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The printable version is no longer supported and may have rendering errors. Please update your browser bookmarks and please use the default browser print function instead. (Руелект) is site collecting the original protocols of the Russian local election committees for the comparison to the data of official site of the Central Election Committee after the parliamentary election 2011.12.04.Election.

Content of the site

Both English and Russian versions of the materials were provided. The scans of the original protocols were available; everyone could check the data exposed. The analysis of those data shows that the most of protocols used by the Central Election Committee are fake. Only in occasional cases the data from the primary protocols coincide with the official results announced. The deviation indicates the fraud; of order of 13 of votes for edro were fabricated at the last stage of the election fraud with false protocols.

By Ruelect, votes, stolen in favor of edro, count of order of 13% of all votes. This estimate agrees with the lower estimate 11% made with statistical modeling of the official published data [1]. Similar conclusions are presented also in analyses [2][3]. The estimate at Ruelect had appeared well before the articles mentioned were published. This is strong argument in favor of data presented by Ruelect.

The screenshot of the main page is loaded below:



2011.12.20, the site was cracked [4]; the message reads:

Федеральная Служба Безопасности
Сайт закрыт по cтатье 20.29. КоАП РФ "Производство и распространение экстремистских материалов" 
Лица, имеющие отношение к сайту, задержаны и дают показания.
Покинуть сайт

That means:
"KGB. The site is closed for the article 20.29 of the Federal code RF "Fabrication and distribution of extremist materials".
Persons related to the site are detended and interrogated.
Leave the site.

No official explanation from KGB appeared; No extremism was at that site (Only the images of the primary protocols and the statistic analysis); the site could be cracked by criminals from edro.

2011.12.23, the site has been recovered, but at the end of year 2012 disappeared again; some off-topic appears by

Other sides of the similar content

There are several sites in Russian, that collect the evidences of the massive fraud at the Russian parliamentary election and data about the falsifiers.

Up to 2011.12.23, all the job on the revealing of the frauds seems to be performed exclusively by the Russian volunteers. No reports about any contribution of the Russian official legal institutes in getting the evidences appeared in the internet.

Some sites, formed as analogies of Ruelect, at the end of year 2012 become inavailable [4]; either the url does no twork, or some off-topic appear instead of the original content. Few such sites are listed below: .. How to download the protocol... (Copy saved by the Google) Нам очень нужна ваша помощь в поиске и размещении протоколов. В стране 95 тысяч избирательных участков и мы просто физически не сможем охватить даже 1% от их количества, работая в одиночку. Если вы увидели в интернете отсканированный протокол, пожалуйста, потратьте несколько минут на его занесение в нашу базу. 14 Декабря 2011. Результаты сравнения итогов голосования, опубликованных городской избирательной комиссией Санкт-Петербурга с данными копий протоколов участковых избирательных комиссий. Выборы депутатов Законодательного Собрания Санкт-Петербурга пятого созыва Территория №10. Всего участков: 31. Искажено протоколов: 21 (67.7%) .. © 2011 выборы

Independent confirmation

Estimates by Ruelect of the amount of votes stolen in favor of the edro, at the last stage of the election fraud, 14%, agrees with other estimates made with the statistical analysis of the published data. [2][3]. In such a way, the estimates at the screenshot are confirmed with independent methods and can be considered as a Scientific fact, as well as confirmation of the statistical model used in the statistical analysis.


The links and the screenshots are collected in TORI for the reason os the Scientific interests. The evidence of the Election fraud should not be considered as reason and motivation of the physical elimination of the head of the Election committee Vladimir Churov, nor his family, nor other corruptioners who prepared and accepted the fake votes and protocols.


  1. Ruben Enikolopov, Vasily Korovkin, Maria Petrova, Konstantin Sonin and Alexei Zakharov. Field experiment estimate of electoral fraud in Russian parliamentary elections. PNAS Early Edition. (2012)
  2. 2.0 2.1 СЕРГЕЙ ШПИЛЬКИН. Статистика исследовала выборы. 10.12.11 14:57. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name "spilkin" defined multiple times with different content
  3. 3.0 3.1 Peter Klimek, Yuri Yegorov, Rudolf Hanel, and Stefan Thurner. Statistical detection of systematic election irregularities. Proceeding of the Natinal Academy of Sciences of the USA, vol. 109 no. 41, 16469–16473 (2012) Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name "klimek" defined multiple times with different content
  4. 4.0 4.1 Сайт о фальсификациях на выборах прекратил работу. 20.12.2011, 16:31:03. Домен зарегистрирован в США. Участники группы в Facebook, посвященной сайту, предполагают, что его взломали хакеры. Официальных комментариев ни от создателей сайта, ни от ФСБ нет.


2011.12.04.Election, edro, Vladimir Putin, Russia