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[[Category:Designate Russia as state sponsor of terrorism]]
[[Category:Designate Russia as state sponsor of terrorism]]

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50.53283,36.66278 : Razumny bridge
Map of railroads

Razumny bridge is railroad bridge across river Razumnaya
at the railroad Belgorod (Russia) - Vovchansk (Ukraine).

Coordinates: 50.53283,36.66278

There are three bridges at railroad Belgorod - Vovchansk:
Severski bridge
Razumny bridge
Nezhegol bridge
Among these 3 bridges, the Razumny bridge seems to be shortest.

Belgorod-Vovchansk railroad

Here is list of objects along the railroad from Belgorod to Vovchansk:

00 Белгород, железнодорожный вокзал: 50.5997,36.6141

02 Severski bridge: 50.60094,36.62112

04 О.п. Железнодорожник: 50.5954,36.6343

05 Крейда: 50.5804,36.6515

07 Платформа Витаминная

09 Платформа Пионерская

09 Razumny bridge: 50.5329, 36.66277

13 Разумное: 50.51951, 36.67937 (50.51733, 36.68128)

16 О.п. 16км

20 Топлинка

23 О.п. Приютова

26 О.п. Карьерная: 50.40387, 36.7986

31 О.п. 31 км: 50.4171, 36.9236

32 Нежегольский мост (Nizhegol bridge): 50.3883, 36.8311

34 Нежеголь 50.3722, 36.8524

39 ПК5 Ю-Вост Украинские ж.д. (border with Ukraine)

46 Vovchansk (Ukraine)

Historic importance

The Belgorod-Vovchansk railroad becomes important during the Russian invasion to Ukraine (2014-2022), first, during the hybrid war to deliver to Ukraine the ihtamnets, and then, since the full scale invasion (Russian special operation in Ukraine, Russia-Ukraine war), for delivery of heavy troops around Ukraine.

The Russian aggressors failed to seise Kharkiv; so, the main rauroad to Ukraine Belgorod-Kharkiv cannot be used by the inviters: the heavy technics is burned-out before it is unloaded from the railroad platforms. Then, the small railroad Belgorod-Vovchansk is used by the Russian fascists.

The Ukrainian stab decided not to perform military actions at territory of Russia, although Belgorod apparently is used by the aggressors.

The Russian aggression against Ukraine has no legal base, it is just an attempt to perform the genocide of the Ukrainian people and to seize the territory. The Russian Usurped cannot declare this goal explicitly; so, the false flag operations are used – in the similar way, as in y.1939, the Soviet Fascists organized the Mainila incident as the pretext to begin the Soviet invasion into Finland (Советское вторжение в Финляндию).

In such a way, the terroristic acts at Russia are expected to be organized by the Russian KGB in order to blame them on Ukraine and to justify the Russian aggression [1].

The agents of the Russian KGB seem to provide several false flag operations around Belgorod. One could expect, that the Belgorod-Vovchansk also become their victim. Indeed, the sabotage at the Severski bridge is reported, but the terrorists failed to provide explicit indication to the Ukrainian trace.

We may expect the Razumny bridge and/or the Nezhegol bridge to happen next victims of the sabotage; perhaps, next time, the terrorists will provide some ukrianian documents, "lost", "forgotten" at the crime place, or leave there some wreckage of a "Ukrainian missile", in order to raise the propagandistic hysteria, that Ukraine attack Russia, and, therefore, Russia has to declare war against Ukraine.

Potential victims

Since the Russian invasion into Ukraine needs some propagandistic pretext, many Russian objects are expected to become victims of the sabotate, in the similar way, as the Nezhegol bridge. The popular joke about Russian troops bombing Voronezh becomes reality.

Mechanisms of history

The extensive sabotage at the highly corrupted autocracy, dictatoship seems to be one go the most important mechanisms of history. The origin of this sabotage has deep roots. Here are examples:

The doctor, sho sucks money from his patients, maintaining the chronicle illness.

The car repair master, who intentionally provides some small and invisible damage, that should bring the customer back soon.

The corrupted police agent, who is in firer relationship with bandits, robbers, mirderers, who help him to catch the small burglars.

As the corruption develops, it reach the level of sabotage at the state scale:

The corrupted offees perform the invasion to another country, in order to provide the channel for narcodilelrs, declaring the cocaine containers as a military equipment or a diplomatic post.
The corrupted ministers perform the explosion of a nuclear reactor, in order to perform the money laundering on the "liquidation". One example of such a sabotage is presented in Sci-fi Рутений и Каюк (In Russian).

At the Russian invasion into Ukraine, since 2022.02.24, the Russian army suffers heavy losses; hindreds of Russian fascists are killed daily. In order go compensate the loss, the special police, the rosguardia, etc. are recruited to be send into Ukraine; and thy are expected to be killed there.

In this conditions, for the police, for the guardia, for any security workers, it is very important to organize some small domestic terroristic acts, in order to show to the Usurper, that they need to remain at their place; over–vice, Many important objets ar Belgorod and the railroads around happen to be explored.

In particular, this expectation refers to the Razumny bridge. It is not so big, but still sufficient, that any explosion there could justify the presence of heavy vigilance.

Such an interpretation is in good agreement with general concept, that Corruption in Russia of century 21 not only for the large space, but become the common, usual phenomenon, that determined the entire life of the Russian officials [2].

Observation of publications about Belgorod and railroads around are supposed to allow the testing of this concept; either confirm it (if more explosion are reported) or reject it (if no more accidents at the Russian railroads are reported).


Publications bout the Razumny bridge are collected in TORI with scientific goals.

Murdering of the Russian fascists is not element of set of such goals.

In particular, neither the evidences, collected in the cited literature, nor the interpretation should be interpreted as an appeal to exploding Razumny bridge or some other Russian equipment during the Russian invasion into Ukraine.

However, the Editor keeps his right (and even duty) to call things with their proper names.


  1. https://izvestia.kharkov.ua/proisshestvija/pod-belgorodom-vzorvali-zheleznodorozhnyj-most-ukrainskaja-razvedka-preduprezhdaet-o-teraktah-foto/ Под Белгородом взорвали ж/д мост: Украинская разведка предупреждает о терактах. 2022.04.13 На железнодорожной ветке Белгород — Волчанск — Купянск неизвестные подорвали мост. Украинская разведка предупреждает, что враг планирует теракты на своей территории, сообщают «Харьковские известия». // «В Шебекинском городском округе повреждение железнодорожных путей. Жертв и пострадавших нет. Разрушено только железнодорожное полотно. На месте работает оперативная группа», — говорится в заявлении губернатора Белгородской области Вячеслава Гладкова в мессенджере Телеграм.
  2. http://kremlin.ru/transcripts/1566 Д.Медведев. Вступительное слово на заседании Совета по противодействию коррупции. 30 сентября 2008 года, 16:25 Москва, Кремль. Д.Медведев: Коррупция в нашей стране приобрела не просто масштабный характер, она стала привычным, обыденным явлением, которое характеризует саму жизнь в нашем обществе...


Belgorod, Collapse of RF, Corruption, Designate Russia as state sponsor of terrorism, False flag operation, Kestus, Mechanisms of history Nezhegol Bridge, Rail war, Putin world war, Russian invasion into Ukraine, Sabotage, Severski bridge, Terror, Usurpation

А нас то за что, Доктрина Кнопса, КГБ взрывает Россию, Механизмы истории, Рельсовая война, Рутений и Каюк