Transfer of hostilities to aggressor territory

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Transfer of hostilities to aggressor territory («the transfer of hostilities to the territory of the aggressor's country», Перенос боевых действий на территорию страны агрессора) is concept of international relations, interaction between countries, characterized in that, that, in the case of the aggressive war of one country (country–aggressor) against another country (country-victim of the aggression) at the territory of the country-victim, the country-victim has right to perform military actions against the military objects at the territory of the country-aggressor.


There are difficult questions about limits of the response at the Transfer of hostilities to aggressor territory:

Which weapon is considered as prudent against the country-aggressor,

Are the partisan war, the rail war, total war appropriate responses?

Should the country-cictim legalize the individual terror against the offees who promote the aggressive war and/or are beneficing of the aggressive war?

Can the trade partners of the country-aggressors be qualified as the crime accomplice and be treated in a similar way, as the country-aggressor?

False flag

Interpretation of a military action as a Transfer of hostilities to aggressor territory require certain analysis. In particular, such an anaylis should reveal the false flag operations. The TORI axioms are supposed to be used in the analysis.

A false flag operation is an act committed with the intent of disguising the actual source of responsibility and pinning blame on another party [1].

Typical example of the false flag operation is the Mainila incident (Майнильский инцидент) [2]. Since 1939, the Soviet fascists follow the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact. That pact is agreement between Stalin and Hitler about aggression against the European countries. That agreement determines, which countries should become victims of the Soviet fascists, and which countries should be invited by their German colleagues. The Finland happened to be in spheres of interest of the governments of the USSR; in such a way, Soviet aggression against Finland was predetermined.
In order to form the pretext for the full-scale Soviet invasion into Finland, the Soviet guns shouted on the Soviet territory near village Mainila; the Soviet propaganda blamed that fire on Finland. The Soviet fascists claimed, that the Soviet aggression into Finland is a transfer of hostilities to aggressor territory.
According to Sovietism the goal of the Finnish troop was to frighten the Soviet soldiers, to force them to run away, to seize the Leningrad region, then Moscow, push the Red Army South end East, across Ural and Siberia, and drop the rest of the Red Army to the Bering channel, converting the USSR to the colony of Finland.
Such an explanation is absurd; to see it, is is sufficinet to look at the map of the USSR and to find Finland near it. However, the Soviet citizen, who had expressed their opinion about this absurd, had been murdered by the agents of KGB. The teachers were forced to misinform the students about origin of the World War II.
Such a misinformation, propaganda and terror formed the new specie of a human, Sovkopitek, with atrophy of ability to use of logic in the deduction, see Female logics. During the USSR, bolsheviks kill the most of the honest citizen of order of hundred million people (see Большевики убили почти всех). The survivors (sovkopiteks) behave as wild aggressive animals; they cannot perform even a simple logical deduction. Volodimir Zolkin provides examples of conversation with sovkopiteks (parents of the Russian fascists, sho had performed the Russian invasion into Ukraine and had been captured by Ukrainians) [3]. Sovkopiteks promote the Russian propaganda; the Russia-Ukraine war is interpreted as Transfer of hostilities to aggressor territory. The sovkopiteks reject any attempts to reveal, which Ukrainian action against Russia plays role of the primary hostility (that could be "transferred" to territory of Ukraine), perfectly following the style described in article «Female logic».

Russia-Ukraine war

Since 2022.02.24, the Russian invasion into Ukraine is converted from the hybrid war to the full-scale special military operation, the total war against the Ukraine, with genocide of Ukrainian. In TORI, this part of the Russian invasion into Ukraine is denoted with term Russia-Ukraine war. It is important element of more wide phenomenon, Putin world war against the Human civilization.

Since 2014 to 2022, the battles between Russia and Ukraine take place at the territory of Ukraine, although the Russian fascists use territory of Russia and territory of Belarus for gun firing territory of Ukraine, and the Russian bombers are based on Russian and Belarussian territory, while perform bombing of the Ukrainian cities.

On the base of the historical analysis, it would be interesting to guess, how long the Russia-Ukraine war will be performed at the territory of Ukraine, but not at the territory of Russia.

Several accidents at Russia, in vicinity of Belgorod, are attributed to action of Ukrainian military forces.




  1. A false flag operation is an act committed with the intent of disguising the actual source of responsibility and pinning blame on another party. // The term "false flag" originated in the 16th century as a purely figurative expression to mean "a deliberate misrepresentation of someone's affiliation or motives" ..
  2. The Shelling of Mainila (Finnish: Mainilan laukaukset, Swedish: Skotten i Mainila, Russian: Ма́йнильский инциде́нт, romanized: Máynil'skiy intsidént) was a military incident on 26 November 1939 in which the Soviet Union's Red Army shelled the Soviet village of Mainila (Russian: Ма́йнило, romanized: Máynilo) near Beloostrov. The Soviet Union declared that the fire originated from Finland across the nearby border and claimed to have had losses in personnel. Through that false flag operation, the Soviet Union gained a great propaganda boost and a casus belli for launching the Winter War four days later.[1][2]// Historians have now concluded that the shelling of Mainila was a fabrication carried out by the Soviet NKVD state security agency
  3. Volodymyr Zolkin. КОМАНДИР ПОЛКА БРОСИЛ 10 ОФИЦЕРОВ, командиров танковых взводов и роты|Своих НЕ бросаем?|#Ищисвоих// 2022.04.13. Официальный канал - Пленные офицеры: л-т Кислицын Максим Алексеевич 26.05.1998 г.Воронеж л-т Васькин Николай Евгеньевич 17.11.1997 г.Салаир л-т Черный Владимир Григорьевич 09.09.1998 г.Воркута ст.л-т Расходчиков Дмитрий Русланович 03.08.1995 Хабаровск ст.л-т Расулов Омар Магомедрасулович 26.11.1994 г.Махачкала ст.л-т Войкин Ярослав Владимирович 01.09.1989 г. Текли Махачкала ст.л-т Жунусов Нургали Аронович 02.01.1996 г Омск к-н Карпенко Александр Николаевич 12.03.1987 г Воронеж к-н Рафиков Ринат Абдулбариевич 11.06.1989 Казань к-н Пичугин Василий Васильевич 11.07.1989 г.Абай (Казахстан) Армия РФ в Украине. Пленные, раненные солдаты и офицеры ВС РФ. Показывают, что в Украине пленных стреляют. Грузин десантника в плен взял и демонстративно стрелял в голову. На полковника Лапина слоган “своих не бросаем” не сработал. Почему воюет Украина, понятно! Она защищает свою страну и свои семьи и земли, а вот почему мы сюда пришли воевать и умирать, мы не можем понять. Мы не освободители, мы захватчики! .. - - - - .. вч 39135 .. вч 45863 .. вч 58198 .. Калининец .. Conducting hostilities // Although the Hague Conventions, concerning the conduct of hostilities, apply to the states that are party to them in the event of war, the various Geneva Conventions of 1949 (and the 1977 Protocols to them) come into operation where there is an armed conflict between two or more contracting parties even if a state of war is not recognized by one (or both) of them. They also apply to the occupation of another state’s territory even if the occupation meets with no armed resistance. Since much of the Hague Conventions reflect customary international law, it can be assumed that these laws of war (or the jus in bello) also apply whether or not any declarations of war exist. In considering the legal conduct of a conflict, the laws of war take no account of its causes. This means that the combatants of the aggressor nation are owed the same rights as those of the attacked state. // The controls placed on the actual methods and means of war are to a large extent based on the Hague Conventions, but there are also a number of important provisions in the first Protocol of 1977, the 1954 Hague Convention on cultural property, and the 1981 Conventional Weapons Convention. ..


Collapse of RF, Designate Russia as state sponsor of terrorism I bombed Dresden Putin world war Russia-Ukraine war Russian invasion into Ukraine Stop Putin

А нас то за что, Рыжий Пу, Семидесятый меридиан, Федерализация Кубани