State sponsor of terrorism

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State sponsor of terrorism is qualification of a country, characterized in that, that the top officials administration of this country spend the national resources (army, budget) for financing of terroristic organizations, or use the national military forces, police and other governement-supported organisations for terroristic actions as ihtamnets for piracy, plundering of properties, political murders, Hybrid wars, genocide of journalists, as a rented mercenaries and/or other similar activity.

References Visa Applicants - State Sponsors of Terrorism Countries

2016.07.04. Dina Temple-Raston. Istanbul Bombing: Investigators Focus On Russian-Speaking Bombers. July 4, 20166:41 AM ET.

2016.10.03. Human rights watch.UN: Demand End to Unlawful Aleppo Attacks. Russia, a Participant in the Abuse, Should Not Veto. October 3, 2016 3:07PM EDT.

2017.03.23. В Киеве убит экс-депутат Госдумы Вороненков. Убийство экс-депутата Вороненкова в Киеве (21) 13:3423.03.2017 (обновлено: 14:29 23.03.2017). В полиции Киева считают, что убийство россиянина могло быть заказным. Следователи рассматривают только одну версию — причастность "российских спецслужб".

2019.12.04. La Haute-Savoie, camp de base d’espions russes spécialisés dans les assassinats ciblés Une traque a permis de localiser quinze officiers du renseignement militaire. Certains y sont venus à de nombreuses reprises, en provenance de Londres, d’Espagne ou de Suisse.// La vengeance est un plat qui se mange froid, surtout dans le monde de l’espionnage. Selon les informations du Monde, une traque sans précédent, lancée, au printemps 2018, par les services de contre-espionnage britannique, français, suisse et leurs partenaires, notamment américains, a permis de dresser une liste de quinze officiers du renseignement militaire russe (GRU). Ces membres d’une même unité, spécialisée dans les assassinats, ont circulé en Europe, de 2014 jusqu’à la fin 2018.// Tous ces services secrets se sont mobilisés après l’attaque au Novitchok – un agent neurotoxique innervant de l’ère soviétique –, le 4 mars 2018, à Salisbury, dans le sud de l’Angleterre, par deux officiers du GRU, menée contre Sergueï Skripal, un ancien collègue passé à l’Ouest.// Base arrière et logistique// Cette vaste chasse aux tueurs, à laquelle la Direction générale de la sécurité intérieure (DGSI) a fortement contribué, a montré que les quinze officiers du GRU ont transité et résidé en France pendant cette période. Certains à de nombreuses reprises, d’autres une ou deux fois. Ils venaient de Londres, de Moscou, d’Espagne ou de Suisse. L’Hexagone a pu leur servir d’étape dite « de sécurité » avant que ces agents, rompus aux techniques de clandestinité, n’atteignent leur destination finale.// Ces hommes ont très régulièrement séjourné dans la même zone, en Haute-Savoie, dans des villes comme Annemasse, Evian ou Chamonix, et dans des bourgs plus isolés. Avant cela, ils ont souvent atterri à Roissy ou à Lyon, une fois à Nice, avant de passer la nuit dans un hôtel à Cannes (Alpes-Maritimes), et de nombreuses fois à Genève. Ils ont alors loué des voitures pour se rendre en Haute-Savoie.// Si de nombreuses questions subsistent encore, cette région frontalière avec la Suisse aurait, selon le contre-espionnage français, servi de base arrière et logistique à ce service action du GRU pour des actions menées dans toute l’Europe. ..

2019.12.11. Wednesday, Dec 11, 2019 10:00 AM – S-116 Foreign Relations Business meeting to consider S.2641, to promote United States national security and prevent the resurgence of ISIS, S.2547, to state the policy of the United States with respect to the expansion of cooperation with allies and partners in the Indo-Pacific region and Europe regarding the People's Republic of China, S.2977, to extend the termination of sanctions with respect to Venezuela under the Venezuela Defense of Human Rights and Civil Society Act of 2014, S.1310, to strengthen participation of elected national legislators in the activities of the Organization of American States and reaffirm United States support for Organization of American States human rights and anti-corruption initiatives, S.1830, to enhance the security of the United States and its allies, S.704, to prioritize the efforts of and enhance coordination among United States agencies to encourage countries in Central and Eastern Europe to diversify their energy sources and supply routes, increase Europe's energy security, and help the United States reach its global energy security goals, S.1189, to require the Secretary of State to determine whether the Russian Federation should be designated as a state sponsor of terrorism and whether Russian-sponsored armed entities in Ukraine should be designated as foreign terrorist organizations, S.482, to strengthen the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, to combat international cybercrime, and to impose additional sanctions with respect to the Russian Federation, S.J.Res.4, requiring the advice and consent of the Senate or an Act of Congress to suspend, terminate, or withdraw the United States from the North Atlantic Treaty and authorizing related litigation, S.Con.Res.23, honoring the 75th Anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge fought during World War II, recognizing the valiant efforts of the Allied Forces in December 1944, and remembering those who made the ultimate sacrifice, all of which contributed to the Allied victory in the European Theater, S.Res.142, condemning the Government of the Philippines for its continued detention of Senator Leila De Lima, calling for her immediate release, S.Res.152, expressing the importance of the United States alliance with the Republic of Korea and the contributions of Korean Americans in the United States, S.Res.260, recognizing the importance of sustained United States leadership to accelerating global progress against maternal and child malnutrition and supporting the commitment of the United States Agency for International Development to global nutrition through the Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Strategy, S.Res.297, commending the Inter-American Foundation (IAF) on the occasion of its 50th anniversary for its significant accomplishments and contributions to the economic and social development of the Americas, S.Res.343, congratulating the people of the Czech Republic and the people of the Slovak Republic on the 30th anniversary of the Velvet Revolution, the 26th anniversary of the formation of the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic, and the 101st anniversary of the declaration of independence of Czechoslovakia, S.Res.371, reaffirming the support of the United States for the people of the Republic of South Sudan and calling on all parties to uphold their commitments to peace and dialogue as outlined in the 2018 revitalized peace agreement, S.Res.374, expressing support for the designation of October 23, 2019, as a national day of remembrance of the tragic terrorist bombing of the United States Marine Corps barracks in Beirut, Lebanon, in 1983, S.Res.375, recognizing the 75th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising, S.Res.385, celebrating the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, the reunification of both Germany and Europe, and the spread of democracy around the world, S.Res.395, recognizing the 40th anniversary of the Iran Hostage Crisis, H.R.2744, to authorize the Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development to prescribe the manner in which programs of the agency are identified overseas, H.R.133, to promote economic partnership and cooperation between the United States and Mexico, an original resolution expressing serious concern about widespread irregularities in Bolivia's October 20, 2019, general elections and supporting the convening of new elections in Bolivia at the earliest possible date, the nomination of Sung Y. Kim, of California, to be Ambassador to the Republic of Indonesia, Department of State, and other pending calendar business.


Annexation of Crimea, Budapest memorandum, Designate Russia as state sponsor of terrorism, Hybrid war, Ihtamnet, Katyn-2, KGB, MH17, Putin world war, Putin killed Nemtsov, Russian invasion into Georgia, Russian invasion into Ukraine, Russian invasion into Syria, State sponsor of terrorim Terror,,