Transfer of hostilities to aggressor territory

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USA planes, 1945.02.06 [1]
Cadavers at Dresden, 1945 [2]

Russian airbases hit 2022.12.05 [3]          

Russian airbases hit 2023.08.30 [4]
2024.04.20, forecast for y. 2024 [5]

Transfer of hostilities to aggressor territory («the transfer of hostilities to the territory of the aggressor's country», Перенос боевых действий на территорию страны агрессора) is concept of international relations, interaction between countries, characterized in that, that, in the case of the aggressive war of one country (country–aggressor) against another country (country-victim of the aggression) at the territory of the country-victim, the country-victim has right to perform military actions against the military objects at the territory of the country-aggressor.

Concept of «Transfer of hostilities to aggressor territory» appears in the «full scale» during the World War II, century 20. At the beginning, many Germans believe that the war will be at the territory of France, at the territory of the UK, even at the USA, but never returns to territory of Germany. That believe happened to be just wrong.

Concept «Transfer of hostilities to aggressor territory» is important for interpretation of events of the Putin world war especially since the Russian invasion into Ukraine (2014.02.20) and, especually, since the beginning of the full-scale Russia-Ukraine war (2022.02.24).

The Russian official and propagandists do not recognize the reciprocal action as transfer of hostilities to aggressor territory.
If Moscovia bomb and destroy cities of neighbor country, this is called a «Special operation», «спецоперация»; but if the victim of the aggression reply in a similar way, destroy the strategic objects of the aggressor, then, according to the Russian propaganda, this is «a terroristic act».

The explicit definition of term transfer of hostilities to aggressor territory is important for interpretation of historical events.


There are difficult questions about limits of the response at the Transfer of hostilities to aggressor territory:

Which weapon is considered as prudent against the country-aggressor?

Are the partisan war, the rail war, total war appropriate responses?

Should the country-victim legalize the individual terror against the offees who promote the aggressive war and/or get dividends from the aggressive war?

Can the trade partners of the country-aggressors be qualified as the crime accomplice and be treated in a similar way, as the country-aggressor?

In century 21, the Russian propagandists sometimes guess the affirmative answer to these questions: all the helpers of the putin's regime («пособник путинского режима») will be brought to the international court, «Hague» [6][7].
Such a recognition can be considered as antonym to transliteration «A nas to za chto».

In TORI, in the first approximation, for construction of historic models, the simple approach is used: the country-victim can use any way to resist the aggression.
Example: the Budapest memorandum does not put any restriction on methods that can be used an should be used against the country that has signet that memorandum but brutally violate its conditions; in this sense, any weapon can be used waist the aggressor.
In order to reveal the limits of applicability of such an approach, in utopia Tartaria, the Federal Law does not use concept of Limits of Necessary Defense; according to the Law, in principle, the victim of robbery may use even a nuclear weapon against the bandit - assuming that the victim has such a weapon and the police (which is supposed to do the job with more civilized methods) fail to defend the victim.

False flag

Interpretation of a military action as a Transfer of hostilities to aggressor territory require certain analysis.
In particular, such an anaylis should reveal the false flag operations. The TORI axioms are supposed to be used in the analysis.

A false flag operation is an act committed with the intent of disguising the actual source of responsibility and pinning blame on another party [8].

Typical example of the false flag operation is the Mainila incident (Майнильский инцидент) [9]. Since 1939, the Soviet fascists follow the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact. That pact is agreement between Stalin and Hitler about aggression against the European countries. That agreement determines, which countries should become victims of the Soviet fascists, and which countries should be invaded by their German colleagues. The Finland happened to be in spheres of interest of the governments of the USSR; in such a way, Soviet aggression against Finland was predetermined.
In order to form the pretext for the full-scale Soviet invasion into Finland, the Soviet cannons shouted on the Soviet territory near village Mainila; the Soviet propaganda blamed that fire on Finland. The Soviet fascists claimed, that the Soviet aggression into Finland is a transfer of hostilities to aggressor territory.
According to Sovietism the goal of the Finnish troop was to frighten the Soviet soldiers, to force them to run away, to seize the Leningrad region, then Moscow, push the Red Army South end East, across Ural and Siberia, and drop the rest of the Red Army to the Bering channel, converting the USSR to the colony of Finland.
Such an explanation is absurd; to see it, is is sufficienet to look at the map of the USSR and to find Finland near it. However, the Soviet citizen, who had expressed their opinion about this absurd, had been murdered by the agents of KGB. The teachers were forced to misinform the students about origin of the World War II.
Such a misinformation, propaganda and terror formed the new specie of a human, Sovkopitek, with atrophy of ability to use of logic in the deduction, see Female logics. During the USSR, bolsheviks kill the most of the honest citizen, some hundred million people (see Большевики убили почти всех). The survivors (sovkopiteks) behave as wild aggressive animals; they cannot perform even a simple logical deduction. Volodimir Zolkin provides examples of conversation with sovkopiteks (parents of the Russian fascists, sho had performed the Russian invasion into Ukraine and had been captured by Ukrainians) [10]. Sovkopiteks promote the Russian propaganda; the Russia-Ukraine war is interpreted as Transfer of hostilities to aggressor territory. The sovkopiteks reject any attempts to reveal, which Ukrainian action against Russia plays role of the primary hostility (that could be "transferred" to territory of Ukraine), perfectly following the style described in article «Female logic».

I bombed Dresden

The classical example of Transfer of hostilities to aggressor territory refers to the World War II.

Many Germans believed that the war be at France, then at the UK, but no one British bomb fall on the Ruhr area [11][12].

That belief happened to be just wrong.

Solonin Mark Semenovich (Солонин Марк Семёнович) has reconstructed the chronology of those events [13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21].

Russia-Ukraine war

Since 2022.02.24, the Russian invasion into Ukraine is converted from the hybrid war to the full-scale «special military operation» («Спецоперация»), the total war against the Ukraine, with genocide of Ukrainian. In TORI, this part of the Russian invasion into Ukraine is denoted with term Russia-Ukraine war. It is important element of more wide phenomenon, Putin world war, war of putin's Russia against the Human civilization.

Since year 2014 to year 2022, the battles between Russia and Ukraine take place at the territory of Ukraine, although the Russian fascists use territory of Russia and territory of Belarus for gun firing territory of Ukraine, and the Russian bombers are based on both Russian and Belarusian territory, while perform bombing of the Ukrainian cities.

On the base of the historical analysis, it would be interesting to guess, how long the Russia-Ukraine war will be performed at the territory of Ukraine, but not at the territory of Russia.

Since year 2023, several accidents at Russia, in vicinity of Belgorod, are attributed to action of Ukrainian military forces.

Many so-called bavovnas (бавовна) are reported at territory of Russia; especially at the arsenals, fuel storage, military industry and military stabs; including the capital of the putin's Russia, Moscow.

The bavovnas can be interpreted as result of activity of the Anti-Putin coalition, although representatives of the Anti-Putin coalition are unlikely to confirm their involvement before to complete the defeating of the Russian aggressors.

Other interpretations may consider the unsafe smoking [22], the sabotage from side of non-organized partisans, the concurrence and battles between Russian offee as possible causes of the bavovnas.

The Russian propagandists and other sovkopiteks show their total unability to perform any logical analysis.
They bomb and destroy the Ukrainian cities (see, for example, «Россия полностью уничтожила Мариуполь»), they consider as prudent bombing of Ukrainian electric plants and other infrastructure. But the symmetric bombing of military objects at territory of Russia (or even at the Ukrainian territory occupied by Russia) in Russian propaganda is qualified as a «terror».

A nas to za chto

The inability of most of Russians to abstract analysis is expressed with term «А нас то за что», that has no English equivalent. The closest semantic translations may be «Why do they dislike us» or «Why do they attack us», but these "translations" do not catch the essence of the phenomenon.

Perhaps, for at the adequate translation, the phonetic transliteration «A nas to za chto» should be used to avoid confusions.

This term, «A nas to za chto» may denote the specific property of the Russian mentality, the ability to justify any aggression, any hostility and inability to expect the reciprocal action, inability to recognize the symmetric response as the result of the aggression, as the prudent punishment of the aggressor. (And, unfortunately, often, also punishment of innocent people who just happen nearby, in a wrong place in a wrong time).

The Russian propagandists consider the projects to invade the NATO countries, even to use nuclear weapon to destroy the European cities. Then, they look to be very surprised with the idea, that the NATO countries also have the nuclear weapon, and this weapon may be activated in the NATO response: «A nas to za chto

The same style of mentality is denoted also with terms «Monkey with grenade» («A Monkey with a Grenade»)[23]Обезьяна с гранатой») or «Upper Volta with missiles» [24]Верхняя Вольта с ракетами»[25]).
The irrational hostilities of Moscovian soldiers, their inability to predict results of their aggression is mentioned by Russian writer Leo Tolstoy, see «Хаджи-Мурат#17». This style does not change at the change of the official name of Moscovia from «Moscovian Khanstvo» («Московское царство») to «Russian empire», then to «The USSR», and then to «The Russian Federation», «RF». Actually the last is neither Russian, nor federation, but the same barbarian Moscovia, the criminal and aggressive autocracy, «самодержавие».




  1. 74 years ago, Allied bombers obliterated one of Germany's most beautiful cities — here are 18 photos of the bombing of Dresden Christopher Woody. Feb. 15, 2019, 9:15 AM World War II was more than three years old when Winston Churchill, Franklin Roosevelt, and other Allied leaders met at Casablanca in January 1943, but the decisions made there would shape the rest of the war in Europe. .. B-17 Flying Fortresses bomb German communication lines at Chemnitz, near Dresden, on February 6, 1945. (AP Photo)
  2. Виталий Словецкий. Уничтожение Дрездена. Зачем это было сделано? 23 октября 2011 года 13:34. .. Число жертв ужасной бомбардировки, случившейся с 13 по 15 февраля 1945 года, составляет от 25 000 до 30 000 человек (многие источники заявляют о большем числе). Город был разрушен практически полностью. ..
  3. Ukraine war: Russian military airfields hit by explosions Published 5 December 2022 Russian air defences intercepted Ukrainian drones over two military airfields in Russia, hundreds of kilometres from the border between the two countries, Russia said on Monday. Falling debris from the unmanned vehicles lightly damaged two aircraft, a defence ministry statement said. Three Russian servicemen were killed and four injured in the incidents in the Ryazan and Saratov regions. ..
  4. Майкл Наки. Уничтожены российские самолеты и завод, снабжающий армию. ВСУ перешли к новому типу атак по РФ Aug 30, 2023 .. Не так давно на канале я задавался вопросом: а что будет, если полетят не два дрона, а десять? Ответ мы получили – будут уничтожены российские самолеты, а ПВО окажется просто беспомощной. В Пскове уничтожены самолеты десантников, а в Брянске нанесен удар по заводу, снабжающему российскую армию важными компонентами. В итоге предположение о том, что предыдущие атаки были разведкой, кажется мне всё более обоснованным. Но самое интересное впереди. Ведь остались вопросы: а что будет, если полетят 20 дронов? 50? 100? Технически это возможно осуществить. И я уверен, что это не последний раз, когда мы видим массированную атаку дронами по территории России
  5. Останні слова пілотів! Збитий Ту-22 був НЕ ОДИН! На місці падіння знайшли… Телеканал Прямий Apr 20, 2024
  6.—_vinovatyimi_budem_vse.html Скабеева запугивает россиян Гаагою: "Пособник путинского режима или мимо проходил — виноватыми будем все" 01 декабря 2022, 06:05 | Российская пропагандистка Ольга Скабеева пугает зрителей тем, что в случае поражения России в войне против Украины всем россиянам грозит Гаагский трибунал. Соответствующее заявление Скабеева сделала в эфире пропагандистского теле-шоу. "Если вдруг, не дай Бог, что-то произойдет и наша страна не сможет одержать победу, тогда надо исходить из того, что претензии будут предъявлены каждому без исключения. Безотносительно – на территории РФ он находится или за пределами. И те, кто за пределами, наверное, мгновенно будут арестованы. Пособник он путинского режима или мимо проходил – неважно, виноватыми будем все", – придумала пропагандистка.
  7. 29 ноября 2022, 19:24 Симоньян: «Если мы умудримся проиграть, Гаага условная или конкретная ждет даже дворника» Главный редактор телеканала RT Маргарита Симоньян в эфире у Владимира Соловьева рассказала, почему России нельзя проиграть в противостоянии с Украиной и в целом с Западом. // «Я хочу сказать, что, если мы умудримся проиграть, Гаага условная или конкретная ждет даже дворника, который брусчатку за кремлевской стеной подметает. Что нам от того, что еще один район Киева останется без света или не останется? Масштаб катастрофы для нашей страны, если мы умудримся это сделать, даже представить нельзя. Гааги бояться — в лес не ходить», — заявила Симоньян.
  8. A false flag operation is an act committed with the intent of disguising the actual source of responsibility and pinning blame on another party. // The term "false flag" originated in the 16th century as a purely figurative expression to mean "a deliberate misrepresentation of someone's affiliation or motives" ..
  9. The Shelling of Mainila (Finnish: Mainilan laukaukset, Swedish: Skotten i Mainila, Russian: Ма́йнильский инциде́нт, romanized: Máynil'skiy intsidént) was a military incident on 26 November 1939 in which the Soviet Union's Red Army shelled the Soviet village of Mainila (Russian: Ма́йнило, romanized: Máynilo) near Beloostrov. The Soviet Union declared that the fire originated from Finland across the nearby border and claimed to have had losses in personnel. Through that false flag operation, the Soviet Union gained a great propaganda boost and a casus belli for launching the Winter War four days later.[1][2]// Historians have now concluded that the shelling of Mainila was a fabrication carried out by the Soviet NKVD state security agency
  10. Volodymyr Zolkin. КОМАНДИР ПОЛКА БРОСИЛ 10 ОФИЦЕРОВ, командиров танковых взводов и роты|Своих НЕ бросаем?|#Ищисвоих// 2022.04.13. Официальный канал - Пленные офицеры: л-т Кислицын Максим Алексеевич 26.05.1998 г.Воронеж л-т Васькин Николай Евгеньевич 17.11.1997 г.Салаир л-т Черный Владимир Григорьевич 09.09.1998 г.Воркута ст.л-т Расходчиков Дмитрий Русланович 03.08.1995 Хабаровск ст.л-т Расулов Омар Магомедрасулович 26.11.1994 г.Махачкала ст.л-т Войкин Ярослав Владимирович 01.09.1989 г. Текли Махачкала ст.л-т Жунусов Нургали Аронович 02.01.1996 г Омск к-н Карпенко Александр Николаевич 12.03.1987 г Воронеж к-н Рафиков Ринат Абдулбариевич 11.06.1989 Казань к-н Пичугин Василий Васильевич 11.07.1989 г.Абай (Казахстан) Армия РФ в Украине. Пленные, раненные солдаты и офицеры ВС РФ. Показывают, что в Украине пленных стреляют. Грузин десантника в плен взял и демонстративно стрелял в голову. На полковника Лапина слоган “своих не бросаем” не сработал. Почему воюет Украина, понятно! Она защищает свою страну и свои семьи и земли, а вот почему мы сюда пришли воевать и умирать, мы не можем понять. Мы не освободители, мы захватчики! .. - - - - .. вч 39135 .. вч 45863 .. вч 58198 .. Калининец ..
  11. Hermann Göring (1893-1946) deutscher Politiker (NSDAP) Zitate mit Quellenangabe .. "Persönlich habe ich mich an vielen Stellen von den für das Ruhrgebiet getroffenen Maßnahme[n] gegen Luftangriffe überzeugt. Ich werde mich künftig um jede einzelne dort noch vielleicht einzusetzende Batterie kümmern. Denn das Ruhrgebiet werden wir auch nicht einer einzigen Bombe feindlicher Flieger ausliefern." - Presseunterredung am 9. August 1939, in: Das Archiv, Nachschlagewerk für Politik, Wirtschaft, Kultur, Nr. 65 (August 1939), Berlin 1939, S. 624–625
  12. Die Luftangriffe auf das Ruhrgebiet, die von der britischen Royal Air Force und den US Army Air Forces im Luftkrieg im Zweiten Weltkrieg geflogen wurden, hatten das Ziel, durch verschiedene Bomberoffensiven mit unterschiedlichen Strategien die Produktion und den Transport kriegswichtiger Güter in und aus dem Ruhrgebiet, der „Waffenschmiede des Reiches“, zu behindern. Darüber hinaus richteten sich die Angriffe gegen die Moral der Zivilbevölkerung in diesem Ballungszentrum. .. Politische Situation Nach dem deutschen Überfall auf Polen am 1. September 1939 erklärten Frankreich und das Vereinigte Königreich am 3. September Deutschland den Krieg. In dieser Nacht konnte die deutsche Flugabwehr nicht verhindern, dass 19 zweimotorige Armstrong-Whitworth-Whitley-Bomber Flugblätter abwarfen und militärische Aufklärung betrieben. Über dem Rheinland und dem Ruhrgebiet wurden Millionen von Flugblättern mit dem Titel Warnung – Großbritannien an das deutsche Volk abgeworfen. Im Vorfeld hatte der Reichsminister der Luftfahrt Hermann Göring noch am 9. August 1939 in Essen versprochen, dass das Ruhrgebiet „nicht einer einzigen Bombe feindlicher Flieger ausgeliefert“ und er sich persönlich um jede zusätzliche Flakbatterie kümmern würde, die im Ruhrgebiet zum Einsatz kommen sollte. .. Eine weitere Bemerkung Görings aus einer Rundfunkrede vom 9. August 1939 lautete, so oder ähnlich: „Wenn auch nur ein englischer Bomber die Ruhr erreicht, will ich nicht mehr Hermann Göring, sondern Hermann Meier heißen“, zitiert unter anderem in: Christian Zentner, Friedemann Bedürftig: Das Große Lexikon des Dritten Reiches. Südwest Verlag, München 1985, ISBN 3-517-00834-6, S. 379 (Stichwort: Meier).
  13. Победа в Долине Слез. Война Судного Дня. Часть 6 Mark Solonin Mar 6, 2023
  14. Четыре бомбы, изменившие ход войны. Техникум Марка Солонина Mark Solonin. Jul 22, 2023
  15. Четыре бомбы, изменившие ход войны. Часть 2. Техникум Марка Солонина Mark Solonin Jul 23, 2023
  16. Состоявшийся Армагеддон. Война в воздухе. Первый Фронт. Mark Solonin. Nov 20, 2023.
  17. "Все города Германии не стоят жизни одного британского солдата" Война в воздухе.Часть 2 Mark Solonin Nov 22, 2023
  18. Гибель Содома. Война в воздухе. Часть 3 Mark Solonin Nov 27, 2023
  19. "Летающая крепость" над Европой. Война в воздухе. Часть 4 Mark Solonin Dec 3, 2023
  20. Мустанги над Берлином. Крах люфтваффе. Война в воздухе. Часть 5 Mark Solonin Dec 8, 2023
  21. Бомбардировку Дрездена заказала Москва. Война в воздухе. Послесловие Mark Solonin Dec 9, 2023
  22. Хватит курить где попало. Курите там, где ещё не попало!
  23. Artem Romaniukov. ‘A Monkey with a Grenade’: Russia's Attacks on Nuclear Reactors Cross a Dangerous Line. March 14, 2022
  24. You’re still Upper Volta with rockets, Mr Putin. Sunday June 30 2019, 12.01am, The Sunday Times.
  25.Верхняя_Вольта_с_ракетами Верхняя Вольта с ракетами — крылатое выражение, использовавшееся в отношении СССР. Означает сочетание низкого жизненного уровня населения и мощного современного вооружения. Conducting hostilities // Although the Hague Conventions, concerning the conduct of hostilities, apply to the states that are party to them in the event of war, the various Geneva Conventions of 1949 (and the 1977 Protocols to them) come into operation where there is an armed conflict between two or more contracting parties even if a state of war is not recognized by one (or both) of them. They also apply to the occupation of another state’s territory even if the occupation meets with no armed resistance. Since much of the Hague Conventions reflect customary international law, it can be assumed that these laws of war (or the jus in bello) also apply whether or not any declarations of war exist. In considering the legal conduct of a conflict, the laws of war take no account of its causes. This means that the combatants of the aggressor nation are owed the same rights as those of the attacked state. // The controls placed on the actual methods and means of war are to a large extent based on the Hague Conventions, but there are also a number of important provisions in the first Protocol of 1977, the 1954 Hague Convention on cultural property, and the 1981 Conventional Weapons Convention. .. On 25 February 2022, the Russian air base in Millerovo, Rostov Oblast, Russia, was attacked by Ukrainian forces during the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine. According to some Ukrainian officials, Ukrainian military forces attacked the Millerovo air base with OTR-21 Tochka missiles, destroying Russian Air Force planes and setting the airbase on fire.[4][5] ..

2022.02.25. Ukrainian missile strike destroyed Russian Sukhoi Su-30SM at Millerovo airbase. February 25, 2022

2022.12.05. Pjotr Sauer. Details of the two Russian military airbases hit by explosions, The Engels-2 and Dyagilevo airbases house aircraft believed responsible for attacking Ukrainian infrastructure ..

2023.07.24. Andrés R. Martínez, Haley Willis and Tiffany May. Russia Destroys Drones Targeting Moscow, and Blames Ukraine. Two buildings were hit but there were no reports of casualties. Video verified by The New York Times shows smoke and damage to several buildings. Published July 23, 2023 Updated July 24, 2023, 4:44 p.m. ET

2024.04.27. Warehouse of aerial bomb control modules attacked in Russia's Krasnodar region: Media RUSSIA, SAT, APRIL 27, 2024 - 13:24