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[[New World Order]] refers a concept, that breaks all the civilized customs, that had been
[[New World Order]] (Neue Weltordnung, [[Новый Мировой Порядок]]) refers a concept, that breaks all the civilized customs, that had been
elaborated and formulated during kiloyears, in order to follow the tolalitary ideas
elaborated and formulated during kiloyears, in order to follow the tolalitary ideas
of a dictator that had been usurped power in an empire and conquests, menaces and/or defeats other countries.
of a dictator that had been usurped power in an empire and conquests, menaces and/or defeats other countries.
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{{piu|EinVolk|240px}}<small><center>One nation, One country, one Fuhrer!</center></small></div>
[[File:Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Führer.jpg|200px]]</div>
Term [[New World Order]] is borrowed from the English version of the speech by [[Adolf Hitler]] 1941.01.30,
Therm [[New World Order]] is borrowed from the English version of the speech by [[Adolf Hitler]] 1941.01.30,
see «[[1941.01.30.HitlerSpeach]]». In that speech, the main goal is declared to be domination at Europe. However, the activity of the [[Hitler coalition]] and spreading of the [[World War II]] indicate, that the goal of the coalition extend to the whole Earth. (at east to the surface of the Earth.)
see «[[1941.01.30.HitlerSpeach]]».
The [[New World Order]] refers to domination of the single race (arian), the single nation (German),
The [[New World Order]] refers to domination of the single race (arian), the single nation (German),
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==Century 21==
==Century 21==
<div style="float:right; margin:-48px 0px 0px 8px">
<div style="float:right; margin:-48px 0px 0px 8px">
[[File:OdnaStrana.jpg|300px]]<small><center>[[One country! One president! And one victory!]]<ref>
{{piu|OdnaStrana|288px}}<small><center>[[One country! One president! And one victory!]]<ref>
https://meduza.io/feature/2022/08/23/odna-strana-odin-prezident-i-odna-pobeda «Одна страна! Один президент! И одна победа!» В Москве прошла церемония прощания с Дарьей Дугиной. Вот что на ней говорили. 18:24, 23 августа 2022 Источник: Meduza
https://meduza.io/feature/2022/08/23/odna-strana-odin-prezident-i-odna-pobeda «Одна страна! Один президент! И одна победа!» В Москве прошла церемония прощания с Дарьей Дугиной. Вот что на ней говорили. 18:24, 23 августа 2022 Источник: Meduza
<div class="thumb tright" style="float:right; margin:0px 0px 0px 8px">
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[[File:LukaPu54488584 303.jpg|160px]]<br>
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Summarizing and generalizing statements by [[putin]] (Russian [[usurpation|usurper]]) and the Russian [[propaganda]] of century 21,
Summarizing and generalizing statements by [[putin]] (Russian [[usurpation|usurper]]) and the Russian [[propaganda]] of century 21,
the essence of the [[New World Order]] can be formulated in the following way.
the essence of the [[New World Order]] can be formulated in the following way:
1. Any country that counts with some [[nuclear weapon]] («nuclear country») can attack any «non-nuclear country»; first with the [[hybrid war]] (using [[ihtamnet]]s) and then with the full-scale military invasion by the regular army ([[Спецоперация]]), and then, if failure, apply the [[nuclear weapon]].
1. Any country that counts with some [[nuclear weapon]] («nuclear country») can attack any «non-nuclear country»; first with the [[hybrid war]] (using [[ihtamnet]]s) and then with the full-scale military invasion by the regular army ([[Спецоперация]]), and then, if failure, apply the [[nuclear weapon]].
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3. The dictator, that counts with the [[nuclear weapon]], has no need to follow any international agreements, and may commit any kind of [[terror]], [[genocide]] and avoid the punishment, using population of his country and that of neighbors as [[hostage]]s.
3. The dictator, that counts with the [[nuclear weapon]], has no need to follow any international agreements, and may commit any kind of [[terror]], [[genocide]] and avoid the punishment, using population of his country and that of neighbors as [[hostage]]s.
4. Busyness and politicians of Civilized countries, doing the «real politics», should collaborate with the [[terror]]ist, with hope, that their country will not happen to be the next victim of the aggressor.
4. Busyness and politicians of Civilized countries, doing the «real politics», should collaborate with the [[terror]]ist, cede territory to the aggressor <ref>
[[James Billot]].
Nato official: Ukraine could cede territory to join alliance//
Stian Jenssen made the controversial proposal in Norway this week//
Tuesday, 15 August 2023
</ref>, with hope, that their country will not happen the next victim.
Development of the [[Putin world war]] at the beginning of century 21 shows, that the menaces with the [[nuclear weapon]] are, in certain sense, efficient, and the construction of the [[New World Order]] by the Russian usurper advances. Apparently, the Western leaders know, that [[putin]] is agent of [[KGB]], [[usurpation|usurper]], [[war crime]] and [[terror]]ist, but pretend that they do not know.
Development of the [[Putin world war]] at the beginning of century 21 shows, that the menaces with the [[nuclear weapon]] are, in certain sense, efficient, and the construction of the [[New World Order]] by the Russian usurper advances. Apparently, the Western leaders know, that [[putin]] is agent of [[KGB]], [[usurpation|usurper]], [[war crime]] and [[terror]]ist, but pretend that they do not know.
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==Existence, uniqueness and Stability==
==Existence, uniqueness and Stability==
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Simple model for duration of any [[New World Order]] is estimated in article «[[Kestus]]»:
Simple model for duration of any [[New World Order]] is estimated in article «[[Kestus]]»:
the empire collapses within approximately 16 years since the [[Separation of power]] principle is eliminated, excluded from the Federal law.
the empire collapses within approximately 16 years since the [[Separation of power]] principle is eliminated, excluded from the Federal Law.
==[[Mechanisms of history]]==
==[[Mechanisms of history]]==
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2022.03.10. https://news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/bdc8f64bd55abad9f4de4e0cb6c32c196f9a2a08 ロシア軍侵攻から2週間 小児病院にも攻撃 妊婦の姿も 3/10(木) 16:37配信 Copyright(C) Japan News Network. All rights reserved. ロシア軍がウクライナへの侵攻を始めてから2週間。ロシア軍の激しい攻撃が続く南東部マリウポリでは9日、小児病院などが攻撃され、けが人のなかには妊婦の姿もありました。// 大きな爆撃音のあと鳴り響いたサイレンの音。その後、大きな煙もあがりました。// 兵士 「丁寧にあげろよ!上に上に!」// 担架に乗せられ、病院の外へ連れ出されるけが人の中には妊婦の姿もありました。// 兵士「大丈夫!大丈夫!」// 子供「ママ!ママ!」// 兵士「ママが待っているよ(ミサイルは)飛んで行っちゃったから大丈夫だよ・・・中に入って!」// ウクライナ南東部マリウポリ。市民を避難させるための「人道回廊」が設置され周辺では、一時停戦が合意されていたのですが、産科と小児科があるこの病院では市民が攻撃にさらされていました。// ウクライナ軍兵士// 「空爆があったんです。その時、私たちはけが人を助け、避難させる準備をしているところだったんです」// ウクライナ ゼレンスキー大統領 // 「小児病院への攻撃は、ウクライナ人に対する大量虐殺が行われたことの証しだ」// マリウポリはロシア軍の激しい攻撃を受けている都市の1つで、副市長は9日、ロシア軍の攻撃でこれまでに少なくとも市民1170人が死亡したと明らかにしました。 ..
2022.03.10. https://news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/bdc8f64bd55abad9f4de4e0cb6c32c196f9a2a08 ロシア軍侵攻から2週間 小児病院にも攻撃 妊婦の姿も 3/10(木) 16:37配信 Copyright(C) Japan News Network. All rights reserved. ロシア軍がウクライナへの侵攻を始めてから2週間。ロシア軍の激しい攻撃が続く南東部マリウポリでは9日、小児病院などが攻撃され、けが人のなかには妊婦の姿もありました。// 大きな爆撃音のあと鳴り響いたサイレンの音。その後、大きな煙もあがりました。// 兵士 「丁寧にあげろよ!上に上に!」// 担架に乗せられ、病院の外へ連れ出されるけが人の中には妊婦の姿もありました。// 兵士「大丈夫!大丈夫!」// 子供「ママ!ママ!」// 兵士「ママが待っているよ(ミサイルは)飛んで行っちゃったから大丈夫だよ・・・中に入って!」// ウクライナ南東部マリウポリ。市民を避難させるための「人道回廊」が設置され周辺では、一時停戦が合意されていたのですが、産科と小児科があるこの病院では市民が攻撃にさらされていました。// ウクライナ軍兵士// 「空爆があったんです。その時、私たちはけが人を助け、避難させる準備をしているところだったんです」// ウクライナ ゼレンスキー大統領 // 「小児病院への攻撃は、ウクライナ人に対する大量虐殺が行われたことの証しだ」// マリウポリはロシア軍の激しい攻撃を受けている都市の1つで、副市長は9日、ロシア軍の攻撃でこれまでに少なくとも市民1170人が死亡したと明らかにしました。 ..
<div style="margin:0px 0px 0px 30px; line-height:1.2em">
Володимир Золкин. «ЗАЧЕМ ЭТО ВСЁ НАДО БЫЛО??» OmTV UA,
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«[[Chemical weapon]]»,
«[[Chemical weapon]]»,
«[[Designate Russia as state sponsor of terrorism]]»
«[[Designate Russia as state sponsor of terrorism]]»
«[[Designate Russia as terrorist state]]»
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«[[New World Order]]»,
«[[Nuclear weapon]]»,
«[[Nuclear weapon]]»,
«[[Putin world war]]»,
«[[Putin world war]]»,
«[[Russia-Ukraine war]]»,
«[[Russia-Ukraine war]]»,
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[[Category:Designate Russia as state sponsor of terrorism]]
[[Category:Designate Russia as state sponsor of terrorism]]
[[Category:Designate Russia as terrorist state]]
[[Category:Nuclear weapon]]
[[Category:Nuclear weapon]]
[[Category:Putin coalition]]
[[Category:Putin coalition]]
[[Category:Putin wold war]]
[[Category:Putin wold war]]
[[Category:Russki mir]]
[[Category:Russki mir]]
[[Category:Nuclear weapon]]

Latest revision as of 14:27, 16 August 2023

0 5c755 b1f4e422 L.jpg

New World Order (Neue Weltordnung, Новый Мировой Порядок) refers a concept, that breaks all the civilized customs, that had been elaborated and formulated during kiloyears, in order to follow the tolalitary ideas of a dictator that had been usurped power in an empire and conquests, menaces and/or defeats other countries.

New World Order is considered as a typical attribute of fascism.

New World Order assumes, that all the people, all the countries should obey the single country, single usurper and his single victory, or to be defeated, exterminated in a total war ( see also genocide).

The examples of the New World Order for century 20 and for century 21 are considered below.

Century 20

One nation, One country, one Fuhrer!

Therm New World Order is borrowed from the English version of the speech by Adolf Hitler 1941.01.30, see «1941.01.30.HitlerSpeach». In that speech, the main goal is declared to be domination at Europe. However, the activity of the Hitler coalition and spreading of the World War II indicate, that the goal of the coalition extend to the whole Earth. (at east to the surface of the Earth.)

The New World Order refers to domination of the single race (arian), the single nation (German), the single country (Deutschland) and the single Fuhrer (Adolf Hitler):

Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Führer

In century 20, the principle New World Order leaded to the World War II, genocide and millions victims.

The heavy efforts of the Anti-Hitler coalition were required to stop the New World Order; the quarrel inside the Hitler coalition (war between Stalin and Hitler) helped to defeat one of the New World Order (Hitler's Germany) and to weaken another one; in that war, the USSR got the lethal demographic trauma and collapsed the same 20th century, see «Collapse of the USSR» and «Россия проиграла Вторую Мировую войну» (in Russian).

Century 21

LukaPu54488584 303.jpg

In century 21, the main postulates of the New World Order can be formulated in more general form, referring to the barbaric idea of a crazy usurper about domination over the world with the nuclear weapon.

Summarizing and generalizing statements by putin (Russian usurper) and the Russian propaganda of century 21, the essence of the New World Order can be formulated in the following way:

1. Any country that counts with some nuclear weapon («nuclear country») can attack any «non-nuclear country»; first with the hybrid war (using ihtamnets) and then with the full-scale military invasion by the regular army (Спецоперация), and then, if failure, apply the nuclear weapon.

2. The aggressor that counts with the nuclear weapon can commit any war crimes; the other countries should not interfere, because they afraid of escalation of the conflict to the world-wide full-scale nuclear war.

3. The dictator, that counts with the nuclear weapon, has no need to follow any international agreements, and may commit any kind of terror, genocide and avoid the punishment, using population of his country and that of neighbors as hostages.

4. Busyness and politicians of Civilized countries, doing the «real politics», should collaborate with the terrorist, cede territory to the aggressor [2], with hope, that their country will not happen the next victim.

Development of the Putin world war at the beginning of century 21 shows, that the menaces with the nuclear weapon are, in certain sense, efficient, and the construction of the New World Order by the Russian usurper advances. Apparently, the Western leaders know, that putin is agent of KGB, usurper, war crime and terrorist, but pretend that they do not know. Similar ignorance took place in years 1930 and leaded to the World War II.
The apology of collaboration with the New World Order (and its terror) is presented in emulation «Философия Меркель» (in Russian).
However, the heroic resistance from side of the Ukraine people and creation of the anti-Putin coalition are expected to stop development of the New World Order in century 21, although the collaboration with the New World Order looks very attractive and beneficial: the country, that helps the aggressor, may hope, that it will be attacked (and converted into the radioactive ache) last.


PopHitler1.jpg PopPu.jpg S0jdhbjy6v9kFragment.jpg TusGeorgiaBoxingFragment.jpg BackInTheUSSR.jpg HowBetter.jpg OneMinuteVladimir.jpg Naberli.jpg BloodyMadam1.jpg Pepel.jpg PutiNuk.jpg KolbasaGulag2.jpg

Existence, uniqueness and Stability

Any mathematician, dealing with any new object, is interested in the questions of the definition, the existence, the uniqueness and the application: how to deal with the object, now to use it.

The conjecture about the existence follows from the examples of the bolshevik's USSR, Hitler's Germany and Putin's Russia.

The uniqueness is more doubtful: the two New World Orders coexisted in years 1930s–1940, and even tried to collaborate with each other, see «Hitler coalition». However, that collaboration did not last long; after to plunder various countries, the two tyrants begin to fight each other. This refers to question of duration.

Any physicist, dealing with a new object think about its identification and its stability: how long can it exist?
The time scale of a physical object may vary from the Planck time (at shorter scale, the common-sense time losses its meaning as a classical quantity) to the age of the Universe (at larger scale, the question about the refutation of the concept becomes very difficult).

Duration of the New World Order may vary from few days (for example, the Soviet putch of KGB in Russia in 1991 August) to several centuries (cases of the Roman Empire or that of the Mongol Golden Hord).

Simple model for duration of any New World Order is estimated in article «Kestus»: the empire collapses within approximately 16 years since the Separation of power principle is eliminated, excluded from the Federal Law.

Mechanisms of history

The existence of the Human Civilization indicates, that there exist some mechanisms, that destroy any New World Order before this "order" suppurates ofer the whole Earth.

The Mechanisms of history appear as some analogy of God(s) of the most of religions. In this sense, the destruction of the New World Order can be interpreted as the God's will, result of the Nemeside's action.

Revealing the Mechanisms of history has the scientific interest. Perhaps, effienciency of most these mechanism is low (and cannot be detected at good statistical significance). However, the huge amount these mechanisms may determine the general trend of development of the Human history. Tracing of collapse of each New World Order may help to trace these mechanisms.


Publications about the New World Order are collected and analyzed in TORI with scientific goals.

Fight against fascism is not element of set of these goals.

It seems to be impossible to crash fascism with the scientific research: one basic and the most important property of fascism is absence, avoiding any scientific argumentation, see «Female logic». The New World Order dies together with the country where it is grown; either at the collation with another New World Order (see «ссора между Гитлером и Сталиным», in Russian), or due to efforts of collaboration of other countries in their attempt to save the Human civilization, see «Anti-Hitler coalition», «I bombed Dresden».

The Editor hopes, that in the civilized countries, there exist professionals, who have abilities an weapon to crash any New World Order – according to postulate of existence of the mechanisms of history.

However, the Editor keeps his right to call things with their proper names.


  1. https://meduza.io/feature/2022/08/23/odna-strana-odin-prezident-i-odna-pobeda «Одна страна! Один президент! И одна победа!» В Москве прошла церемония прощания с Дарьей Дугиной. Вот что на ней говорили. 18:24, 23 августа 2022 Источник: Meduza
  2. https://unherd.com/thepost/nato-official-ukraine-could-cede-territory-to-join-alliance/ James Billot. Nato official: Ukraine could cede territory to join alliance// Stian Jenssen made the controversial proposal in Norway this week// Tuesday, 15 August 2023

2022.03.10. https://news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/bdc8f64bd55abad9f4de4e0cb6c32c196f9a2a08 ロシア軍侵攻から2週間 小児病院にも攻撃 妊婦の姿も 3/10(木) 16:37配信 Copyright(C) Japan News Network. All rights reserved. ロシア軍がウクライナへの侵攻を始めてから2週間。ロシア軍の激しい攻撃が続く南東部マリウポリでは9日、小児病院などが攻撃され、けが人のなかには妊婦の姿もありました。// 大きな爆撃音のあと鳴り響いたサイレンの音。その後、大きな煙もあがりました。// 兵士 「丁寧にあげろよ!上に上に!」// 担架に乗せられ、病院の外へ連れ出されるけが人の中には妊婦の姿もありました。// 兵士「大丈夫!大丈夫!」// 子供「ママ!ママ!」// 兵士「ママが待っているよ(ミサイルは)飛んで行っちゃったから大丈夫だよ・・・中に入って!」// ウクライナ南東部マリウポリ。市民を避難させるための「人道回廊」が設置され周辺では、一時停戦が合意されていたのですが、産科と小児科があるこの病院では市民が攻撃にさらされていました。// ウクライナ軍兵士// 「空爆があったんです。その時、私たちはけが人を助け、避難させる準備をしているところだったんです」// ウクライナ ゼレンスキー大統領 // 「小児病院への攻撃は、ウクライナ人に対する大量虐殺が行われたことの証しだ」// マリウポリはロシア軍の激しい攻撃を受けている都市の1つで、副市長は9日、ロシア軍の攻撃でこれまでに少なくとも市民1170人が死亡したと明らかにしました。 ..

2023.08.14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EoUjElzRbQg Володимир Золкин. «ЗАЧЕМ ЭТО ВСЁ НАДО БЫЛО??» OmTV UA,


«Anti-Hitler coalition», «Anti-Putin coalition», «Boshirov and Petrov», «Bucha», «Chemical weapon», «Designate Russia as state sponsor of terrorism» «Designate Russia as terrorist state» «Fascism», «[[]]», «Genocide», «Hybrid war», «I bombed Dresden», «Irpin», «Kestus», «New World Order», «Novichok», «Noxa», «Nuclear weapon», «Pahanat», «Putin world war», «Russia-Ukraine war», «Russian invasion into Georgia», «Russian invasion into Ukraine», «Stop Putin», «Total war», «War crime», «World War II», «[[]]»,

«А нас то за что», «Буча», «Ирпень», «На портянки», «Российское вторжение в Украину», «Россия полностью уничтожила Мариуполь», «Рыжий Пу», «Спецоперация»,