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Вперед к коммунизму [1]
Mы построим коммунизм
Коммунизм - светлое будущее всего человечества
"The only good communist is a dead one". Visit of Nikita Khruschev to the USA[2]

Communism (Коммунизм) is utopic type of the legislation and public relations that makes unnecessary use of money; it is assumed that the high moral principles of the humans allow the honest and efficient work for free and also honest and prudent distribution of goods.

Also, Communism is religion, ideology and propaganda based on the postulates of ability of construction of communism in the first sense. This ideology allows any methods in the battle for constructing of communistic society by the communistic revolution.

Any person, who uses the communistic ideology, can be qualified as communist. Some of them deny the terroristic, fascistic essence of communism.

Attempts to built-up the communism

The biggest (and most destructive) attempt to built-up the communism had been declared during the USSR. In 1920, the communism had been expected for years 1930-1940. Then, since 1956, the Chruschev's program of the KPSS had been declared the communism for year 1980, and this idea lasted at least until year 1990, when the approaching crash of the USSR and cruelty of the Soviet veterans become evident.

Practically, since century 20, the ideas of communism are used as pretext, justification of the mass terror, genocide, cannibalism and slavery. In TORI, the radical forms of the ideology, religion of communism are qualified as fascism, according to the definition of this term. In particular, bolshevism, as the Russian realisation of the communistic ideology, appears as the most destructive kind of communism and fascism ever known. Yurii Nesterenko even qualifies the Russian bolshevism as a specific kind of barbarianism, more destructive than any kind of fascism observed in other countries.

Events of the end of the USSR confirm that the top of the soviet veterans, who pretended to be communists, quickly converted to capitalists as soon, as it become more convenient. Soviet veterans had converted the treasures of the USSR to their personal bank accounts in the foreign (capitalistic) countires. This caused total shortage of all goods in the USSR in 1990s, and crash of the Russian rubble.

Revolution in Ukraine in 2013–2014 (Euromaidan) revealed the huge treasures of the Ukrainian soviet veterans. Especially known are the palaces of soviet veterans Vikor Pshonka and Viktor Yanukovich.

Since the Russian invasion into Ukraine (2014 February – 2014, April), the traces of the Gold of party are especially of interest, id est, the money the Soviet veterans had hidden since the end of the USSR. It is believed that Vladimir Putin had organised the export of the communistic treasure from the USSR to the Western Europe and the USA, and still handles of order of $10^{11}$ dollars at the accounts of his buddies there [3][4][5].

Practically, the attempts of construction of communism in century 20 leaded to terror and fascism. The most long and huge attempt is observed in the USSR, the Russian realisation of communism is called bolshevism. The titania of the Soviet veterans in the USSR had converted Russia to the barbarian country with high level of corruption and other kinds of criminality, consumption of tobacco and other drugs, alcoholism and other indications of degradation. Similar events are observed in the neighbour countries (Ukraine, Belarus, Caucasus republics, Kazakhstan, North Korea). In this sense, in century 21, communism is discredited as ideology.

In China, at least up to year 2014, it is still used as the official doctrine. The scientists, in order to handle their research, are requested to join the Communist party of China. However, in century 21, China is so far from realisation of the communistic utopia, as it was in the middle of century 20; and the structure of economics of China indicates that very few (if at all) Chine people practically follow the communistic religion, they use it as a children count, like a story of Moomintroll at Suomi, or as a legend of Santa Clause in the USA, Canada and Europe.

Revival of the communisitc ideas in century 21

Many authors indicates the growing popularity of the Soviet communistic leaders in Russia of century 21. Communists qualify Josef Stalin not as a fascistic murdered, not as a cruel barbarian, but as an "Effective manager.

Vladimir Putin qualifies the crash of the USSR as a "geopolitic catastrophe". In Russia, the textbooks on history of the USSR are rewritten in order to hide the criminal activity of the soviet veterans; again, as in the USSR, in the school courses, the soviet veterans appears not as aggressors, not as occupants, but as peaceful and prudent heroes.

On the background of the growing Russian fascism (Russism, the similarities between Putin and Hitler are widely discussed. Even the putinists see these similarities; in order to glorify Putin, the activity of Adolf Hitler (at least before years 1940s), is considered as efficient and positive.


  1. http://sahallin.livejournal.com/23056.html ВЕЛИКИЙ СТАЛИН – GREAT STALIN. 21 декабря, 2010.
  2. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1919418571717873&set=gm.1933556183550333 Lipavski Roman‎. Хороший коммунист это мёртвый коммунист. Встреча Хрущёва в США. 2017.07.03.
  3. http://www.businessweek.com/news/2014-04-16/putin-bank-trail-runs-from-communist-cash-to-billionaire-buddies Irina Reznik and Evgenia Pismennaya. Putin's Bank Trail Runs From Communist Cash to St. Petersburg Billionaires. April 16, 2014
  4. http://www.garp.org/risk-news-and-resources/risk-headlines/story.aspx?newsId=100489 Putin Bank Trail Runs From Communist Cash to Billionaire Buddies. Thursday, April 17, 2014.
  5. http://www.thestar.com/opinion/letters_to_the_editors/2014/04/19/crisis_in_ukraine.html Bohdan Klid. Crisis in Ukraine. Saturday, April 19, 2014, 8:13 AM EDT. .. I am aware that these issues have been already addressed in Western media. For example, as the Financial Times estimated several years ago Putin and his family had amassed a fortune of more than $130 billion. The estimate has only increased. .. But this time it should be a massive and much more detailed public publicity campaign producing information on transactions, amounts bank accounts, offshore heavens, etc. Ideally, that public campaign initiated by press should prompt western states to freeze and block any bank account, any asset that might be directly or indirectly controlled by Putin and his regime IRRESPECTIVE of whether Russia would eventually invade into Ukraine in the nearest future.

2015.04.11. http://observador.pt/opiniao/o-que-difere-o-comunismo-do-nazismo/ José Milhazes. O que difere o comunismo do nazismo? 11/4/2015, 20:36. A Rada Suprema (Parlamento) da Ucrânia decidiu equiparar o comunismo e o nazismo, proibindo no seu território a utilização de símbolos desses dois maiores regimes autoritários do séc. XX. Além disso, os parlamentares ucranianos decidiram reabilitar todas as organizações que combateram contra a “ocupação soviética da Ucrânia” entre 1917 e 1991 e abrir todos os arquivos do KGB (polícia política soviética). .. .. A actual Rússia reage sempre muito mal à decisão de equiparar o comunismo ao nazismo, apoiando-se na sentença do Tribunal de Nuremberga que condenou à morte os dirigentes máximos do nazismo alemão e proibiu a propaganda fascista. Porém, o Kremlin faz de conta não notar que as autoridades soviéticas apresentaram dados falsos aos juízes para se ilibar dos crimes por elas cometidos. O caso mais gritante é a chacina de Katyn, onde foram fuzilados milhares de soldados e oficiais polacos. Estaline acusou Hitler do crime, mas hoje sabemos que ele foi cometido às ordens do ditador soviético. ..





Aggression, Barbarian, Bolshevism, Corruption, Fascism, KGB, Propaganda, Religion, Russia, Russism, Slavery, Soviet veteran, Terror, Utopia