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[[1905.08.25.Портсмутский мирный договор]],
[[1905.08.25.Портсмутский мирный договор]],
[[1999 постановление о государственной границе]],
[[1999 постановление о государственной границе]],
[[2022.02.26.Protest at Tokyo]],
[[2022.02.26.Protest at Tokyo]],
[[Annexation of Crimea]],
[[Budapest memorandum]],
[[Budapest memorandum]],
[[Designate Russia as state sponsor of terrorism]]
[[Designate Russia as state sponsor of terrorism]],
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[[Russia-Ukraine war]],
[[Stop Putin]]
[[Category:2022.03.06.Protest at Tokyo]]
[[Category:2022.03.06.Protest at Tokyo]]

Revision as of 00:44, 7 March 2022

2022.03.06.Protest at Tokyo takes place around noon in vicinity of the Russian embassy.

Its meaning is described below. It refers to the Russian invasion into Ukraine.

I think, any further collaboration with the Russian usurper is vain: He is paranoiac and any way, he will press all the "red button" of strategic missiles and he will try to explode all the nuclear plants he succeeded to seize.

Below I explain this point of view. Similar protests (and perhaps more crowded) happen in many big cities of the world; in particular, many protests against the Putin world war (and the Russia-Ukraine war) could run in parallel at different places of Tokyo.


2022.03.06.Protest at Tokyo is an attempt to attract attention of the people to the simple observations:

1. The election fraud leads to usurpation, creation of pahanat, and creation of all other kinds of corruption.

2. The establishment of pahanat leads to dictatorship, usurpation of the political power, censorship and the state terror (see Designate Russia as state sponsor of terrorism).

3. The usurper and its pahanat modify the Law; in order to keep the superior power forever, they eliminate the Separation of power (see Обнуление).

4. Elimination of separation of power leads to the mass terror, to wars, and, in fin, to collapse of the state, roughly, within 16 years since the elimination of separation of power at the level of the Federal Law, see Kestus. For the case of Russia, the primitive statistical analysis suggests the estimate of year of Collapse of RF: approximately, 2036. In particular, the collapse of the pahanat may come through the aggressive wars against the neighbor countries, as it took place at the USSR (Soviet invasion into Afghanistan).
Perhaps, the civilized countries cannot prevent the collapse of RF, but they can try to make it less bloody, less catastrophic, at least for citizen and residents of the neighbor countries.

5. Citizen and residents of civilized countries should remind their administrations, that it is necessary to resist the aggression. There is simple criterion, that allows to analyze the military conflict and to indicate, which country is aggressor, and which country is victim. This criterion is based on the agreements between countries, and especially, on the agreements that are ratified by the governments of both countries and specify the border between countries.

6. In the case of the Russia-Ukraine war, the Russian troops enter territory of Ukraine, violating the agreement about the border 1999 постановление о государственной границе ratified by the Federal law of Russia 1999.03.02.
The Russian tanks enter Ukraine, not the Ukrainian tanks enter Russia.
The Russian bombers destroy the Ukrainian cities, including Kiev, while no one Ukrainian bomb is yet dropped on Moscow nor at any other Russian city.

7. The Russia-Ukraine war is initiated by the single paranoiac usurper, Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich. Due to the similarity with Adolf Hitler, Putin is sometimes denoted with term Putler.
Putler was supposed to be stoped by the professional politicians and militaries, before the Putin world war against the Human civilization scales up to the global catastrophe.
They were supposed to do this at the beginning of the Putin world war, in 2008, at the Russian invasion into Georgia.
The second chance took place in 2014, at the beginning of the Russian invasion into Ukraine and Annexation of Crimea. Again the politicians of the civilized countries failed to keep the International Law.
Now the Russian aggression against Ukraine becomes the full-scale invasion. The Russian occupants bomb the Ukrainian cities and seise the Ukrainian nuclear plants, with the apparent goal to cause the new disaster of scale of several Chernobyl's. However, before to cause the techongenic catastrophe, the mianiak tries to make an impression, that the world can avoid it, accepting his conditions.

I am neither politician, nor a soldier. I would not interfere to the area of politics and military forces, but that I observe looks as some kind of sabotage: the aggressor invites the neighbor countries, one by one, as Adolf Hitler did so in 1938-1940, until the anti-Hitler coalition had been created. It seems to me, only the quarrel between Hitler and Stalin saved the Europe from degradation to the barbarianism.

I see none to repeat the similar scenarios in century 21. Consider, that can you do, in order to create the anti-Putin coalition, to stop aggressor before the Putin world war takes the scale of the World War II. And if such a coalition is not created in time, then, lated, do not say "we did not know", "Nobody had alerted about the danger".

I am very skeptic about the future of Russia. My observations show, that Putin is mentally-ill. I thing, he anyway will press the "red button", in order to initiate the nuclear war, and he anyway will try to explode all the nuclear plants he had plundered, even if his generals will not follow his illegal order to launch the strategic ballistic missiles. No one can prevent him from such a made decision. The only the civilized society can do is traduce his abilities to cause the humanitarian catastrophe, to reduce the scale go this catastrophe, keeping in mind that the Kremlin paranoiac will use his instruments against the Human civilization.

I think, the negotiations with Putin are vain. In Russia, there are no mechanized, that could provide the fulfillment of any agreement with Putin, as all the state institute in Russia are already destroyed, although still pretend to be state institute.
I hope, at least in this year, the poiticians and militaries of the civilized countries, en fin, awake and do their job. First of all, they should disable the Russian troops from bombing the Ukrainian cities. Then, all the Russian troops should be removed from the territories, that belongs to other countries, according to agreements about the border, ratified with participation of Russia.
Then I shall be glad to return to my main research.

Sincerely, Dmitrii Kouznetsov, 2022.03.06.


BorderL.png 2022stopBombing.jpg 05083border.jpg 05086putler.jpg 05087agaistSun.jpg 05090sunshine.jpg


I do not belong any political organization.

I express my point of view.

My interest is scientific. For the purity of the historic experiment, I inform colleagues about things that at happening; I mention mainy those that, from may point of view, are underrepresented in the official publications.

From my point of view the administrational system of Russia had been performed the illegal operation and should be cancelled, aborted, erased - in analogy with some very bad process in a computer.
From my point of view, in the Human civilization, there exist some mechanisms (mechanisms of history), that provide this cancellation.
I shall be glad, if this this research and this warning helps to soften the disaster approach.

This analysis should not be pretended as an appeal to prolong agony of the Putin's Russia, nor as an appeal to boost its collapse. In this sense, the goal of this research is scientific. Affecting the revolutions is not element of the set of these goals.


2022.01.02. https://lenta.ru/news/2022/01/02/zrya/ 21:00, 2 января 2022 Россия Жириновский назвал удачный момент для бомбардировки Украины Лидер ЛДПР Жириновский заявил, что бомбардировки Украины можно провести в феврале

2022.03.01. https://www.dw.com/ru/rossijskoe-vtorzhenie-v-ukrainu-boi-v-hersone-obstrely-harkova-i-kieva/a-60976008 Дата 01.03.2022 Автор Вера Сосенкова Российское вторжение в Украину: бои в Херсоне, обстрелы Харькова и Киева Украинские власти сообщают о бомбардировке гражданских объектов в Киеве и Харькове.

2022.03.02. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/top-wrap-10-ukrainians-say-they-are-fighting-biggest-city-yet-claimed-by-russia-2022-03-02/ Eastern city of Kharkiv suffers further heavy bombardment.

2022.03.02. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/3/2/more-deaths-as-russia-intensifies-bombing-of-ukraine-cities Many deaths as Russia intensifies bombardment of Ukraine cities Officials say 21 people killed in shelling of Kharkiv and four others killed in cruise missile attack on Zhytomyr. 2 Mar 2022

2022.03.02. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jUk2M78WHaw Уничтожен полковник ВВС РФ вместе с самолетом, который сегодня утром бомбил Харьков! Mar 2, 2022 ОПК Украины Стало известно, что за сегодняшний налет на Харьков, когда российские оккупанты уничтожели 8 человек, сбросив бомбу на жилой дом на Новобаварском проспекте, уже отомстили именно тем, кто совершил это преступление.

2022.03.04. https://www.aa.com.tr/ru/мир/в-результате-бомбардировки-чернигова-погибли-47-человек-обладминистрация/2523729 В результате бомбардировки Чернигова погибли 47 человек - обладминистрация ВКС России нанесли авиаудары по украинскому городу Ruslan Rehimov | 04.03.2022

2022.03.06. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yp3uATdWAxo Украинские врачи спасают детей в больничном подвале Mar 6, 2022 Радио Свобода 32 ребенка погибли, около 70 получили ранения в результате боевых действий в Украине. Такие данные приводит украинская сторона.