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Cruikshank All among the Hottentots capering to shore 1820.jpg
Cannibals of century 19 [1]
Cannibals of century 20 [2]
Cannibals of century 21

Cannibalism (Каннибализм) is the practice of eating the bodies of the same species.

In the civilized Human societies, Cannibalism is prohibited.

However, in centuries 20 and 21, publications about new events of cannibalism are observed [3][2][4].

Administration of Moscovia does not consider the cannibalism as a big deal [5][4]. Some centuries more may be required to release Central, North and East Eurasia from cannibalism.

Papua New Guinea and South America


Cannibalism is popular during the USSR.

During the holodomors, some farmers are forced to feed their oldest children with youngest ones.

The same happened at {eretburg in 1940-1944; the bolsheviks did not supply food to the citizen in order to sell them in exchange for the family jewelry; most of non-privileged people of Peterburt, survived the World War !!, are cannibals.

Ar some concertration camp of Gulag, the prisoners had to eat other prisoners in order to survive, see «Nazin» Назин).

The Russian Pahanat of century 21 is closer to cannibalism than to so-called «Western civilization».

The Russian usurper putin pardons the cannibals but not dissidents (sentenced for trying inform the people on that is happening at Moscovia) [4][6][7].

Pardoning of cannibals can be easy interpreted, if the pardoned killers participated in organization of the cannibal parties for putin and his crime partners (see «2016.06.18.Catastrophe», «Бармалей») ).


In the art, the cannibalism is traditionally demonized [8].

Cannibals HottentotsHottentotten», «Готтентоты») are mentioned in story «Heidi» («Хейди») as a most horrible Human civilization.

In Utopia Tartaria, the Cannibalism is allowed, but it is prohibited to kill Humans for food and, in general, it is prohibited to kill Humans (except self-defense), to steal someone's property, to trick the people, etc).

In the story «Cannibal tale» («Каннибальная сказка»), the barbarians of the South America are compared to the Eurasian civilizations of century 20 and 21. The comparison is not in factor of the Eurasian civilization.


Publications about Cannibalism are collected and analyzed in TORI with scioentiofic goals.

The revenge is not element of the set of these goals.

The interpretation sugghested is not an appeal to exterminate all cannibals.

The interpretation suggested is not an appeal to legalize cannibalism.

But Editor keeps his right to call things with their proper names, to construct the historic models and to compare their prediction to more fresh publications.


  1. Full text: "All among the Hottentots Capering ashore"!! or the Blessings of Emigration to the Cape of Forlorn Good Hope (ie) To be half roasted by the Sun & Devoured by the Natives!! recommend to the Serious consideration of all those who are about to Emigrate. Description Afrikaans: All among the Hottentots capering ashore, 'n satiriese uitbeelding van die 1820-setlaars, wat die emigrante herinner aan die gevare wat op hulle wag. English: All among the Hottentots Capring ashore, a satirical view of the 1820 settlers, to remind emigrants of the dangers awaiting them. Date circa 1820 Source Suid-Afrikaanse Geskiedenis in Beeld (1989) by Anthony Preston. Bion Books: Printed in South Africa. Author Credit only as "Cruikshank, presumably George Cruikshank (1792–1878).
  2. 2.0 2.1 An official visit of President of the Central African Republic Jean-Bedel Bokassa to the USSR. A visit to Leningrad. First Secretary of the Leningrad Regional Communist Party Committee Grigory Romanov, left, Chairman of the Committee for State Security of the Soviet Council of Ministers Yury Andropov, 2nd right, and President of the Central African Republic Jean-Bedel Bokassa, center. Categories: Politics Location: St.Petersburg, Russia Event date: 06.07.1970 Date published: 04.05.2018 Author: Vyacheslav ..
  3. David Smith in Johannesburg. 'Cannibal' dictator Bokassa given posthumous pardon // Fri 3 Dec 2010, One of Africa's most brutal dictators, accused of cannibalism and feeding his opponents to animals, has received a posthumous pardon from his country. Jean-Bédel Bokassa was the self-crowned emperor of the Central African Republic (CAR) until he was ousted in 1979.
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Why did Putin pardon a cannibal? 24 November 2023
  5. An official visit of President of the Central African Republic Jean-Bedel Bokassa to the USSR. A visit to Leningrad. First Secretary of the Leningrad Regional Communist Party Committee Grigory Romanov, left, Chairman of the Committee for State Security of the Soviet Council of Ministers Yury Andropov, 2nd right, and President of the Central African Republic Jean-Bedel Bokassa, center. Event date: 06.07.1970 Date published: 04.05.2018 Author: Vyacheslav
  6. Власти выпустили на свободу убийцу 4 человек и людоеда с Сахалина. 23 ноября 2023. На свободу выпустили Дениса Горина из Сахалинской области - людоеда, который убил как минимум четырех человек. Его освободили из колонии и отправили на войну в Украину, первым сообщил телеграм-канал "Сахалин против войны". Сосед Горина по имени Дмитрий подтвердил эту информацию редакции Сибирь.Реалии. Он добавил, что Горин сейчас находится в госпитале Южно-Сахалинска.
  7. Участвовали в войне против Украины: Путин помиловал двух убийц-людоедов − росСМИ ИРИНА БАЛАЧУК — ЧЕТВЕРГ, 23 НОЯБРЯ 2023, 14:11 Российский диктатор Владимир Путин за участие в войне с Украиной помиловал сахалинского людоеда Дениса Горина и осужденного за ритуальные убийства Николая Оголобяка, который также имеет в биографии факт людоедства, сообщают росСМИ.
  8. https:// Emanuelle And The Last (Cannibal) (2024) Cannibalism is the act of consuming another individual of the same species as food. .. This is a list of incidents of cannibalism, or anthropophagy, the consumption of human flesh or internal organs by other human beings.

2013.01.01. Updated 01 January 2013 AGENCE FRANCE PRESSE January 01, 2013 15:00 GUWAHATI, India: Police in northeast India said Tuesday they believed workers on a tea plantation who bludgeoned their boss and his wife to death last month also ate parts of their bodies. A crowd of 1,000 workers at the privately-owned M.K.B. Tea Estate in the state of Assam surrounded the plantation owner’s bungalow last week. A mob then set it on fire in violence blamed on festering labor unrest in the region. “Our investigations say that at least five plantation workers ate the flesh of the tea planter and his wife after they were brutally killed,” Numol Mahatao, deputy police chief of Tinsukia district, told journalists.

2019.09.08. Celia Farbe. Swedish Researcher Advocates Eating Human Flesh to Combat Climate Change Food Shortages. September 4, 2019 Updated: September 8, 2019. A screenshot from a T.V. program in which behavioral scientist Magnus Söderlund asks, "Can You Imagine Eating Human Flesh." (screenshot/Sweden Channel 4)

2019.09.09. Scientist suggests eating human flesh to fight climate change By Gerren Keith Gaynor, Fox News September 9, 2019 | 12:52pm A Swedish scientist speaking at Stockholm summit last week offered an unusual possible tactic in combating global climate change: eating human flesh.// Stockholm School of Economics professor and researcher Magnus Soderlund reportedly said he believes eating human meat, derived from dead bodies, might be able to help save the human race if only a world society were to “awaken the idea.”