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Plutocracy (Плутократия) is kind of political organization of society based on power of bloody (plut, blood [1]) pirates, fraudsters, who made huge money, treasures on their crimes, and, since that, try to provide in their country some stability, even some king of prudence, that justify their property, avoiding protests and revolution.

In addition, the Plutocracy is based also on fraud: having no internal interest in learning of needs of the society, the pluts pretend to carry about the prosperity, while, in the best case, they generate senseless laws (like Закон о трудовых коллективах in the USSR), that may act as a placebo, fiction, giving to the adepts some pleasure in believe, that the things are going to the better, like the approaching communism in the first meaning of this term, postulated in Sovetism.


The root "plut" may have several independent origins.

Term plut may refer to English word "blood" [1], indicating something related to bloody robbers.
In this interpretation, plutocracy appears as construction of a society based on blood, terror, murder, genocide.

Plutocracy or Plutarchy may refer to Greek word πλοῦτος, ploutos, that mean people of great wealth and/or huge income [2].
Its meaning is close to the previous ones, as the oligarch, having administrative power (administrative resource, административный ресурс), uses it to promote his business and to suppress the competitors, to escape taxation, to suppress the criminal case against himself, to get exclusive access to the primary, natural resources of the country. This gives to oligarch more income and even more power to adjust the federal laws of the country for own needs.

Plutocracy may refer to the Russian word Плут, that mean a fraudster, someone who is skillful in misinformation, propaganda and use this misinformation as source of profit and as instrument for the money laundering.
This meaning also is close to that mentioned above.


There are many other terms, other isms with meaning, similar to that of Plutocracy.

In the case, when the top rulers, pluts, achieve the support of many citizen in their country, the plutocracy appears as fascism. In this case, the ideas, that provide the power of pluts and their leader (fuhrer, genek, duche) become a new kind of religion. Since that, no any proof of efficiency of the plutocracy (fascism) is required, and no doubt in the postulates of their ideology is allowed.

It may happen, that the most of citizen understand the criminal character of plutocracy, but support it for egoistic, economical reason. Then, the plutocracy is qualified as Cleptocracy, power of crooks and thieves.
Cleptocracy is qualified with common understanding, that the top rulers are crimes, and silent support of such a state stricture.

The Plutocracy may imply the superior power of some leader, monarch, (Вертикаль власти), that replace, substitute the state institutes, eliminates the principle of separation of power. Such a plutochacy is denoted as dictatorship, autoritarism, autocracy (самодержавие).
In this case, if the Plutocracy exists de-facto, in contradiction with the official laws of the country, the establishment is qualified as usurpation.
If the Plutocracy justifies itself at the level of the Federal Law, de-jure eliminates the separation of powers and provides the life-time top position of the current fuhrer, it can be qualified as despotia, Tyranny; especially if the fuhrer spend significant part of the state budget for his own need (for his personal security, guadria, for bribing the official and the election fraud.


Here are examples by [2]

Within 40 years, California had created a new plutocracy of Eloi, whose wealth exempted them from all worries about the mundane problems of the distant and despised Morlock others.
— Victor Davis Hanson, Arkansas Online, 13 Sep. 2021

In recent decades, as the stock market has soared, the vast fortunes amassed by some members of the plutocracy have largely escaped taxation.
John Cassidy, The New Yorker, 8 June 2021

Historic context

The fast development of plutocracy, concentration of power, dictatorship of nouveauriches, that de-facto become owners of a country, an emery, lead the empery to the collapse. The historical examples show, that, since they de-jure elimination of the separation of powers, establish the live-time ruling of the usurper at the level of Federal Law, the empery collapses within approximately 16 years. These examples are discussed in article Kestus.

The conversion of plutocracy to democracy (either in evolution, or with revolution) or the decay or plutocracy seems to be natural process of development of the Human civilization. Over-vice, the existence of democratic countries would not be possible.
Analysis of mechanisms, that provide instability of plutocracy, may be signet for the scientific research.


The goal of this article is to establish the set of meanings for each of terms, that appear in publications of century 21.

The meanings and interpretations are based of the usually and self-consistency of concepts, suggested in the literature.

Such an arrangement is performed with scientific goals. Change of the political system in some country (revolution or evolution) does not belong to the set of these goals.
Construction of self-consistent system of definitions should not be interpreted as an appeal to boost the collapse of any empire, for as an attempt to prolong its agony.

Some individuals may consider some terms (or their description) as offensive. Some authors often use terms Olivarh, Usurper, Fuhrer, Duche, Gensek, Fascist, Bolshevik, Barbarian as synonyms of a "bad guy". Such use of terms is not efficient in the scientific research. The offense is not goal of TORI. The Editor tries to make definitions more consistent, without to cary about its so-called "political correctness".
The readers are cordially invited to send the Editor their suggestions about corrections of descriptions of some terms, some phenomena, or suggestions for renaming of some phenomenon, some event, in order to use more adequate, less concussive and/or shorter term.


  1. 1.0 1.1 .. Etymology // From Proto-Germanic *blōþą. Akin to English blood, German Blut, Dutch bloed, Swedish blod.
  2. 2.0 2.1 plutocracy noun plu·​toc·​ra·​cy | \ plü-ˈtä-krə-sē \ plural plutocracies Definition of plutocracy 1 : government by the wealthy 2 : a controlling class of the wealthy .. Ploutos was Greek for "wealth", and Plouton, or Pluto, was one of the names used for the Greek god of the underworld, where all the earth's mineral wealth was stored. So a plutocracy governs or wields power through its money. The economic growth in the U.S. in the late 19th century produced a group of enormously wealthy plutocrats. Huge companies like John D. Rockefeller's Standard Oil gained serious political power, and Rockefeller was able to influence lawmakers in states where his businesses operated. For this reason, it was said in 1905 that Ohio and New Jersey were plutocracies, not democracies. Examples of plutocracy in a Sentence If only the wealthy can afford to run for public office, are we more a plutocracy than a democracy? corporate greed and America's growing plutocracy Recent Examples on the Web Within 40 years, California had created a new plutocracy of Eloi, whose wealth exempted them from all worries about the mundane problems of the distant and despised Morlock others. — Victor Davis Hanson, Arkansas Online, 13 Sep. 2021 In recent decades, as the stock market has soared, the vast fortunes amassed by some members of the plutocracy have largely escaped taxation. — John Cassidy, The New Yorker, 8 June 2021 A plutocracy (Greek: πλοῦτος, ploutos, 'wealth' and κράτος, kratos, 'power') or plutarchy is a society that is ruled or controlled by people of great wealth or income. The first known use of the term in English dates from 1631.[1] Unlike most political systems, plutocracy is not rooted in any established political philosophy.