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[[Anti-Putin coalition]] is international union of countries joined to resist against the [[Putin world war]].
[[Anti-Putin coalition]] ([[Антипутинская коалиция]]) is international union of countries joined to resist against the [[Putin world war]].
[[Anti-Putin coalition]] is formed since 2022 February, when the [[Russian invasion into Ukraine]] converts from the [[hybrid war]] to the full-scale explicit aggression.
[[Anti-Putin coalition]] is formed since 2022 February, when the [[Russian invasion into Ukraine]] converts from the [[hybrid war]] to the full-scale explicit aggression.

Revision as of 11:13, 12 May 2022

Anti-Putin coalition (Антипутинская коалиция) is international union of countries joined to resist against the Putin world war.

Anti-Putin coalition is formed since 2022 February, when the Russian invasion into Ukraine converts from the hybrid war to the full-scale explicit aggression. Since that, the leaders of civilized countries cannot pretend, that they do not know, that Putin is agent of KGB and war crime. In such a way, they are forced to do something serious against Putin - something that correspond to ideas of mutual security of civilized countries, ideas of Democracy.

Term Anti-Putin coalition is coined in analogy with the Anti-Hitler coalition (the USA and the UK) created in year 1939 to resist against aggression of the Nazi Germany and Soviet USSR.


Term Anti-Putin coalition is coined in analogy with the Anti-Hitler coalition created in 1939 to resist the military aggression of the Hitler's Germany and Stalin's USSR joined with the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact. That pact described details of the Soviet and German aggression against the European countries.

Since the quarrel between Stalin and Hitler (1941.06.22), the USSR converted from enemy of the Anti-Hitler coalition to its alias, and even got huge help from the USA. That help prevented the defeat of the Red army (Stalin's troops) by the Wehrmacht (Hitler's troops) that had been better organized, better motivated and had better weapon. The conversion of Stalin from the Soviet Gensek (independent monarch) to Hitler's Gauleiter could enforce the Hitler's empery and make its defeat more difficult for the USA and the UK.


In Sovetism, the USSR is also mentioned as member of the Anti-Hitler coalition, and even the main member [2]. In the similar way, the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact does not exist in Sovietism. However the "admittance" of that historic document by the Russian fascists is used to make trump for the foreign leaders who believe words of the KGB agents, see Katyn-2.

Sovetism is completely wrong; for any werious analysis, its statement shold be inverted. The "incersion" show, that the role of the Red army in defeat of nazt Germany is minimal: in a battle, some "average" German soldiers values as a ten of "average" Soviet soldiers (even if the soviet soldiers are equipped with the modern American weapon). The human losses of the USSR greately еxceeded whose of other contries, indicating, that the Soviet soldiers were used as a «cannon fodder» («пушечное мясо», see also «Бабы ещё нарожают»).

Who won the World War II?

In the similar way, sovetism does not recognise many evidences, clearly observed without any historic textbooks:

1. The USSR begins the World War II and ends it as agressor and occuper (see Агрессор и оккупант, in Russian).

2. The Soviet regime is more bloody, more destructive than the Nazi one.

3. People of the USSR (including Russia) has lost the World War II (see Россия проиграла Вторую Мировую войну, in Russian).

The inversion of postulates of Sovetism leads to a self-consistent concept; in particular, this applies to interpretations of terms «World War II», «Hitler coalition and «Anti-Hitler coalition».

History and Participants

Budapest Me.jpg

As Hitler, Putin tries to conquest many countries one-by-one.

Putin bribes the adminitration of foreign countries with low prices on the prime products; this delays the response on his aggressions.

The Anti-Putin coalition happened to be created long after the beginning of the Putin world war.

The Chechen wars were considered as some kind of internal conflict of Russia and did not attract any serious attention of the world-wide society.

The Russian invasion into Georgia (since 2008.08.08) caused some worries, but the Putin's propaganda succeeded to make an impression, that that conflict has some ethnical reasons, and, in this sense, is not pure aggression with goal to plunder more territory for the expropriation of property from the population.
The international worries prevented Putin from annexation and extermination of Georgia, but some people in civilized countries had some hopes that Putin will stop with occupation of Abkhazia and South Ossetia. In the similar way, in 1938, Neville Chamberlain hoped, that Afoul Hitler can stop with Anschluss of Austria and seising of the Sudetenland from Czechoslovakia: also, it was believed, that the root of the problem is ethnicity of population of Austria and the Sudetenland (not hist a plan of the tyrants to seise all countries one by one).

The Russian invasion into Ukraine and Annexation of Crimea caused serious worries and deep concerts, even some sanctions. It was explicit violation of the international laws, in particular, the

In addition, the Russian invasion into Ukraine broke conditions of the Budapest memorandum. By that memorandum, the USA and the UK were guarantees of security of borders of Ukraine; in such a way, the USA, the UK and, of course Ukraine automatically become member of the Anti-Putin coalition. The doubt expired since the putins's propaganda have shown, that the USA and the UK may happen to be next victims, upon the victory over Ukraine.


Since 2022.02.24, the genocide performed by the Russian troops in Ukraine becomes evident: the bombed cities, the Russian pilotes targeting hospitals and schools, cadavers of civilians murdered by aggressors at Borodyanka, Bucha, Irpin and other towns that had been under the Russian occupation, etc.

These evidences made difficult for the Western leaders to pretend, that they do not know, that putin is agent of KGB, war crime and terrorist. Inder the pressure of the people, the leaders of the civilized countries are forced to form the Anti-Putin coalition.

Goals of Putin

It is recognized, that putin fights not only against Ichkeria, and not only against Georgia, and not only against Moldova, and not only against Ukraine, but against all the Human civilization, with goal to concert all countries, including Russia, into "radioactive ache". Apparently, putin hopes to save himself in his personal heaven in his personal bunker (see «мы попадём в рай а они сдохнут», in Russian).


The first version of this section is copy pasted from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-Putin_Coalition as the Russian fascists try to delete it.

The future versions are expected to differ from the original.

Template:Article for deletion/dated The Anti-Putin coalition is a military-political union of states that support Ukraine during the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022.


On February 24, 2022, the Russian declared war on Ukraine. In the same day, the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy held talks with Western leaders and began forming an Anti-Putin coalition. The first members of the coalition were the United States, the United Kingdom, the European Council, Poland, and Lithuania. The President of Ukraine called on world leaders to use all possible sanctions against Russian President Vladimir Putin, to launch large-scale defense support and to close the airspace over Ukraine to the aggressor. [3]

On March 2, 2022, the UN General Assembly supported a resolution on aggression against Ukraine and called on the Russian to withdraw its troops. 141 United Nations member states voted for the resolution. [4] The President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy stated that the results of the vote indicate the creation of the Anti-Putin coalition and the fact that it has already begun to operate.[5]


European Union
Sweden — for the first time since 1939 provided military assistance [6]
Finland — for the first time in its history provided weapons[6]

See also


Ap941.jpg BackInTheUSSR.png HowBetter.jpg 2015MaloKryma.jpg 16343126695 8eef031627.jpg 2022bbcMariupol.jpg School in Bilohorivka after Russian shelling, 2022-05-08 (01) cropped.jpg FNFSA0WWQAM0TJC.jpg KolbasaGulag2.jpg BorderL.png 05072stopPutlerShadosFragment.jpg BloodyMadam1.jpg 29.3-960x460.jpg PutinBombsFlorida.jpg 107253 original.jpg Elkin151608.png SmA0945 0.jpg JavelinFromUSAforUkraine.jpg FominVruchi07.jpg 1424505854 xr2sfab.jpg Gaaga3tribu.jpg 2022.03.09.razvedchiki2.jpg

Mechanisms of history



  1. https://www.dw.com/en/opinion-putin-wants-belarus-in-moscows-orbit-with-or-without-lukashenko/a-54631980 Date 20.08.2020 Author Konstantin Eggert Opinion: Putin wants Belarus in Moscow's orbit — with or without Lukashenko // Russian President Vladimir Putin may not send tanks to Belarus. But he will strive to bail out its embattled leader Alexander Lukashenko — on Moscow's terms, writes Konstantin Eggert.
  2. https://www.krugosvet.ru/enc/istoriya/ANTIGITLEROVSKAYA_KOALITSIYA.html Энциклопедия Кругосвет// Универсальная научно-популярная энциклопедия .. АНТИГИТЛЕРОВСКАЯ КОАЛИЦИЯ, военно-политический союз во главе с СССР, США и Великобританией против стран «оси» (Германия, Италия, Япония) в период Второй мировой войны.
  3. https://www.radiosvoboda.org/a/news-zelensky-antyputinska-koalitsia/31720008.html Зеленський: поговорив із західними лідерами, починаємо створення антипутінської коаліції Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, 2022-03-02
  4. https://www.unian.ua/world/genasambleya-oon-pidtrimala-rezolyuciyu-shchodo-agresiji-proti-ukrajini-rf-zaklikali-pripiniti-boji-novini-svitu-11726257.html Генасамблея ООН підтримала резолюцію щодо агресії проти України: РФ закликали припинити бої 2022-03-02
  5. https://www.unian.ua/politics/zelenskiy-pro-rezolyuciyu-oon-globalna-antiputinska-koaliciya-sformovana-i-diye-novini-ukrajina-11726476.html Зеленський про резолюцію ООН: глобальна антипутінська коаліція сформована і діє. 2022-03-02
  6. 6.0 6.1 https://portal.lviv.ua/news/2022/03/01/mizhnarodna-antyputinska-koalitsiia-diie-shcho-svit-uzhe-zrobyv-dlia-pidtrymky-ukrainy «Міжнародна антипутінська коаліція діє»: що світ уже зробив для підтримки України

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-Putin_Coalition The Anti-Putin coalition is a military-political union of states that support Ukraine during the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allies_of_World_War_II The Allies, later known formally as the United Nations, were an international military coalition formed during the Second World War (1939–1945) to oppose the Axis powers, led by Nazi Germany, Imperial Japan, and Fascist Italy. Its principal members by 1941 were the United Kingdom, United States, Soviet Union, and China.// Membership in the Allies varied during the course of the war. When the conflict broke out on 1 September 1939, the Allied coalition consisted of the United Kingdom, France, and Poland, as well as their respective dependencies, such as British India. They were soon joined by the independent dominions of the British Commonwealth: Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. Consequently, the initial alliance largely resembled that of the First World War.

https://uk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Антипутінська_коаліція Антипутінська коаліція — воєнно-політичне об'єднання держав, які під час російського вторгнення в Україну 2022 року підтримують Україну.

2022.02.25. https://www.wsj.com/livecoverage/russia-ukraine-latest-news/card/ukrainian-ambassador-calls-for-anti-putin-coalition--UxgBaqNiELucw9QkBUu9 Ukrainian Ambassador Calls for ‘Anti-Putin coalition’ By Courtney McBride// Ukrainian Ambassador Oksana Markarova urged Russia's disconnection from the SWIFT banking network.mandel ngan/Agence France-Presse/Getty Images // Ukraine’s ambassador in Washington called for nations to unify in a global “Anti-Putin coalition,” arguing only such a united front could halt the attack on her country and prevent future aggression against other sovereign nations.// Oksana Markarova also called for a “devastating” package of new sanctions, including the disconnection of Russia from the SWIFT banking network.// She said Ukraine needed defensive military aid and humanitarian assistance and would welcome “any support we can get” from international peacekeeping forces.

2022.03.16. https://www.ft.com/content/902132a0-e4fd-4776-bdbe-ce6d0590ce2f The anti-Putin geopolitical alliance will struggle to broaden its reach// Sanctions and arms supplies to counter Russia’s invasion are one thing, but running the world economy is quite another// The war and the developed world’s actions have highlighted the flaws in existing institutions such as the World Trade Organization © Denis Balibouse/Reuters Alan Beattie March 16 2022

2022.03.16. https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/defence/russian-military-operations-ukraine-president-volodymyr-zelensky-creating-anti-putin-coalition/articleshow/89808075.cms?from=mdr Russian military operations: Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky creating Anti-Putin coalition "We are creating an Anti-Putin coalition. I spoke with@vonderleyen, @EmmanuelMacron, @karlnehammer and @RTErdogan about concrete sanctions and concrete assistance for our military. We are waiting for decisive action," tweeted Zelensky. ..