiger and Tabaqui jackal described in The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling:
«What do we care for memorandum signed many years ago[8]

The statements of Trump, that America may deal with the aggressor, because it is separated with the Ocean, and the war will not affect the USA, looks similar to statement by Hermann Göring from y.1939 «Wenn auch nur ein englischer Bomber die Ruhr erreicht, will ich nicht mehr Hermann Göring, sondern Hermann Meier heißen“» [9][10] (in German). That statement expresses the promise, that the World War II will never affect population of Germany. This hope turned out to be futile, see «I bombed Dresden» and references therein.
The analogy with historic events and the Newspeak rule indicates that Trump is wrong.
It is difficult to suspect Trump to be a stupid idiot. So, his statement is interpreted as intentional misinformation of Americans and people of other countries - at least those who
had not red the book «Gelsomino nel paese dei bugiardi»
nor «Orwell1984» mentioned above,
do not know what Hermann Göring had promised to his accomplices,
and cannot apply the Rule of Newspeak to the statements by the old thick American offee, agent of KGB.

Trump is aligned with Putin

Once the language (Newspeak) used by Donald Trump is identified, his statements can be translated into English using the Rule of Newspeak.

One more example is suggested below.

2025.02.28, Donald Trump indicates that he is putin's accomplice in the following form [11]:«I’m not aligned with Putin»

As Trump uses newspeak, the Rule of Newspeak indicates, that Donald Trump is aligned with Putin.
Putin is agent of KGB and war crime.
In such a way, the statement by Donald Trump confirms that he is also agent of KGB.


The style of Donald Trump can be qualified as Realpolitik (Hottentot moral):

«If we plunder something from neighbors, it is good;
if the neighbors plunder something from us, that is bad.»

In such a way can be interpreted his statement about Annexation of Greenland and seising of Panama, Canada and Mexico.

In order to succeed with these achievements, the new big war is required, and Trump tries to boost it supporting the Putin world war and appeasing aggression.

In such a way, the Greenland and Panama Channel appear as pretexts to begin a new big war - following the goals of KGB.

Relationship with war crime


Videos are observed indicating that Donald Trump keeps relation with the biggest war crime of century 21.

The relations of Trump and KGB agents are elected since time fo the USSR.

The shaming pics and movies are observed showing Trump to shale hands with the war crime. The screenshot of one of these movies is shown in figure at right.

Make America Great Again

One of Trump's projects is denoted with term Make America Great Again.

Practically, the «Making America Great Again» appears as growth of corruption, resulting inflation, loss the leading role of the USA in the world-wide democracy, enworsing relations with other countries.

All this is just opposite to that Donald Trump had promised in his pre-electional statements.

However, the good agreement takes place if the promises by Trump are converted according to Rule of Newspeak.

Greenland and Canada

Beginning of aggression

Since year 2024, evidences are observed of intents of Donald Trump to seise Greenland, Canada, Panama channed and other lands [13][14]

Donald Trump claims that the Annexation of Greenland and Annexation of Canada are necessary for the American national security.

As Donald Trump is revealed to use Newspeak, the Rule of Newspeak indicates, that Trump tries to destabilize the USA, to destroy the USA with aggression against Canada and Greenland.

The intents of Donald Trump to annex Canada look most dangerous [15][16][17][18][19].

2025.02.03, Zolan Kanno-Youngs and Matina Stevis-Gridneff raise question:

What Does Trump Really Want From Canada and Mexico? [20]

In the concept Trump as KGB agent, this question has the obvious answer:

He wants Canada, Mexico, Greenland and other countries to surrender, to obey and to be annexed by the USA as colony of the big USA Kingdom with TrumpForever as an emperor.
As an intermediate goal, «minimal plan», Trump wants to provoke big war between the USA and their neighbors.

To year 2025 the USA citizen do not want to stop the problem They do not want even to see the problem in having liar, fascist, barbarian, war crime as a president. In this case, there seen to exist no way to avoid the war.
In the similar way, in 2014, the Ukrainian had no way to avoid war with Russia; the choice was: either to become Putin's colony (and to die in wars of Moscovia with other countries) or to resist against the Moscovia aggression.

Canadians plan to resist the Trump's aggression
so strongly as Ukrainian resist against the Russian invasion into Ukraine during the Putin world war,
so strongly as Suomi resisted against the Soviet invasion into Finland during the World War II;
see «No Donald Trump».


In year 2025, as the first step of the project TrumpForever Andy Ogles (see picture at right) suggests to give Donald Trump the third term [21].

Donald Trump seems to need to organize a big war and to maintain it, to burst it, to extend it. Such a war is necessary for realization of idea «TrumpForever», to convert the American democracy to autocracy.

This interpretation agree with concept Trump as KGB agent; the KGB agents try to extend their influence as far as possible.

Appeasing aggression

Donald Trump suggests to stop the war with diplomacy, by cannot answer question how to deal with what crime putin while he permanently breaks all agreements.

Trump support the Russian invasion into Ukraine, blaming it to

At the meeting with Zelensky Volodymyr Aleksandrovich 2025.02.28, Trump and Vance behave as it they both are barbarian idiots, stupid bullies who know nothing about jurisprudence nor about history. In particiular, Trump and Vance pretend that they know nothing about the Budapest memorandum nor about the Vienna Convention. Trump suggests to play cards instead of to implement the obligations of the USA on the international agreements, but cannot explain his point of view.

Inability to explain his point of view is typical for a KGB agent. Such a behavior of Trump shows good agreement with concept that Trump is agent of KGB.


Connections of Donald Trump with agents of KGB and his KGBistic behavior are mentioned by various authors at least since y.2017.

2017.11.15, Luke Harding ( indicates that «Moscow had been cultivating Trump for years» [22]

2019.04.16, John Sipher ( indicates that statement «Trump is a Russian Agent» is still doubtful [23].

2019.05.03, indicates [24] that
2019.04.18, Robert Mueller indicates that
«there were two campaigns to elect Donald Trump — one run by Trump and one run by the Russian government».

2020.09.21, Tim Weiner ( indicates[25] that question «Is Trump an agent of Russia?» is not answered.

2021.01.29, David Smith ( indicates[26] that
«Donald Trump was cultivated as a Russian asset over 40 years».

2024.09.12. Martin Pengelly ( indicates [27] that
Andrew McCabe indicates that
«Donald Trump can be seen as a Russian asset, though not in the traditional sense».

2025.02.21, Yash Bajaj ( indicates[28] that Donald Trump was recruited by the Soviet Union's KGB (Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti) back in 1987.

2025.03.06, indicates [29] that
Ainur Mussayev indicates that «Donald Trump was recruited by the KGB during his 1987 visit to Moscow.»

2025.03.08, Alan Rusbridger ( indicates [30] that
he cannot explain behavior of Donald Trump under assumption that he is «not a Russian asset».

2025.03.10, Edward Lucas ( indicates that Donald Trump is «acting exactly like a Russian asset would» [31].

The historical trend confirms that to the moment of loading of this article, concept Donald Trump is agent of KGB is principal, while all other hypothesis about his behavior are alternatives.

Support of Trump

pic from movie [32]

Animation about Peter Griffin suggests that Trump may show some noble behavior if one kicks him strongly [33]. This is believed to be also a Russian feature [34] and can be can be considered as an evidence in favor of concept that Donald Trump is agent of Russia, interpreting this both as support of Russia and support of Trump.

Trump negating the accusations against him is shown in animation at ZapovednikDW [32] (in Russian). In the movie, the accusations against Trump are qualified as not proven.

If the trumpers have any alternative explanation of behavior of Donald Trump, (without assumption that he is employed by the Moscovia KGB to destroy the USA and the Human civilization),
then they are cordially invited to provide a paragraph in support of Trump, in such a way that Editor can copipast it here.
It would be good if you answer there the following questions:

1. How Donald Trump understands the obligations of the USA with respect to Budapest memorandum?
When and how, from the point of view of Donald Trump, the USA can implement these obligations?
What Donald Trump did to implement these obligations?

2. Do you agree that the Russian invasion into Ukraine and the Russia-Ukraine war begun 2014.02.20?
What did Donald Trump to recover the Ukrainian control at the internationally-recognized territory of Ukraine?

3. Do you remember the promise by Donald Trump to Stop war in 24 hours?
Why Trump did not stop the war during hid first presidential term?
Did Trump got sone sponsorship from representatives of Uralvagonzavod, Rosteh and/or other Russian military companies?
Which observations your opinion is based on?

«Radioactive ache», 2014

4. Did Donald Trump know about intents of the Russian offees to convert the USA into «radioactive ache»?
Did Donald Trump tried to withdraw the nuclear weapon from RF? What did Donald Trump do about the case?

5. How do you understand Article 52 of Vienna Convention?
So you think that
if Donald Trump and James David Vance force Volodymyr Zelensky to sign any treaty that violates the territorial integrity and/or suverenity of Ukraine,
then such treaty is void (according to Article 52 of Vienna Convention)?
Which observations your opinion is based on?

6. Do you think the Trump attempt of annexation of Canada and/or Annexation of Greenland causes the USA-Canada war and the USA-Europe war and these wars happen to be nore devastate than the World War II?
Which observations your opinion is based on?

7. Do you think that Putin depreciates Trump by attacking Ukraine while Trump promised to stop the war? Which observations your opinion is based on?

8. Do you think Donald Trump may indeed give to Volodymyr Zelensky cards mentioned 2025.02.28?
Do you think Donald Trump can deal cards fairly?
What, from your point of view, should do Zelensky if he agrees to play cards with Donald Trump and catches Trump to cheat when dealing cards?
Which observations your opinion is based on?

9. Do you know any customer of Donald Trump who happened to be content with the result of dealing with Donald Trump and could continue his/her business after to deal with Trump? Who is that lucky customer? Director of Rosteh? Director of Uralvagonzavod?

10. Trump says, Ukraine 'more difficult' to deal with than Russia [35]; Do you agree with this?
Did Trump suggest that troops of Russia and Ukraine return to the internationally recognized borders?

11. How do you understand the projects of Annexation of Greenland and Annexation of Canada?
How many people does Trump plan to kill in the USA-Canada war?
Do you think the aggression and the mass murder deserve the attention of the Nobel Committee (which awards the Nobel Peace Prize) or that of the International Criminal Court («Hague»)?

12. How many people does Trump plan to kill in the Ameria-Canada war?
Do you think that such mass murder deserves attention of the Nobel Committee (to award the Nobel premium for peace) or attention of the International Criminal CourtHague»)?

13. How many Americans, you think, want to destroy the American Constitution to allow agent of KGB to keep the superior power forever? (see «TrumpForever»)
How long, do you estimate, the USA may exist after the conversion to monarchy?

Not only Trump

Shameful evidence, 2021 [36]

Donald Trump is not only politician to show the Appeasing aggression. The KGB seen ot have a great successes brining lads of the foreign administration. Signivicant part of budget of RF is spent for these bribes, see «Денег нет» (in Russian).

Emulation of position of Angela Merkel with respect to appeasing aggression is presented in the emulation «Философия Меркель» (in Russian).
The collaboration with the war crime is interpreted as manifestation of philosophy «Realpolitik» («Hottentot moral») and old age of Merkel, inability to cary about things that will be after her (Après moi le déluge).

The similar concept can be used also to interpret behavior of American President Donald Trump and Russian usurper putin, see «Мы попадём в рай а они сдохнут» (in Russian).





Many artists depict Donald Trump as putin's marionette. Few examples are shown below.

The pics show various attempts of various artists to understand motivation of Donald and his accomplices.
DonaldMeinKampf600.jpg TrumpFlagCanada720x487.jpg 2025TrumpPuppScr600x425.jpg Hila2025puTra800x492.jpg UkrainaStartedPuTraScr.jpg 20250305sanFrancisco.jpg PutinForeverCover324x444.jpgTrumpForeverWhite.jpg TruPuUkScr720.jpg 2025.02.dmds1200x762.jpg PuTrumpDog600.jpg TrumpBear720x405.jpg BeconLiberty720x536.jpg 20250225scr.jpg PutinCircus1264x1080.jpg PeacePlan780x416.jpg ZeTruPuScr720x405.jpg TrumpTrollingScr720x405.jpg InvadeTheRest720.jpg TrumpPuBidding720x405.jpg 2025.03.04.TrumpRussianS.jpg 2025.03.06.TrumDWsc720x415.jpg AmericaLeaders1980scr774x432.jpg 2025russianTies800x450.jpg TrumpVance944x600.jpg

Scenario of the propagandistic clip:
Trump is walking down the street and sees three men beating one.
Trump says: «Why are you beating him alone, three of you? Let's beat him four of us; he'll die sooner, and the fight will end sooner. And if you find something in his pockets, consider giving me some part for my efforts; then I shall not call the police.»
Voiceover: Trump does the realpolitik. He always stays with strongest. Stay with Trump and you'll not be beaten.

Scientific fact

«Trump is KGB agent» appears the simplest model describing the behavior of Donald Trump and his men.
Due to the last, 6th of the TORI axioms, the concept has priority. It is qualified as principal.

An alternative interpretation may postulate that Donald Trump is bored with his long life and want to make it more interesting with new global conflict, and for this reason he boosts the Putin world war, his «Dvizhiha» (transliteration of Russian world «Движуха»). This term denotes aggression motivated by the wish of the dictator to get strong entertainment, to support friends sho own a military industry, to make his power even stronger, to make pretext for the state terror, etc., or just hatred with respect to people of his country and wish to punish them.
Such an interpretation requires the psychiatric analyses.
While Editor is not specialist in this area (and cannot yet emloy such a specialist), the psychiatric interpretation is not presented in TORI.

No other concept is found to explain the appearance of the publications cited.

For example, the hypothesis that Trump is honest politician contradicts the observation. Within this hipothesis, even the simple questions about Putin world war cannot be answered, see «Help Trump to answer».

In such a way, concept «Trump is KGB agent» is qualified as a scientific fact, according to definition of this term.
This fact can be refuted, for example, if the Trump administration implement conditions of Budapest memorandum. (To year 2025, from side or Trump, the opposite actions are observed.)


Publications about relations of Donald Trump with KGB are collected and analyzed in TORI with scoentific goals.

The analysis suggested is not an attempt to affect the policy of the USA.

If Americans decide to convert the peaceful democratic USA to aggressive monarchy, to destroy the USA [37][38][39], then no scientific analysis can help them.

However, even in this case the Editor keeps his right (and even duty) to call things with their proper names, to formulate definitions for euphemisms and other ambiguous terms, to construct historic models and to compare their predictions to a posteriori observations.


  1. MARCH 2 Funny American Political Cartoon - Breaking News - USA Politic Caricature - Trump Satire ameriCArtoon Mar 3, 2025 MANHATTAN (Since 2025.03.07, not available)
  2. Trump calls Zelensky a 'dictator' as he hits back at 'disinformation' criticism // 18 February 2025
  3. Trump, Vance and Zelenskyy's tense Oval Office meeting about Ukraine and Russia, fact-checked By Jeff Cercone // Amy Sherman // Sara Swann // February 28, 2025 .. The Oval Office fight followed weeks of Trump’s ridiculous and misleading statements about Ukraine, including a Pants on Fire claim that Zelenskyy started the war. Trump broke his campaign promise to end the war within 24 hours.
  4. Donald Trump, serving as the 45th president of the United States, was impeached for the first time on December 18, 2019. On that date, the House of Representatives adopted two articles of impeachment against Trump: abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. On February 5, 2020, the Senate voted to acquit Trump on both articles of impeachment.[2]
  5. Donald Trump, serving as the 45th president of the United States, was impeached for the second time on January 13, 2021, one week before his term expired. On that date, the House of Representatives adopted one article of impeachment against Trump: incitement of insurrection. On February 13, 2021, the Senate voted to acquit Trump on the article of impeachment.
  6. Watch Trump, Vance and Zelensky's Oval Office argument // Washington Post // Mar 1, 2025
  7. Statement: 17 March 2023 | Statement by Prosecutor Karim A. A. Khan KC on the issuance of arrest warrants against President Vladimir Putin and Ms Maria Lvova-Belova
  8. Rudyard Kipling. THE JUNGLE BOOK. Release Date: January 16, 2006 [EBook #236] Last Updated: October 6, 2016. .. Akela lifted his head again and said, “He has eaten our food. He has slept with us. He has driven game for us. He has broken no word of the Law of the Jungle.”// “Also, I paid for him with a bull when he was accepted. The worth of a bull is little, but Bagheera’s honor is something that he will perhaps fight for,” said Bagheera in his gentlest voice.// “A bull paid ten years ago!” the Pack snarled. “What do we care for bones ten years old?”// “Or for a pledge?” said Bagheera, his white teeth bared under his lip.
  9. Hermann Göring (1893-1946) deutscher Politiker (NSDAP) Zitate mit Quellenangabe .. "Persönlich habe ich mich an vielen Stellen von den für das Ruhrgebiet getroffenen Maßnahme[n] gegen Luftangriffe überzeugt. Ich werde mich künftig um jede einzelne dort noch vielleicht einzusetzende Batterie kümmern. Denn das Ruhrgebiet werden wir auch nicht einer einzigen Bombe feindlicher Flieger ausliefern." - Presseunterredung am 9. August 1939, in: Das Archiv, Nachschlagewerk für Politik, Wirtschaft, Kultur, Nr. 65 (August 1939), Berlin 1939, S. 624–625
  10. Die Luftangriffe auf das Ruhrgebiet, die von der britischen Royal Air Force und den US Army Air Forces im Luftkrieg im Zweiten Weltkrieg geflogen wurden, hatten das Ziel, durch verschiedene Bomberoffensiven mit unterschiedlichen Strategien die Produktion und den Transport kriegswichtiger Güter in und aus dem Ruhrgebiet, der „Waffenschmiede des Reiches“, zu behindern. Darüber hinaus richteten sich die Angriffe gegen die Moral der Zivilbevölkerung in diesem Ballungszentrum. .. Politische Situation Nach dem deutschen Überfall auf Polen am 1. September 1939 erklärten Frankreich und das Vereinigte Königreich am 3. September Deutschland den Krieg. In dieser Nacht konnte die deutsche Flugabwehr nicht verhindern, dass 19 zweimotorige Armstrong-Whitworth-Whitley-Bomber Flugblätter abwarfen und militärische Aufklärung betrieben. Über dem Rheinland und dem Ruhrgebiet wurden Millionen von Flugblättern mit dem Titel Warnung – Großbritannien an das deutsche Volk abgeworfen. Im Vorfeld hatte der Reichsminister der Luftfahrt Hermann Göring noch am 9. August 1939 in Essen versprochen, dass das Ruhrgebiet „nicht einer einzigen Bombe feindlicher Flieger ausgeliefert“ und er sich persönlich um jede zusätzliche Flakbatterie kümmern würde, die im Ruhrgebiet zum Einsatz kommen sollte. .. Eine weitere Bemerkung Görings aus einer Rundfunkrede vom 9. August 1939 lautete, so oder ähnlich: „Wenn auch nur ein englischer Bomber die Ruhr erreicht, will ich nicht mehr Hermann Göring, sondern Hermann Meier heißen“, zitiert unter anderem in: Christian Zentner, Friedemann Bedürftig: Das Große Lexikon des Dritten Reiches. Südwest Verlag, München 1985, ISBN 3-517-00834-6, S. 379 (Stichwort: Meier).
  11. Excerpts From the Fiery Exchange Between Trump and Zelensky at the White House By The New York Times Feb. 28, 2025 .. Trump (responding to a reporter): I’m not aligned with Putin. I’m not aligned with anybody. I’m aligned with the United States of America. And for the good of the world. I’m aligned with the world. And I want to get this thing over with. You see the hatred he’s got for Putin. It’s very tough for me to make a deal with that kind of hate. He’s got tremendous hatred. And I understand that. But I can tell you the other side isn’t exactly in love with him either.
  12. Trump Like You've Never Seen! Hilarious Satire & Outrageous Political Caricatures! .. Toonald Dump Feb 25, 2025
  13.önland-panama-panamakanal-kontrolle/a-71142917 Trump möchte Grönland den USA einverleiben 23.12.2024 23. Dezember 2024 Schon in seiner ersten Amtszeit wollte Donald Trump die zum Königreich Dänemark gehörende Insel kaufen. Nun bringt er Grönland erneut ins Spiel. Panama wies derweil eine Drohung des designierten US-Präsidenten zurück.
  14. Trump ramps up threats to gain control of Greenland and Panama Canal 8 January 2025 Alys Davies & Mike Wendling BBC News Watch: Trump says US needs Greenland and Canada for 'national security' President-elect Donald Trump has reiterated his desire for the US to acquire Greenland and the Panama Canal, calling both critical to American national security.
  15. Trump team says Canada, Greenland, Panama comments are part of a broader plan // Not everyone is convinced. December 28, 2024 By Jacqueline Alemany and Cat Zakrzewski // In the past several weeks — and before he has been sworn in for his second term — President-elect Donald Trump has threatened trade wars with both of the United States’ closest neighbors, mused about taking over Greenland, blustered about bringing the Panama Canal back under American control and suggested making Canada the 51st state. // Less than a month before his inauguration, Trump — who vowed to end foreign wars and made “peace through strength” a rallying cry of his 2024 presidential campaign — is crafting an “America First” foreign policy defined by antagonism toward U.S. allies and adversaries alike, centered around dreams of territorial expansionism, and channeled through the president-elect’s braggadocio.// Trump’s pre-presidency tactics regarding Greenland, the Panama Canal and the United States’ closest neighbors aren’t likely to result in massive change. Canadians and their political leaders are unlikely to prove receptive to dissolving their country, and U.S. lawmakers have not broadly expressed willingness to absorb Canada as a new state. Greenland’s prime minister has said the island is not for sale, and Panamanian President José Raúl Mulino has said that “every square meter of the Panama Canal and its adjacent zone belongs to Panama and will remain so.” ..
  16. Trump still thinks Canada should become the 51st state: 'A real thing' By Chris Williams Published February 10, 2025 11:34am CST .. What they're saying: "I think Canada would be much better off being the 51st state because we lose $200 billion a year with Canada. And I’m not going to let that happen," Trump said. ..
  17. 90% of Canadians don’t want to be a 51st state. What’s up with the rest? CBC News: The National Mar 5, 2025 #tariffs #canada #news Polls show that 90 per cent of people in Canada have no interest in being a part of President Donald Trump’s threatened 51st state, but what about the rest? CBC’s Lyndsay Duncombe sets out to understand the other 10 per cent are why they want to be a part of the U.S.
  18. Provocative Trump statements about Canada loom large as Trudeau meets King James FitzGerald BBC News 2025.03.03. .. Trump has repeatedly spoken of making the neighbouring country the 51st state of America. ..
  19. Canada foreign minister takes Trump 51st state line 'very seriously' 2025.03.05.Mallory Moench BBC News Canada's Foreign Minister Mélanie Joly has told the BBC she takes US President Donald Trump's remarks on making Canada the 51st state of his country "very seriously". // "This is not a joke anymore," Joly told Newsnight. "There's a reason why Canadians, when they go out on a hockey game, are booing the American national anthem... We're insulted. We're mad. We're angry." // Her comments come after Trump imposed 25% tariffs on products entering the US from Canada on Tuesday. Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau called that a "very dumb thing to do" and announced retaliatory tariffs.
  20. What Does Trump Really Want From Canada and Mexico? President Trump’s demands on the United States’ neighbors are difficult to measure. That allows him to declare victory when he sees fit. By Zolan Kanno-Youngs and Matina Stevis-Gridneff Zolan Kanno-Youngs reported from Washington and Matina Stevis-Gridneff from Toronto. Feb. 3, 2025
  21. 21.0 21.1 Rep. Ogles Proposes Amending the 22nd Amendment to Allow Trump to Serve a Third Term Image January 23, 2025 Press Release WASHINGTON, DC - Congressman Andy Ogles introduced a House Joint Resolution to amend the Constitution of the United States to allow a President to be elected for up to but no more than three terms. The language of the proposed amendment reads as follows: // ‘‘No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than three times, nor be elected to any additional term after being elected to two consecutive terms, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice.’’ // "President Trump’s decisive leadership stands in stark contrast to the chaos, suffering, and economic decline Americans have endured over the past four years. He has proven himself to be the only figure in modern history capable of reversing our nation’s decay and restoring America to greatness, and he must be given the time necessary to accomplish that goal. To that end, I am proposing an amendment to the Constitution to revise the limitations imposed by the 22nd Amendment on presidential terms. This amendment would allow President Trump to serve three terms, ensuring that we can sustain the bold leadership our nation so desperately needs," said Congressman Ogles.
  22. How Trump walked into Putin’s web .. The inside story of how a former British spy was hired to investigate Russia’s influence on Trump – and uncovered explosive evidence that Moscow had been cultivating Trump for years. .. By Luke Harding Wed 15 Nov 2017 16.17 GMT
  23. Is Trump a Russian Agent?: Explaining Terms of Art and Examining the Facts by John Sipher April 16, 2019 // A number of commentators and critics have labeled President Trump an Agent of the Russian Federation. It is often not clear if they mean that he is unwittingly adopting Russian propaganda, knowingly doing the bidding of the Kremlin or is an out-and-out controlled secret asset of the Russian intelligence services. All are sordid. ..
  24. REPORTS APRIL 30, 2019 TRUMP’S RUSSIA COVER-UP BY THE NUMBERS – 272 CONTACTS WITH RUSSIA-LINKED OPERATIVES Last Updated June 3, 2019 // On April 18, 2019, a redacted copy of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s “Report On The Investigation Into Russian Interference In The 2016 Presidential Election” (Mueller Report) was released to the public. The Mueller report builds on the U.S. intelligence community’s conclusion that there were two campaigns to elect Donald Trump— one run by Trump and one run by the Russian government. The Mueller report clearly identified collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, despite repeated denials from Trump and many of his senior advisers and close associates that there were any connections between the two campaigns.
  25. The unanswered question of our time: Is Trump an agent of Russia? Neither Mueller nor the FBI took it on. It’s crucial someone does. This is a case for super-secret mole hunters. September 21, 2020 Perspective by Tim Weiner
  26. The perfect target’: Russia cultivated Trump as asset for 40 years – ex-KGB spy The KGB ‘played the game as if they were immensely impressed by his personality’, Yuri Shvets, a key source for a new book, tells the Guardian David Smith in Washington // Fri 29 Jan 2021 08.00 GMT .. Donald Trump was cultivated as a Russian asset over 40 years and proved so willing to parrot anti-western propaganda that there were celebrations in Moscow, a former KGB spy has told the Guardian.// Yuri Shvets, posted to Washington by the Soviet Union in the 1980s, compares the former US president to “the Cambridge five”, the British spy ring that passed secrets to Moscow during the second world war and early cold war. ..
  27. Donald Trump a de facto Russian asset, FBI official he fired suggests Martin Pengelly in Washington Thu 12 Sep 2024 05.00 BST Donald Trump can be seen as a Russian asset, though not in the traditional sense of an active agent or a recruited resource, an ex-FBI deputy director who worked under the former US president said. //
  28. President Donald Trump was recruited by the Soviet Union's KGB (Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti) back in 1987 and was also given a codename, a former intelligence officer alleged in a social media post. Alnur Mussayev, 71, revealed that he served in the 6th Directorate of the KGB in Moscow. His department was responsible for counter-intelligence support within the economy. author-479262800 Authored by: Yash Bajaj Updated Feb 21, 2025, 22:55 IST President Donald Trump was recruited by the Soviet Union's KGB (Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti) back in 1987 and was also given a codename, a former intelligence officer alleged in a social media post. Alnur Mussayev, 71, revealed that he served in the 6th Directorate of the KGB in Moscow. His department was responsible for counter-intelligence support within the economy, and 'recruited businessmen from capitalist countries'. Mussayev further added that Trump was given a codename - 'Krasnov'. The former Kazakh official wrote that in 1987 'our directorate recruited Donald Trump, a 40-year-old American businessman, under the pseudonym Krasnov'. ..
  30. Donald Trump is surely not a Russian asset. But how else to explain his behaviour? It’s difficult to make sense of the turmoil one man has unleashed on the world in five short weeks By Alan Rusbridger March 08, 2025
  31. Comrade Trump // Why he’s acting exactly like a Russian asset would. // By Edward Lucas, an author and security analyst. // MARCH 10, 2025, 2:56 PM // A few years ago, it would have looked like mission impossible for even the most capable Russian spy. Divide the United States from its allies? Check. Discredit its normative power (human rights, the rule of law, democracy, altruism)? Check. Weaken U.S. institutions to make further manipulation easier? Check. // Russia’s War in Ukraine // Understanding the conflict three years on. // MORE ON THIS TOPIC// One could go on. But it’s simpler to try testing the opposite hypothesis. Name one thing that U.S. President Donald Trump has done since taking office that the Kremlin did not like. Crickets.
  32. 32.0 32.1 Дональд Трамп оправдан (предельно фантастично) – "Заповедник", выпуск 69, сюжет 2 Заповедник Apr 3, 2019 #конгресс #меланиятрамп #трамп Ну я откинулся, какой базар-вокзал. Причем откинулся предельно фантастично. Небритый Трамп выходит из тюрьмы и поет по этому поводу шансон. Инфоповод: Спецпрокурор Мюллер завершил свое расследование по делу о российском вмешательстве в выборы 2016 года и о возможной связи предвыборного штаба Трампа с РФ.
  33. Peter Griffin's ferocious fight with Donald Trump. FULL FIGHT Great Stuff Jan 15, 2019 In Family Guy season 17 episode 11, Peter ends up in an aggressive fight with President Donald J. Trump.
  34. Орлуша - "Патриотизм" Русский Мир Jan 12, 2016 Орлуша. фрагмент выступления в ЦДХ Москва 2010. .. И ты — урод, и я — урод, Таких как мы у нас немало, Но мы — пиздец, какой народ, Когда нам съездят по ебалу.»
  35. Trump says Ukraine 'more difficult' to deal with than Russia (2025.03.08) Ian Aikman, Tom Bateman US President Donald Trump has said he is finding it "more difficult, frankly, to deal with Ukraine" than Russia in attempts to broker peace between the two nations.
  36. Merkel And Putin To Discuss Major Issues, Afghanistan. 20 Aug 2021. Associated Press.
  37. Почему Америка должна спасать СЕБЯ Mark Solonin Jul 23, 2024
  38. Америка собралась самоубиться? Беседа с профессором Знаменским. Mark Solonin. Aug 21, 2024.
  39. Why annexing Canada would destroy the United States Published: February 11, 2025 5.07pm GMT As United States President Donald Trump relentlessly threatens to annex Canada, some Canadians are worried that an American invasion could one day become a reality. // How would that scenario play out? Looking at the sheer size of the American military, many people might believe that Trump would enjoy an easy victory. // That analysis is wrong. If Trump ever decides to use military force to annex Canada, the result would not be determined by a conventional military confrontation between the Canadian and American armies. Rather, a military invasion of Canada would trigger a decades-long violent resistance, which would ultimately destroy the United States. Since Donald Trump was a 2016 candidate for the office of President of the United States, multiple[1] suspicious links between Trump associates and Russian officials were discovered by the FBI, a special counsel investigation, and several United States congressional committees, as part of their investigations into Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections.[2] Following intelligence reports about the Russian interference, Trump and some of his campaign members, business partners, administration nominees, and family members were subjected to intense scrutiny to determine whether they had improper dealings during their contacts with Russian officials.[3][4] Several people connected to the Trump campaign made false statements about those links and obstructed investigations.[2] These investigations resulted in many criminal charges and indictments. ..

2025.01.23. A quick guide to Donald Trump The Republican makes an historic return to the White House - here's what you need to know about him. 23 Jan 2025 US & Canada

2025.02.14. Donald Trump hilariously shuts down CNN reporter Kaitlan Collins during Oval Office briefing // Sky News Australia // Feb 14, 2025 Sky News All Stars // Donald Trump has gone head-to-head with a CNN reporter again, this time the target was Kaitlan Collins.

2025.02.26. Did Russia Recruit Trump as a Russian spy in 1987? Political X Feb 26, 2025 UNITED KINGDOM For decades, Donald Trump has cozied up to Russia, praised Vladimir Putin, and attacked America’s closest allies. But is this just ego—or something far more sinister? From his first Moscow visit in 1987 to his 2024 campaign threats against NATO, this documentary unravels the 40-year connection between Trump and the Kremlin.

2025.03.02. Fact-checking Trump and Vance’s attacks on Ukrainian President Zelenskyy Politics Mar 2, 2025 2:25 PM EDT This fact check originally appeared on PolitiFact.

2025.03.06. US senator asks if Donald Trump is a Russian asset after bust-up with Zelenskyy | Janta Ka Reporter Mar 6, 2025 A top US senator from the Democratic Party has sensationally accused Donald Trump of pushing Russian agenda against Ukraine. Senator Jeff Merkley from Oregon on Tuesday asked Trump’s associates who’ve been nominated to be the part of the new administration if Trump was a Russian asset. This is a huge allegation as this brings the new US President’s loyalty to his country under suspicion.

2025.03.07. On Senate Floor, Bennet Urges Republican Colleagues to Affirm Russia Started War in Ukraine Senator Michael Bennet Mar 7, 2025


«Annexation of Canada», «Annexation of Crimea», «Annexation of Greenland», «Appeasing aggression», «Budapest memorandum», «Corruption», «Designate Russia as state sponsor of terrorism», «Designate Russia as terrorist state», «Donald Trump», «Kidnapping», «KGB», «Lvova-Belova», «Make America Great Again», «Moscovia», «New World Order», «Newspeak», «No Donald Trump», «Pahanat», «Putin», «Putin coalition», «Putin world war», «Read Think Act», «Russia-Ukraine war», «Russian invasion into Ukraine», «Russki mir», «[[]]», «TrumpForever», «Trump and Vance», «Trump as KGB agent», «Trump is KGB agent», «Ukraine», «USA», «Usurpation», «Vienna Convention», «War crime»,

«Аннексия Крыма», «Будапештский меморандум», «Венская конвенция», «Вертикаль власти», «Геноцид», «[[]]», «Московия», «[[]]», «Новый Мировой Порядок», «Паханат», «Правило новояза», «Русский мир», «Спецоперация», «США», «Умиротворение агрессора», «[[]]»,