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Revision as of 17:00, 1 March 2022


Russia-Ukraine war (Российско-Украинская война) is part of the Putin world war against the Human civilization.

Russia-Ukraine war is period of the full-scale military battle, part of wider event denoted with term Russian invasion into Ukraine.

Roughly, the Russia-Ukraine war begins 2022.02.25 with synchronized invasion of Russian and Belorussian troops from territory of Belarus, from territory of Russia and from territories of Ukraine, previously occupied by the Russian troops since year 2014 (date 2014.02.20 is specified in the award for Annexation of Crimea and is considered as beginning of the Russian invasion into Ukraine).

Wide hisotoric context

1000-1800, Barbarian Mongol empire gradually converts to the Moscovia and Russia.

1861, elimination of slavery in Russia. Beginning of its development.

1905, 1914: wars (see «Маленькая победоносная война»), that can be considered as cause of the crash of Russia.

1917, February: Collapse of the Russian Autocracy (Самодержавие); establishment of the Russian Republic.
1917, November: Collapse of the Russian Republic, return to the Autocracy and Slavery.

1918-1986, establishment of the Soviet fascism, seising of new colonies, World War II (see Агрессор и оккуопант); genocide of the Soviet nations (see Большевики убили почти всех).

1992, Collapse of USSR. Distribution of the Soviet properties among the top of Soviet veterans (Prihvatization,Прихватизация); criminal revolution: the murderers, terrorists become top offees.

2000, Agent KGB becomes president of Russia (see KGB in power and business, КГБ во власти и бизнесе); beginning of the state terror.

2008, beginning of the Putin world war: Russian invasion into Georgia. Beginning of demontage of the Russian state institutes, preparations for the usurpation. Beginning of the Hybrid war against the Human civilization.

2012, beginning of the Usurpation, testing of mechanisms for the election frauds.

2014, Russian invasion into Ukraine, Annexation of Crimea with methods of hybrid war by the Russian terrorists (ihtamnets).

2020, Nullification of Constitution (Обнуление): elimination of separation of power; the usurpation is completed. In statistical model Kestus, this nullification switches on the timer for the Collapse of RF in 16 years \(\pm\) 4 years.

2021, testing of new weapon, «migrant war». Russian occupation of Belarus with pretext of the military training. Concentration of the Russian troops along the borders of Ukraine from side of Belarus and Russia, and also at the Ukrainian territories, already occupied by the Russian troops and the proxies.

2022.02.25, beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion into Ukraine. In the Russian official propaganda, the Russia-Ukraine war os denoted with euphemism Military operation (Военная операция).

The Russian invasion into Ukraine and, especially, the Russia-Ukraine war is considered as important mechanism of degradation and Collapse of RF.
For year 2022, the following historical evolution of Central, North and East Eurasia is not yet documented.
However, in the Sci-Fi, the continuations of the chronology is observed:

2028, collapse of RF in utopia by Skrepetski Semen (Скрепецкий Семён, «Россия2028»)

2030-2040, collapse of RF in statistical model Kestus (Дурация).

2042, collapse of RF in utopia Moscow2042 (Москва2042) by Voinoivich Vladimir Nikolayevich

2050-2100, Bigpuf (war between Russian offees with use of all kinds of weapon) in utopia Tartaria

The authors of the sci-fi do not coordinate their forecasts; the wide variety of the predictions is observed (see also «Предсказания революций»).
It will be interesting to compare the predictions with observed events: which of them happen to be closest to the real history of Humankind?

Narrow historic context

At the Collapse of the USSR, roughly, in years 1990-1993, the Soviet colonial system blows-up; the soviet colonies become independent countries. The same happens with countries, that sere formally parts of the USSR:

  1. Armenia
  2. Azerbaijan
  3. Belarus
  4. Estonia
  5. Georgia
  6. Ichkeria
  7. Kazakhstan
  8. Kyrgyzstan
  9. Latvia
  10. Lithuania
  11. Moldova
  12. Russia
  13. Tajikistan
  14. Turkmenistan
  15. Ukraine
  16. Uzbekistan

These countries declare the independence.

During the Chechen wars (1996-2000), Ichkeria is converted to relatively independent Сhenchia, Pahanat of Кадыров Рамзан Ахматович, as part of Russia. One believes, there is some informal agreement between Russian and Chechen usurpers (Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich and Kadyrov Ramzan Ahmatovich). By this agreement, Chechnya plunders significant part of the Russian state budget (of order of 300 milliards rubles yearly); in addition, huge amount of rubles appear at Checnia in some magic way. For economical models, there is no difference, either some machine prints Russian banknotes at the basement of the Karyrov's castle, or Allah gives the money directly to the Kadyrov's family; see Деньги Чечне даёт Аллах.
In exchange for the huge foundation, Kadyrov declares Chechnia as part of Russia and shows enormous, absurdly exaggerated loyalty to the Russian usurper.
As result of the Second Chechen war, formally, the number of the ex-Soviet countries reduces from 16 to 15.

During wars between the ex-Soviet countries, the three countries gets totally independent from Russia: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania. These countries are denoted with term Baltic states. Soon, they become members of the European Union and NATO. This membership protect the Baltic states from aggression from side of the closest and the more fascistic states (Russia and Belarus).

Most of other ex-soviet "republics" are handled by the soviet veterans, fascists, terrorists, that were members of the KPSS and, perhaps agents of KGB (as Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich). They establish the feudal system of government. The Feudal fight each other, trying to extend the range of their feuds, where they have exclusive right to exploit the population. The strong efforts of the people are required to change the president; in other cases, the "president" modifies the laws, including the Constitution, to remain as top Fuhrer, Еlbasy, forever (see, for ex., Обнуление). Especially this applies to the countries of the Soviet Central Asia (Советская центральная Азия):

Only in few cases, and only the strong efforts of the people These "republics" fight each other. Each In order to extend the area


Russia is considered as initiator and main participant of the Russia-Ukraine war.

Belarus is considered as crime comply. Since year 2021, the Russian troops occupy Belarus. Since 2022 February, the Russian troops enter Ukraine through the border with Belarus. Also, Belarus is used to launch missiles to Ukraine. Apparently, while Belarus is occupied by the Russian troops, the Belorussian usurper Lukashenko Aleksandr Grigorievich could not prevent the Russian aggression into Ukraine through Belarus; the missiles were launched from Belarus against Ukraine without permission of Lukashenko. [1][2]


The full-scale Russia-Ukraine war happens to be more bloody than the all the previous episodes of the Russian invasion into Ukraine. Since 2022.02.25 to 2022.05.28, Some 352 Ukrainians, including 16 children are reported to have been killed, awhile more than 2000 were injured. [3]


The Russia-Ukraine war becomes possible due to the election fraud, usurpation of power at Russia by Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich. The Russian people know, that Putin is agent of KGB and hate Putin. The primitive estimate shows, that only of order of one percent of the Russian population vote for Putin and his party; other ballots counted in his favor are added by the corrupted election committees (see Election fraud).

Most of Russian people hate not only Putin, but also his party Edro, and the administration, the offees, officials, nominated by Putin, and their decisions. In particular, the Russians hate the Putin's decisions about Russian invasion into Ukraine and, especially, the decision to rice the full-scale war against Ukraine.

The Russians try to apologize for the barbarian, fascistic decision of Putin; in particular, that about the raising the Russia-Ukraine war [4].


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  1. https://www.belarus.kp.ru/online/news/4645507/ 27 февраля 2022 18:55 Лукашенко подтвердил, что с территории Беларуси запускались ракеты по позициям в Украине// Президент назвал это вынужденным шагом// Вера ЦВЕТКОВА// Белорусский президент назвал этот шаг вынужденным - по его словам, на украинской стороне в 10-15 километрах от белорусской границы разведка обнаружила несколько ракетных дивизионов. По словам Лукашенко, они готовились нанести удар по территории Беларуси, на которой находились российские военные. Напомним, часть российской группировки не покинула Беларусь после военных учений «Союзная решимость-2022». // - Я не давал им команды пускать ракеты. Я сказал: «Да, ребята, мы это видим». И вот тогда россияне по этим позициям выпустили две или три ракеты. После этого позиций не стало, - объяснил Лукашенко..
  2. https://sova.news/2022/02/27/251256/ Лукашенко признал, что с территории Беларуси в сторону Украины были выпущены ракеты. 2022.02.27.
  3. https://news.un.org/en/story/2022/02/1112912 General Assembly holds emergency special session on Ukraine Assembly President Abdulla Shahid addresses members of the General Assembly Emergency Special Session on Ukraine. UN Photo/Evan Schneider Assembly President Abdulla Shahid addresses members of the General Assembly Emergency Special Session on Ukraine. 28 February 2022// Peace and Security// As fighting escalates in Ukraine, UN Member States met on Monday for a rare emergency special session of the General Assembly to discuss the crisis.// Assembly President Abdulla Shahid underscored that the military offensive launched by Russia five days ago was a violation of the integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine. .. Ukraine's Ambassador, Sergiy Kyslytsya, remarked that for the first time since the UN was established, a full-fledged war was unfolding in the centre of Europe. Ambassador Sergiy Kyslytsya of Ukraine addresses the UN General Assembly Emergency Special Session on Ukraine.// Ambassador Sergiy Kyslytsya of Ukraine addresses the UN General Assembly Emergency Special Session on Ukraine. // Some 352 Ukrainians, including 16 children have been killed to date, he reported, while more than 2,000 were injured. // He said now is the time to help his country.
  4. https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20220227-russian-official-apologises-for-war-in-ukraine-at-un-climate-meet Russian official apologises for war in Ukraine at UN climate meet Issued on: 27/02/2022 - 14:46. The Russian head of delegation at a major UN climate conference apologised for his country's invasion of Ukraine on Sunday, which he said lacked justification, according to several sources who heard him speak at the virtual meeting.// The surprise intervention from Russia’s Oleg Anisimov at the closed-door meeting followed an electrifying live statement from his Ukranian counterpart, Svitlana Krakovska, who spoke passionately about her country's plight.// "Let me present an apology on behalf of all Russians not able to prevent this conflict," Anisimov said at the closing plenary of the virtual, 195-nation forum, according to three sources who heard him speak.// Delegates and observers to the sometimes fraught meetings, which had been scheduled to end Friday, were stunned by the back-to-back statements Sunday, according to half-a-dozen participants.// Those who see what is happening, he added speaking in Russian, "fail to find any justification for the attack on Ukraine".

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7r6hQF00bI Назревает бунт, солдаты РФ не хотят атаковать Одессу! Mar 1, 2022 ОПК Украины Военный журналист и волонтер Сергей Братчук сообщил, что Российские военные моряки не хотят атаковать Одессу.